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v Blackpool (H) Match Thread


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Don’t really agree with calling people out like that but if people offended then need some real problems!

maybe is true, maybe it isn’t. But acting like suggesting our young players anything but perfect is a crime is ridiculous. 

Will give warne criticism when warrants it but think players have to be thick skinned enough for things like that too.

storm in a teacup.

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1 hour ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

I didn’t watch the game, I didn’t hear the radio Derby interview. I’m not disputing/defending the criticism of Warne’s tactics, the team’s performance, or his comments. 
I am commenting on my own opinion that none of that needs to become personal to the man. Clearly it’s not how some people think but I’m of the belief that you can comment on how the 3 at the back doesn’t work, or how the pressing doesn’t work, or how the team doesn’t appear to have connected yet despite pre season without attacking a person’s beliefs or values. 

Yes I agree, but one of the problems here appears to be Warnes persona. Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut? Was there any need to go on and on about maybe it was 'heads turned' or maybe not and he was 'uber paranoid' etc etc. Why couldn't he just say, they're not getting the message, we'll try harder? Because that is not who he is. Now I like the bloke, and there should be no personal abuse but you have to question how he deals with players and the media and the effect that has - just like he was questioning the effect a bid for one of the players 'turned heads'.

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4 minutes ago, Rich3478 said:

Don’t really agree with calling people out like that but if people offended then need some real problems!

maybe is true, maybe it isn’t. But acting like suggesting our young players anything but perfect is a crime is ridiculous. 

Will give warne criticism when warrants it but think players have to be thick skinned enough for things like that too.

storm in a teacup.

Perhaps they are. Perhaps the thin-skin is Warnes and they way he reacts to the players? Maybe he sees players leaving to other clubs as something personal?

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1 minute ago, RoyMac5 said:

Perhaps they are. Perhaps the thin-skin is Warnes and they way he reacts to the players? Maybe he sees players leaving to other clubs as something personal?

Maybe. Think better off just focusing on the next game and getting some points.

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1 minute ago, Rich3478 said:

Maybe. Think better off just focusing on the next game and getting some points.

I agree, but did you see the back 5 first half? I only saw the goals on Sky Sports News but the defending was atrocious.

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I only heard the Rams TV interview - I was actually impressed that he was so honest and took ownership for the defeat.
Blackpool were the better team and by a considerable margin, Warne acknowledged that and gave credit. For me the problem with this forum is that many people are not prepared to do the same - they only see it from a rose tinted DCFC perspective. 

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10 hours ago, MACKWORTHRAM said:

These players are meant to want to play in the Championship. The younger ones. Bird, Cashin etc are also wanting to probably move on and play at a higher level.

If they can only play in one formation they aren't gonna get very far. Managers change formations during games.

They have to learn. He clearly doesn't want them playing sideways or backwards. But they do it anyway.

You mention Cash and Bird so I'll start there.

Both were played in an unfamiliar position on Saturday, Cashin wide left in a back 3 and what looked like Bird in a more forward position, 2 young players that have ability but 2 young players that are being asked to do a job that doesn't suit there playing style.

Cashin in particular is not a wide left defender, Saturday showed that, Chasing back their wide player or trying to put crosses in...he struggled, Bird is not a play maker in that sense in a more forward thinking line up.

Lets go to our Captain Hourihane where the players chose him to lead, A decision that PW was happy to let happen, This I was very disappointed in, I'm the manager and I pick the captain not the players, It shows PWs mentality in his attitude to todays game/players.

Our formation of 3 at the back and a high press is very good if you have the players to do it, Saturday showed we didn't, Posters on here saying ah but Blackpool's 2 goals were mistakes and weren't down to PW even I said that, But, Having a giant CH with very little pace who lost the ball(it happens)and was out paced, Their 2nd was with Wildsmith getting caught out as it was his ball all day long, Maybe down to the new players in front of him.

Finally playing players who who are young and talented out of their comfort zone shows where we're at...shoehorning young uns where old uns know the score.

On PWs comments on some players heads maybe turned, If so then it's down to their agents...imo, Agents are the oil that wheels our game, They're the good, The bad and the ugly in todays world, They want their cut of any wage that the player earns and if the player earns more then they earn more, PW sees these players and texts these players, Talks to them on face time and he's not seen thier heads have been turned😡, Coming out in the press and saying this has now made me think about PWs ability to to manage at a bigger club, You keep this kind of comment in house...he's shifting the blame to the players.

At Burton on Saturday, A team I wouldn't want to play when I've lost my 1st 2 games, Their manager will be in the Burton players ears telling them that DCFC aint all that and they don't look like the favourites to win promotion.

All up to you Mr Warne...Convince me I might be wrong

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20 minutes ago, RoyMac5 said:

Yes I agree, but one of the problems here appears to be Warnes persona. Why couldn't he keep his mouth shut? Was there any need to go on and on about maybe it was 'heads turned' or maybe not and he was 'uber paranoid' etc etc. Why couldn't he just say, they're not getting the message, we'll try harder? Because that is not who he is. Now I like the bloke, and there should be no personal abuse but you have to question how he deals with players and the media and the effect that has - just like he was questioning the effect a bid for one of the players 'turned heads'.

Having not yet heard the radio interview I can’t comment too much on the specifics. If it’s as bad as some are making out then I understand the questions being asked.
Speculating on it from my less than informed perspective one argument is that Warne should have been more diplomatic and avoided such comments. Another is that he’s the manager of the club and it’s his right to speak his mind, he’s not the first manager to publicly call something out and he definitely won’t be the last. 
I’m more interested in the solution than the problem in most things, I want to see (as I’m sure most fans do) what Warne and his staff are going to do to get this team working how he intends, or failing that, change his approach to one that suits the players available. The real question is whether or not he will. Lots will point to him being stubborn and a one trick pony, which ignores the fact his Rotherham sides used different formations during his time there, and also the fact he did (through circumstance) adapt last season. 
For now I’ve just got to accept there are lots of fans with grievances to air, which they’re entitled to do, and trust that things will get better one way or another.

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10 hours ago, Caerphilly Ram said:


Clearly the 3 at the back isn’t working so far this season. 

.So the questions then become what is he doing about them and how does he change it?I think it needs to be a switch to a back 4 for the weekend, either 4-3-3 or 4-4-2 to provide a more solid platform to the side. 

He will always hold his hand up to say "I was wrong" I've heard him say this a few times since he's been here, If he changes to a back 4 his thoughts/playing style will have been shot out of the water and shown yet again "I was wrong".

I like him I really do but that interview is saying quite a bit about the football man, He looked beaten and troubled and looking for something, I hope he finds it, Football needs the PWs of this world 🫢

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5 minutes ago, angieram said:

Here is the Radio Derby interview.


Thanks Angie. Having listened to it, and aware I’m 11/12 hours or so removed from the result, I don’t think it’s as bad as some do. 
My take on it, which I know doesn’t match others, is Warne is trying to rationalise in his own head the perceived lack of effort from the side. Poor choice of words, but when he used the Vickers example and said words to the effect of “there’s been a bid, now there’s an improved bid” I’m wondering if Hull have come back in for Bird and it’s rocked the team a bit collectively with the realisation he could go and there’s still a need for more signings. 
I do think he should have avoided that line altogether, a more generalised comment about the effort of the collective and not quite being at it would have been enough. But for me it’s not the “Max Bird has downed tools” that some seem to have received it as. Poor decision by Warne to mention it, salvageable within the dressing room is my summary.

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5 minutes ago, The Last Post said:

He will always hold his hand up to say "I was wrong" I've heard him say this a few times since he's been here, If he changes to a back 4 his thoughts/playing style will have been shot out of the water and shown yet again "I was wrong".

I like him I really do but that interview is saying quite a bit about the football man, He looked beaten and troubled and looking for something, I hope he finds it, Football needs the PWs of this world 🫢

Yep, that’s fair. He seems a bit lost, something isn’t right and that’s fair comment. This is why I’ve said a few times he needs to earn his bread now. Not interested in pulling the bloke down, just want him to get it sorted. 

If he is the relationship manager he professes to be, he needs to use that open and honest approach to engage his team and understand what he can do to improve things for them. He needs to look at himself and ask “is it worth persisting with this tactic when it doesn’t appear right?” Then figure out either how to make it work or what to change it to. 
My thoughts are if he’s insistent in playing a back 3 he needs to tweak it so this overlapping cb thing doesn’t feature so much, leave the back 3 as a solid platform and tell the rest of the team to go and play forwards. Alternatively switch to a back 4 with Wilson or Ward at rb and the other further ahead. It’s not working, so fix it Warne.

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My only pluses from my seat in the South stand last night were the beautiful changing colours of the sky. There was also a plane with a majestic sweeping left turn. 

As for the football, it has all been said. What I would like to see is an end to the chasing down of defenders. We are not good at it, we don’t have the players to do it, and in the two games thus far teams are finding it so easy to create massive gaps to play through. I would prefer to see us organised as a team when we don’t have the ball. 

I am all for getting the ball into the area as that is where most goals are scored. We are so predictable in the way that we do it, defences are finding it easy. 

We need (in my humble opinion) to be playing with four at the back, four in midfield, let’s be more compact and a tad more variety in the way we attack. 

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2 hours ago, sage said:

Very few made it personal to Warne till he made it personal to our best young players.

Many of us were previously frustrated and offered constructive criticism but last night crossed a line.


Sorry sage missed this earlier. You are typically measured in your criticism and constructive, not denying that. I know I’ve challenged some views but I can at least see and appreciate your rationale.

There have however long been comments from various posters about Warne that are much more about the man than the coach, pre-dating his radio interview last night. Comments dismissing the why wall, recruiting based on character as well as footballing ability, his choice of headwear, his historic experience and job roles, dismissing his career as a player and a manager, the mug thing, his humour. I get it’s not to everyone’s taste, I simply view those comments as holding less sense and rationale than a measured response to his tactics, or the post match interview or whatever. 

Edited by Caerphilly Ram
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4 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

Sorry sage missed this earlier. You are typically measured in your criticism and constructive, not denying that. I know I’ve challenged some views but I can at least see and appreciate your rationale.

There have however long been comments from various posters about Warne that are much more about the man than the coach, pre-dating his radio interview last night. Comments dismissing the why wall, recruiting based on character as well as footballing ability, his choice of headwear, his historic experience and job roles, dismissing his career as a player and a manager, the mug thing, his humour. I get it’s not to everyone’s taste, I simply view those comments as holding less sense and rationale than a measured response to his tactics, or the post match interview or whatever. 

Cold hard facts is he’s got basically a week and a half to sort it. Bad results at Burton, Oxford and Fleetwood and he will have lost nearly all support he had. 

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11 hours ago, Andicis said:

Fair enough if that's your opinion. I disagree.

I felt Wigan knew where they needed to be positionally, defended their space well, and had a clear idea about the execution of the game plan. It was extremely clear that we were uncomfortable with these things, especially in the first half. The pressing was inconsistent, and Nelson especially didn't seem to know if he was coming or going. This was also true of the midfielders; sometimes they got into the box, sometimes they didn't and were rotating on the defensive screen inconsistently. You could see in the final third we were rushed and weren't sure what to do except sling it in the box. This was compared to Wigan, who worked their way up the pitch well and had multiple ways of attacking (sometimes utilising a cross, carrying the ball through the midfield, or passing their way into danger) and seemed to know where the other would be. Ultimately, I think that was one of the key reasons why they won the game... because they had executed their game plan much better than we did ours. 

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Paul Warne is the same manager who led us on a 19(?) game undefeated run last season but then we seemed to fade as the season drew to a close. One of the reasons put forward on here was that the players were running out of steam but this can't be the reason for the poor performance last night. How could  we have such a brilliant run of form then and have such a slide in form since? Lack of confidence?


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On the PW comments that players have had their heads turned.

Now this is only me thinking allowed, Jason Knight at Bristol will be speaking to his mates...I'll use Cashin and Bird as examples nothing more than that 😁, Young players/friends will talk on the phone, Knight could be telling those players the wage he is on, He could be telling those players that life is better away from the pressure cooker life that is DCFC, He could be the one that has turned some players heads.

Sherlock Holmes available for hire 😉

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