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Do Derby want Commons ?

red fever

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"I'm sure I will be the last to know but it needs sorting as soon as possible."

Doesn't sound good does it, sounds like Mr Commons is getting a tad cheesed off. He left Forest when they stalled on offering him a new contract, I can honestly see him walking on a free in May.

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maybe his agents not speaking to him becasue he has set him the impossible task of gettinga ludicrously high wage.

At the end of the day he will have told his agent what he wants, what he will accept and his agent will be doing all the talking with the club.

The club have said they want to keep him and have entered into negotiations.

We may already be in a situation where the club has offered a figure KC will accept but he/ his agent isholding out for more.

There will come a time where the club will say no more, and the agent will either receommend the deal to KC or not.

Seeing as there has been no speculation about him joining eny club in August and with his apparent injury weaknesses I doubt there will be much interest in January either.

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Well, KC has come out, so to speak, and declared publically that he wants to stay at DCFC.

"Its a good place to play football and we are on the up"

Over to you Glicky owd lad.

The final part of the article quotes Glick as saying that negotiations will be conducted in private and not in the public domain. This is a clear indication to me that they want to keep him but don't want any deal making public in case it upsets other players. I think we may may see a deal done with a confidentiality agreement signed by player and agent so as not to destabilise the wage structure, the problem is that these sort of deals are notoriously prone to failure as someone, normally the agent, uses the media to add extra leverage if things aren't going their way.

I guess it's a case of wait and see, Glick can't really win whatever happens, if KC stays everyone will say well that's what should happen and if he leaves then everyone will have a field day slating the board.

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The final part of the article quotes Glick as saying that negotiations will be conducted in private and not in the public domain. This is a clear indication to me that they want to keep him but don't want any deal making public in case it upsets other players. I think we may may see a deal done with a confidentiality agreement signed by player and agent so as not to destabilise the wage structure, the problem is that these sort of deals are notoriously prone to failure as someone, normally the agent, uses the media to add extra leverage if things aren't going their way.

I guess it's a case of wait and see, Glick can't really win whatever happens, if KC stays everyone will say well that's what should happen and if he leaves then everyone will have a field day slating the board.


It's a clear indication to me that they don't want us to pester them about the way that they are actively trying to get rid of our best players without getting in suitable replacements.

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It's a clear indication to me that they don't want us to pester them about the way that they are actively trying to get rid of our best players without getting in suitable replacements.

There isn't a lot of evidence to suggest that our board is doing that, number10.

Can you list the "best players" we've sold along with the unsuitable replacements that Clough has signed?

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It's a clear indication to me that they don't want us to pester them about the way that they are actively trying to get rid of our best players without getting in suitable replacements.

Sounded more to me like Glick was suggesting that Commons keeps his mouth shut.

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Sounded to me like some poxy journalist has used their 'journalistic license' to cobble together two separate statements made at different times to give the impression that there's more tension and conflict behind the scenes than is actually the case.

The Glick statement was definitely made during Monday's RD phone in - and (in all likelihood) was not made again in response to the journalist contacting him about 'the statement' by Commons.

The statement by Commons was probably made at some time over the past few weeks to RD and then recycled and placed here alongside Glick's Monday statement to make it look like 'news'.

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I think, and it's only my opinion, but it looks like Commons has said he wants to stay, we can all see that, but it looks like he's not happy with something, especially after saying what he did, and it makes me wonder if he can see whats coming, what we all can see what could happen, and thats him leave at the end of the season on a free transfer.

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OK. A bit of perspective then.

Commons is out of contract in the summer. He will want a decent deal at his age, either big wages for two years or a longer deal for security.

I see 3 possible obstacles to us signing him;

1. The manager does'nt want him

2. The player does'nt want to stay

3. The club can't afford him

1. Nigel has already said he wants to keep Kris and hopes he'll earn a new deal by the way he plays up to Chrimbo.

2. Kris is playing well (and regularly) and is now on record as wanting to stay.

3. Like I said, over to you Glicky!

There, 2 out of 3 already sorted!

Commons is one of those players who will often be a passenger but then win a game with a spark of genius.

The team NC is putting together may just suit him and that could well be a major factor.

So, by all means have a total wage target, try and get KC to agree a reasonable deal, but, be prepared to go a bit over the limit and build the team round the lad with a view to him helping us to the Prem next season.

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Mr Clough,

" Come in Kris, about your new contract, you are undoubtedly our best player and a vital part of the team.

We really ,really want you to stay, but you are NOT worth what we are paying you now, so you must be willing to take a drop "


"I will take a drop if you and all your staff will, and Mr Appleby, and Mr Glick also ".

Mr Clough

" You must be f***ing joking. :D

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the comment by commons was made on monday night at brazil game so very recently.

this comment is a not particularly veiled attack on the management and ownership.

i think legally do we not have to offer him the same deal as he is on? if thats the case this will be too high given changes since jewell signed him. hence he will need to take a drop in wages to stay, which he wont like and therefore then do a forest and go off somewhere else for similar or higher wages than he will be offered here. I guess he along with pearson is now the highest wage earner at the club on the playing staff.

I hope he stays but i dont think he will.

my only comment is that if brian had been in charge im not sure commons would be playing anymore after that statement.

however these are different times and nigels a different person so he may still play him till may.

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Who is the replacement for Rob Hulse, Mr Glick?

You said all our best players.

That's one player you've listed.

Shaun Barker is with us for the forseeable future.

Kris Commons is a Derby County player.

In other areas we have improved on our outgoing players.

Hulse is just one example. Just one.

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