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The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread


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5 hours ago, Archied said:

I listen to and watch the bbc pretty much as much as other channels and sources 

I see.

So you watch one channel (amount unknown) the same amount as some other channels (number unknown) and some sources (number unknown) .


Veeeery interesting.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm definitely much clearer now as you seem to have a grasp on things.

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53 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

Sorry - was just laughing at the idea of stories in the Express and The Times (or any newspapers for that matter) taking the moral high ground over whether another new source is biased or not ?

I'd question the bit in bold - i know what you're getting at, but in reality it's just as big a part of the problem With News Media running purely on stoking division, "doing your own research" basically involves people researching until they find something that confirms their own bias/gut feeling or whatever - and then getting furious at strangers on the internet who disagree

I think even if people read new sources from both sides of a debate they will still side with the one that confirms their bias



Not sure that’s the case, I know I swung towards not getting the first double jab and with the mixture of stuff I watch , listen to and read decided to have them ??‍♂️

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51 minutes ago, Stive Pesley said:

I had my booster at the weekend and it was interesting to read the very detailed information sheets that they provide

The Moderna booster that I had clearly states a rare side-effect of myocarditis/pericarditis, primarily in younger male adults

There are even numbers of reported cases freely published online by official medical agencies

So that's 321 cases out of 197 million doses or a 0.0001629 chance of the side effect

But of course - look at social media and you see people saying it's being covered up (it's not - it's a published side effect with a published number of occurrences) and they are wasting their lives finding news reports of these poor lads who have been affected and saying this is somehow proof of the cover-up. Being egged on by grifters like the Ickes who get filthy rich from exploiting those people vulnerable to conspiracy theories



To be fair I’ve seen plenty on here and elsewhere claim the number of covid deaths were being under recorded / reported,,, goes both ways ,

my advice take in as much from one side as the other , look what’s actually going on around you and find your own level 

Edited by Archied
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15 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I see.

So you watch one channel (amount unknown) the same amount as some other channels (number unknown) and some sources (number unknown) .


Veeeery interesting.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm definitely much clearer now as you seem to have a grasp on things.

Thanks ,, will start keeping a spreadsheet to post in future , if it’s better for you I can only say I’m not chained to one source of information without a recorded log to back it up ,, do I need signed independent verification of said log? ?

Edited by Archied
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9 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I see.

So you watch one channel (amount unknown) the same amount as some other channels (number unknown) and some sources (number unknown) .


Veeeery interesting.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm definitely much clearer now as you seem to have a grasp on things.

As a very late comer to this thread I find it very fascinating on views, Propaganda, Conspiracy, False reporting either favourable or not in the media, I understand all who post which doesn't mean I agree, We live in a diverse sociaty/country with a multitude of views that we can post or discuss to an extent in public.

As to your post above, I stopped watching any news programes this last couple of years, I was an avid viewer of the BBCs question time until I found out that those who wanted to be in the audience were vetted for political purposes especially leading upto and including Brexit.

Are the Government and MPs being truthfull with us?...I doubt it, Are multi national companys in it for money?, I'm pretty sure all western countrys are the same with their citizens, You'll always get a % of those citizens that want to pick a fight, The fight today is either climate change or covid-19.

As an older citizen now that fought in the 80s for the miners cause and against Thatcherism...what we have now is a spin off from those days only the weapon of choice is the internet...imo

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5 minutes ago, Archied said:

Thanks ,, will start keeping a spreadsheet to post in future , if it’s better for you I can only say I’m not chained to one source of information without a recorded log to back it up ,, do I need signed independent verification of said log? ?

You seem to have a very strong opinion of the BBC, so I presumed you must listen to it a lot, otherwise what do you base such a strong opinion on, Daily Express articles or an inherent bias? Of course you don't!

But if you listen/watch the BBC a lot there must be multiple other sources that equally you listen to and watch a lot seeing as you're so eclectic and not chained to any one source.

Aaaand you're in here a lot.

And presumably you occasionally sleep and spend time with your family (I'm guessing you must be retired to have so much time on your hands), so it just made me curious.

When can you share your first spreadsheet?

Give it a week or so, and if you want to start a whip round to pay for a VA to construct something so complex I'll throw a tenner in.


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8 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

As a very late comer to this thread I find it very fascinating on views, Propaganda, Conspiracy, False reporting either favourable or not in the media, I understand all who post which doesn't mean I agree, We live in a diverse sociaty/country with a multitude of views that we can post or discuss to an extent in public.

As to your post above, I stopped watching any news programes this last couple of years, I was an avid viewer of the BBCs question time until I found out that those who wanted to be in the audience were vetted for political purposes especially leading upto and including Brexit.

Are the Government and MPs being truthfull with us?...I doubt it, Are multi national companys in it for money?, I'm pretty sure all western countrys are the same with their citizens, You'll always get a % of those citizens that want to pick a fight, The fight today is either climate change or covid-19.

As an older citizen now that fought in the 80s for the miners cause and against Thatcherism...what we have now is a spin off from those days only the weapon of choice is the internet...imo

I'm honestly not sure what the last bit means.

FWIW, I was a Thatcher supporter at the time.

Something that deeply pains me to say now.

In my defence I came from a strong Tory household and hadn't worked out I could think for myself.

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9 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

I'm honestly not sure what the last bit means.

FWIW, I was a Thatcher supporter at the time.

Something that deeply pains me to say now.

In my defence I came from a strong Tory household and hadn't worked out I could think for myself.

On how the Governments manipulate/use the media for their own agenda, And how the media are happy to facilitate the Government of the day...we're pawns in a very BIG game

Edited by Unlucky Alf
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33 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

As a very late comer to this thread I find it very fascinating on views, Propaganda, Conspiracy, False reporting either favourable or not in the media, I understand all who post which doesn't mean I agree, We live in a diverse sociaty/country with a multitude of views that we can post or discuss to an extent in public.

As to your post above, I stopped watching any news programes this last couple of years, I was an avid viewer of the BBCs question time until I found out that those who wanted to be in the audience were vetted for political purposes especially leading upto and including Brexit.

Are the Government and MPs being truthfull with us?...I doubt it, Are multi national companys in it for money?, I'm pretty sure all western countrys are the same with their citizens, You'll always get a % of those citizens that want to pick a fight, The fight today is either climate change or covid-19.

As an older citizen now that fought in the 80s for the miners cause and against Thatcherism...what we have now is a spin off from those days only the weapon of choice is the internet...imo

Ex miners unite ?

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3 minutes ago, Archied said:

Ex miners unite ?

Not an ex miner, I was at Orgreave as a Union official for TGWU...a great day out ?, I was on holiday and met an Annesley Colliery miner who told me all about how the Yorks miners venture into Notts after their vote to strike...then returned and voted not to strike, Hence the birth of the UDM.

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28 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

You seem to have a very strong opinion of the BBC, so I presumed you must listen to it a lot, otherwise what do you base such a strong opinion on, Daily Express articles or an inherent bias? Of course you don't!

But if you listen/watch the BBC a lot there must be multiple other sources that equally you listen to and watch a lot seeing as you're so eclectic and not chained to any one source.

Aaaand you're in here a lot.

And presumably you occasionally sleep and spend time with your family (I'm guessing you must be retired to have so much time on your hands), so it just made me curious.

When can you share your first spreadsheet?

Give it a week or so, and if you want to start a whip round to pay for a VA to construct something so complex I'll throw a tenner in.


????, think you’re looking foolish and mixing me up with someone else , ive not posted anything strong regards bbc ,in fact I would be interested to see if you can find any post s I’ve made regards the bbc certainly not anywhere close to indicating any stron feelings on the bbc , awaiting you showing these posts with my strong anti bbc feelings??‍♂️ ( making up what people say and think again)

nope , I work for a living ,, not a great sleeper , kids grown up , don’t do Twitter or any other social media ,don’t do pubs so perhaps I do have some spare time to read and post on here , no bad thing for the site clicks I expect ,

the spreadsheet thing was not serious as I don’t believe anybody could be ludicrous enough to expect that kind of record of anybody s viewing stats , don’t bother with the tenner I’m ok for money thanks?

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4 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

Not an ex miner, I was at Orgreave as a Union official for TGWU...a great day out ?, I was on holiday and met an Annesley Colliery miner who told me all about how the Yorks miners venture into Notts after their vote to strike...then returned and voted not to strike, Hence the birth of the UDM.

?,personally only had a couple of years down the pit as a youngster but fair amount of family were miners

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15 minutes ago, Archied said:

????, think you’re looking foolish and mixing me up with someone else , ive not posted anything strong regards bbc ,in fact I would be interested to see if you can find any post s I’ve made regards the bbc certainly not anywhere close to indicating any stron feelings on the bbc , awaiting you showing these posts with my strong anti bbc feelings??‍♂️ ( making up what people say and think again)

nope , I work for a living ,, not a great sleeper , kids grown up , don’t do Twitter or any other social media ,don’t do pubs so perhaps I do have some spare time to read and post on here , no bad thing for the site clicks I expect ,

the spreadsheet thing was not serious as I don’t believe anybody could be ludicrous enough to expect that kind of record of anybody s viewing stats , don’t bother with the tenner I’m ok for money thanks?

Sorry, I thought you were maybe going to set up a Google Sheet and invite everybody in the group to view it in real time.

I do feel foolish now.

I trusted you.

But we can rectify things because I'm actually a bit short of cash at the mo, so seeing as I offered you a tenner, how about you do the decent thing and offer me one too?

I'd not insult you by saying no, I promise.

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48 minutes ago, Unlucky Alf said:

On how the Governments manipulate/use the media for their own agenda, And how the media are happy to facilitate the Government of the day...we're pawns in a very BIG game

Or as Brian London said to (I think) Harry Carpenter when asked if he would fight Cassius Clay 'I dunno Harry, I'm just a prawn in the game'

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21 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Sorry, I thought you were maybe going to set up a Google Sheet and invite everybody in the group to view it in real time.

I do feel foolish now.

I trusted you.

But we can rectify things because I'm actually a bit short of cash at the mo, so seeing as I offered you a tenner, how about you do the decent thing and offer me one too?

I'd not insult you by saying no, I promise.

And the me and my strong anti bbc strong feelings thing ? 
gloss over that or admit you were once again attributing stuff to me that you’ve actually just made up ,, 

my bet will be the former?

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25 minutes ago, Bob The Badger said:

Sorry, I thought you were maybe going to set up a Google Sheet and invite everybody in the group to view it in real time.

I do feel foolish now.

I trusted you.

But we can rectify things because I'm actually a bit short of cash at the mo, so seeing as I offered you a tenner, how about you do the decent thing and offer me one too?

I'd not insult you by saying no, I promise.

Send me your bank details 

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1 hour ago, Unlucky Alf said:

As a very late comer to this thread I find it very fascinating on views, Propaganda, Conspiracy, False reporting either favourable or not in the media, I understand all who post which doesn't mean I agree, We live in a diverse sociaty/country with a multitude of views that we can post or discuss to an extent in public.

As to your post above, I stopped watching any news programes this last couple of years, I was an avid viewer of the BBCs question time until I found out that those who wanted to be in the audience were vetted for political purposes especially leading upto and including Brexit.

Are the Government and MPs being truthfull with us?...I doubt it, Are multi national companys in it for money?, I'm pretty sure all western countrys are the same with their citizens, You'll always get a % of those citizens that want to pick a fight, The fight today is either climate change or covid-19.

As an older citizen now that fought in the 80s for the miners cause and against Thatcherism...what we have now is a spin off from those days only the weapon of choice is the internet...imo

Out of interest, if you’ve stopped watching news programmes, where do you get the information to form your opinions? Not newspapers, Bob down the pub or the internet I hope. ?

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1 hour ago, Archied said:

And the me and my strong anti bbc strong feelings thing ? 
gloss over that or admit you were once again attributing stuff to me that you’ve actually just made up ,, 

my bet will be the former?

You said this when we were talking about the BBC:

This has been a big problem from day. 1,, when you have censorship of debate there’s a problem and there’s lots of well qualified science and medical based views being silenced 

I'd say accusing an organisation of censoring debate and silencing qualified science as having a fairly strong opinion.

stripes lighten GIF

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

You said this when we were talking about the BBC:

This has been a big problem from day. 1,, when you have censorship of debate there’s a problem and there’s lots of well qualified science and medical based views being silenced 

I'd say accusing an organisation of censoring debate and silencing qualified science as having a fairly strong opinion.

stripes lighten GIF

I have never singled out the bbc as well you know , I’ve found the mainstream media pretty much the same , the censorship That I have had a problem with from DAY 1 has been people being de platformed all across the board ,

really sad effort yet again at accusing people of saying stuff they are not , show me posts where I am strongly anti bbc .

will save you the trouble , don’t bother you can’t ,it’s not there 

I won’t hold my breath waiting for you to be big enough to say actually you were wrong ??‍♂️

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