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Rate the last film you saw partie deux

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6 hours ago, ViewsFromTheMiddle said:

The Breakfast Club 8/10

Years since i saw this, love the 80's John Hughes films.

Usually have great soundtracks.



Edited by Sith Happens
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Some Transformers rubbish last night on Film 4. I was drunk and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I think I lost about 60 IQ points.

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Sith Happens
3 minutes ago, eddie said:

Some Transformers rubbish last night on Film 4. I was drunk and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I think I lost about 60 IQ points.

They really are pants, never got beyond the first two.

Only memorable scene i remember is Megan Fox and a broken down car.

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2 hours ago, eddie said:

Some Transformers rubbish last night on Film 4. I was drunk and it seemed like a good idea at the time.

I think I lost about 60 IQ points.

there is a programme called Gogglebox where they film people watching selected things on TV, it's bizarrely amusing and addictive, I think you'd be a genius on it.

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32 minutes ago, Moist One said:

there is a programme called Gogglebox where they film people watching selected things on TV, it's bizarrely amusing and addictive, I think you'd be a genius on it.

Anything that requires verbal communication and interaction with others is a no-no from me, I'm afraid.

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Sith Happens
36 minutes ago, Moist One said:

there is a programme called Gogglebox where they film people watching selected things on TV, it's bizarrely amusing and addictive, I think you'd be a genius on it.

All we need to do is get him a partner and it will be like a gogglebox version of statler and waldorf.

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I am probably going to be in the minority here but Blade Runner 2049 was one of the dullest films I have ever seen...of any genre, never mind sci-fi. I was a big fan of the 1982 version so after seeing 5/5 reviews and high % on Rotten Tomatoes, had big expectations here. Trust me, even the 1982 cityscape look was done much better than this reboot. Very strange and seems like others watched a totally different film. Don't get me wrong, I knew this was going to be at the same pace as the original but that seemed like 100mph compared to Blade Runner 2049.

3/10. 1 for the fit hologram, 1 for Harrison Fords appearance and 1 for the all too brief "action".

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38 minutes ago, TimRam said:

I am probably going to be in the minority here but Blade Runner 2049 was one of the dullest films I have ever seen...of any genre, never mind sci-fi. I was a big fan of the 1982 version so after seeing 5/5 reviews and high % on Rotten Tomatoes, had big expectations here. Trust me, even the 1982 cityscape look was done much better than this reboot. Very strange and seems like others watched a totally different film. Don't get me wrong, I knew this was going to be at the same pace as the original but that seemed like 100mph compared to Blade Runner 2049.

3/10. 1 for the fit hologram, 1 for Harrison Fords appearance and 1 for the all too brief "action".

I'm glad the action is brief. The trailer made it look like a full on action film.

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Sith Happens
47 minutes ago, TimRam said:

I am probably going to be in the minority here but Blade Runner 2049 was one of the dullest films I have ever seen...of any genre, never mind sci-fi. I was a big fan of the 1982 version so after seeing 5/5 reviews and high % on Rotten Tomatoes, had big expectations here. Trust me, even the 1982 cityscape look was done much better than this reboot. Very strange and seems like others watched a totally different film. Don't get me wrong, I knew this was going to be at the same pace as the original but that seemed like 100mph compared to Blade Runner 2049.

3/10. 1 for the fit hologram, 1 for Harrison Fords appearance and 1 for the all too brief "action".

Its the sort of film that it will be fashionable to say it was great, i want to see it but sometimes i think these things are best left alone, we have managed without a sequel for 35 years.


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2049 was pretty good.

I only watched the original for the first time this week. I'd been putting it off for ages because the reputation surrounding it told me that I probably wouldn't like it and that it's a bit of an overhyped ordeal.

I found the original to be outstanding in some areas, the design of the world has clearly been genre defining. It's the perfect escalation of the gritty, lived in sci-fi future of Star Wars/Alien. It's an absolutely stunning film...but it doesn't half f****** know it. I didn't mind all the lingering shots of the city too much but the film is like 30% plot and 70% shots of the far flung future of 2019. Thought the romance sub-plot was weak, not much actually happened and you have to watch a specific version of the film for it to reach its potential. Unfortunately I only had access to the original cut with the bored Harrison Ford narration.

However, Rutger Hauer's really charismatic in it and probably should have been the main character instead of Deckard. Last 20 minutes are really good. The themes in the film are really fascinating and the replicants are a brilliant way to explore them, hence them being the most interesting characters. I'm fairly sure Deckard is the most boring character on purpose though. The replicants are meant to be more human than him.

All that said, 2049 isn't quite the masterpiece some have made it out to be but it is very good and, in my opinion, superior to the original. It takes all the core elements that made Blade Runner a classic and goes in its own direction with them. The visuals of that future and the themes are explored more thoroughly than in the original. 

What's great about it is that it's not a soft reboot like Star Wars and Star Trek have had, its a self-contained story that changes the status quo of the Blade Runner universe and ends with a satisfying conclusion.

My only real issue with it, outside of something that would go into spoilers, is that the score is so annoying in places. I felt like my senses were being assaulted. I understand the blaring score with sweeping shots of the dystopian future is sort of the house style but after 2 1/2 hours I could have done without 'BWAAAAM, BWOOOOORM, BWUUUUUUUUUUM' bursting my eardrums when a blokes just walking down a f****** corridor.

8/10- go see it if you're a fan of the original.

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