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3 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

I could be completely wrong here, but I took @G STAR RAM's "lost for words" comment to be a jape in response to your "doggie types" comment, and the potential confusion with "dogging types"!

At least, that's why I gave it a laughing face reaction... rightly or wrongly.  ?‍♂️


Me as well - gutter minds and I apologise for my laughing emoji.

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4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

One minute you are launching attacks on people because nobody is abiding by the rules, next minute you are saying it is them rules which are behind the falling infection rate.

Which one is it?


I don't see an either/or situation - I have been very consistent in my criticism.

If sufficient people follow the rules the rates will fall. I never said that nobody was abiding by them, but I do maintain that covidiots maintain that rules are for other people.

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Just now, Eddie said:

All that was missing was a mention of Bill Gates and 5G towers.

Now come on Edward, I disagree with Lockdowns but I’m not someone who thinks the virus is spread via 5G or Bill Gates is planting microchips in people, I’m certainly no anti Vaxer. My one and only argument is the restrictions we have now are and will do more harm to our Country than they will do good especially to those who will inhabit it longest. That’s it, nothing, more nothing else, and yes sometimes I like to have a bit of a wind up with certain posters who I know are susceptible to ? and yes I know sometimes I go to far, which I always regret. So apologies to those I have in the past. 

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11 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

I could be completely wrong here, but I took @G STAR RAM's "lost for words" comment to be a jape in response to your "doggie types" comment, and the potential confusion with "dogging types"!

At least, that's why I gave it a laughing face reaction... rightly or wrongly.  ?‍♂️


I'd have thought doggie is best to reduce the spread, at least no face to face contact ?

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3 hours ago, TexasRam said:

Started rising after summer, I can’t think for the life at me why when winter comes people get ill??? It never happens ever, in history............... 

Unfortunately, the 'flu figures this winter undermine absolutely everything you have said.


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1 minute ago, Eddie said:

Unfortunately, the 'flu figures this winter undermine absolutely everything you have said.


Or we’ve been recording everything as Covid as many believe 

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2 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Or we’ve been recording everything as Covid as many believe 

have we ? I haven't seen anything to suggest this. 

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9 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Now come on Edward, I disagree with Lockdowns but I’m not someone who thinks the virus is spread via 5G or Bill Gates is planting microchips in people, I’m certainly no anti Vaxer. My one and only argument is the restrictions we have now are and will do more harm to our Country than they will do good especially to those who will inhabit it longest. That’s it, nothing, more nothing else, and yes sometimes I like to have a bit of a wind up with certain posters who I know are susceptible to ? and yes I know sometimes I go to far, which I always regret. So apologies to those I have in the past. 

It's a fair enough argument to be fair, not one that I buy into or agree with, however an opinion that all said and done certainly has some credibility behind it. I caveat that with harm to future generation, as being the bit I'd agree with. 

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9 hours ago, Archied said:

Nope ,,, that’s a response to the constant right wing garbage and you will also note it was a response to on the piss posting?so go again,

find me ANY post where I have said a politician, scientist or medical person are saying what they say because they are left wing or right wing rather than responding to posters crying right wing ( reds under the beds???)

All I’m seeing is left wing is spot on and right wing are twirling they’re mustachios and hatching plots,,

and I’m the conspiracy theorist ?

...and there you go again, let me emphasise this for you:


All I’m seeing is left wing is spot on and right wing are twirling they’re mustachios and hatching plots,,

Notice here how you're characterising actual action against the virus as 'left wing'. It's not, as demonstrated previously. The only side of politics which has attempted to politicise this virus is the hard to far right, as discussed. It's brought up because there was a period of time on here where people were consistently posting things from right wing think tanks, which had no scientific basis to them, as though we should have been treating them with the same level of seriousness as actual studies. 

Again, if you make this a 'left v right' thing, then reality has a significant left wing bias. It doesn't, of course, but that's because this isn't, nor ever has been, a 'left v right' thing. It's just that some right wing opportunists took it as a chance to push their ideologies, as discussed. 

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6 minutes ago, Albert said:

...and there you go again, let me emphasise this for you:

Notice here how you're characterising actual action against the virus as 'left wing'. It's not, as demonstrated previously. The only side of politics which has attempted to politicise this virus is the hard to far right, as discussed. It's brought up because there was a period of time on here where people were consistently posting things from right wing think tanks, which had no scientific basis to them, as though we should have been treating them with the same level of seriousness as actual studies. 

Again, if you make this a 'left v right' thing, then reality has a significant left wing bias. It doesn't, of course, but that's because this isn't, nor ever has been, a 'left v right' thing. It's just that some right wing opportunists took it as a chance to push their ideologies, as discussed. 

And still no show post where I called any politician, scientist ,medical persons view right wing or left wing rather than point out other people’s obsessions ,,,, That’s predictably sad ,as discussed

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1 hour ago, Bob The Badger said:

Thank god for that, I thought it might be a publication with a hidden agenda for a moment.

My *guess* looking at the bolding by @Spanishis he was raising an eyebrow at the stat that suggests 60 million people availed themselves of hospitality every week for a couple of months.

Research conducted by S Lock (no idea who they are, they may be hairdressers for all I know) :

Frequency of Brits eating and drinking in pubs 2019-2020

Published by S. Lock, Nov 19, 2020

Around 40 percent of British adults visit pubs once a fortnight for food and drinks. According to the survey conducted in January 2020, approximately 12 percent buy food and drinks at pubs once a week or more, while almost half of respondents said 'never'.

Could be 600m, it wouldn't change the underlying facts.

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16 minutes ago, Albert said:

This is 'Covid is caused by 5G' and 'Bill Gates is tracking you with the vaccine' level conspiracy nonsense. 

Or even everything is a right wing plot levels of conspiracy nonsense but if your unhealthily obsessed enough you will find your obsession everywhere in everything 

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1 hour ago, BIllyD said:

Ah, the ones representing the pub trade.

What an eye opener, to think that the eat out scheme could have contributed to the increase in virus cases, how could anyone think that.

I mean only 3% can be attributed to this sector (based upon below) that saw 60 million customers being driven through its doors with one of the most transmissible viruses to ever hit our shores. Luckily our fantastic track and trace looks like it's pinpointed exactly where the other 97% originated from and according to the publication there is no correlation between the two, surely the rest of the country needs to take example straight away from this sector.

Also looks like that from although the most common event recorded was eating out during August / September, reported by 14.6% of people who tested positive, followed by shopping, reported by 13.4%, that because they couldn't exactly pinpoint where it came from, they didn't attribute it to anything, that coin slot have managed to do that. ? 

So it seems it wasn't anything to do with the eat out scheme, what is the government playing at, why haven't they opened the pubs and got them two fat ducks echoing, what more information  do they need ?


So you've chosen to ignore the facts because they were published by a trade magazine defending their members.

Another thing, this was not an opinion piece, these were quotes so not sure why it matters where they were published.

I saw a survey which said that 100% of people with Covid admitted to breathing and wearing clothes, so on the basis I assume that is sufficient evidence for you that these are spreading the virus?


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