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9 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

Worth noting that Sweden is way behind in reporting. I see he has put that caveat and there is a reason behind that, they are ahead off other Scandinavian countries when comparing LFL deaths and positive cases. 

As at the 7th of January, they had recorded 1940 deaths in December (from 1st-31st of December)
As of last week, the total number of December deaths was recorded as 2584.

 Not saying the information is incorrect that you are showing, just that it may be not quite up to date.

Oh it’s reporting, right ho. 

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9 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Oh it’s reporting, right ho. 

I'm happy to be proven wrong. I've just given you figures that show they are lagging behind, are you saying I'm incorrect ?

I'm also not quite sure of your point, is it lockdowns don't work and this post proved it ?‍♂️

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50 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

So naive! Can't believe you don't know that Johnson is really an evil genius. If he had locked down at the right times, then the people would has risen up and demanded our freedom. By dragging his heels, he's made sure enough people die, so people like you get scared that Covid is actually dangerous. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Or is that what he wants you to think.

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1 hour ago, TexasRam said:

Sweden seeing similar reductions in indicators as us, their lockdown has seen similar success as ours......oh wait


Guessing he is just another right wing funded fringe scientist.

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18 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

I'm happy to be proven wrong. I've just given you figures that show they are lagging behind, are you saying I'm incorrect ?

I'm also not quite sure of your point, is it lockdowns don't work and this post proved it ?‍♂️

Didn’t disagree with you just saying right oh.

The point of my post is yes lockdowns don’t work, the proof is out there. But of course the recent reduction in the UK is due to the lockdowns but Sweden is just due to luck and magic. Anyway vaccines are on their way in Millions so we’ll be back to normal In no time........but hold on there’s a new scary variant so panic, mass hysteria and scaremongering must set in again so we can lockdown for longer( not the the government want us locked down but they are too scared of the MSMs over reaction they have to be seen to doing something) I mean how the hell will the likes of Piers Morgan get his ratings up without screaming we’re all doomed every morning. 

Sorry @BIllyD not aimed at you just ranting, the games been called off, it’s pissing it down and we’re all stuck in for the foreseeable, had enough of it. 

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13 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Didn’t disagree with you just saying right oh.

The point of my post is yes lockdowns don’t work, the proof is out there. But of course the recent reduction in the UK is due to the lockdowns but Sweden is just due to luck and magic. Anyway vaccines are on their way in Millions so we’ll be back to normal In no time........but hold on there’s a new scary variant so panic, mass hysteria and scaremongering must set in again so we can lockdown for longer( not the the government want us locked down but they are too scared of the MSMs over reaction they have to be seen to doing something) I mean how the hell will the likes of Piers Morgan get his ratings up without screaming we’re all doomed every morning. 

Sorry @BIllyD not aimed at you just ranting, the games been called off, it’s pissing it down and we’re all stuck in for the foreseeable, had enough of it. 

Rant away, if we all had the same opinions it would be a pretty boring forum ?

Id agree on some parts of your post, the press certainly love a bad news story and headlines more often than not hide the facts. The reduction in the UK I'd say is as much to the vaccine program as the lockdowns, we let it spiral out of control and these current restrictions are more about controlling and stopping it increase as much as anything else. 

Comparing Sweden to us however is like comparing apples to pears, or another country that shall nameless to Sweden and saying, see no deaths, no new cases lockdowns work.

I'll also agree it's poo, personally getting me down as I haven't seen sunlight for weeks, but vaccines are the answer, summer is also coming, the end of these restrictions are near and I am also having the jab tomorrow:-)

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2 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

Rant away, if we all had the same opinions it would be a pretty boring forum ?

Id agree on some parts of your post, the press certainly love a bad news story and headlines more often than not hide the facts. The reduction in the UK I'd say is as much to the vaccine program as the lockdowns, we let it spiral out of control and these current restrictions are more about controlling and stopping it increase as much as anything else. 

Comparing Sweden to us however is like comparing apples to pears, or another country that shall nameless to Sweden and saying, see no deaths, no new cases lockdowns work.

I'll also agree it's poo, personally getting me down as I haven't seen sunlight for weeks, but vaccines are the answer, summer is also coming, the end of these restrictions are near and I am also having the jab tomorrow:-)

Nice one on the Jab?? I hope you’re right and the end is in sight ?

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1 hour ago, G STAR RAM said:

Guessing he is just another right wing funded fringe scientist.

Just keep believing that the Great Barrington Declaration, which has influenced lots of the anti-lockdown opinion, wasn't brought to prominence by a right-wing think tank in the US.

It's never been peer reviewed, but you might as well believe it as it fits your continually incorrect narrative.

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5 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

Just keep believing that the Great Barrington Declaration, which has influenced lots of the anti-lockdown opinion, wasn't brought to prominence by a right-wing think tank in the US.

It's never been peer reviewed, but you might as well believe it as it fits your continually incorrect narrative.

Believing it?

What is there to believe?

Isnt it an alternative theory put forward?

Any comment on what @TexasRamposted earlier?

Continually incorrect narrative?

Havent you backed the official narrative that has seen us locked up for 6 months and have one of the worst death tolls?



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Some more good news, paper to be peer reviewed but it looks like

One dose of Oxford vaccine:

- 76% efficacy against symptomatic covid after day 22.

- 100% effective at stopping hospitalisations after day 22. 

Two doses of Oxford vaccine:

- 54% reduction in transmission

-Antibody response stronger after longer interval between dose.

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I have to agree with various posters, that the three lockdowns that the government have implemented has failed in the controlling of the spread of the virus. 

But if the first of the lockdowns had been carried out correctly and more vigorously. Had it not been prematurely ended while also encouraging the country to return to normal by offering discounts for a night out. Then the effectiveness of the lockdown would have produced a very different outcome.

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On 31/01/2021 at 10:21, Archied said:

It’s interesting as although you can never be certain my wife ,myself and my son ( daughter was living in Brisbane) really believe we had it in jan feb ,wife first ,then me ,then my son 

I also believe that members of my family including myself contracted it late December, my ex Brother in law passed away with unexplained breathing issues in January 2020 as a family we believe this was C19. 

I own a business which data mines for the NHS and I have many discussions over the last twelve months, with various trust managers who believe that there was low level community infections prior to Xmas 2019 and that un social distanced family get togethers at Christmas fuelled the virus. 

I have seen admission figures from A&E departments that tend to back this up.  Some trusts were beginning to report an expected flu infection spike around about the week prior to Christmas. 

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29 minutes ago, 1of4 said:

I have to agree with various posters, that the three lockdowns that the government have implemented has failed in the controlling of the spread of the virus. 

But if the first of the lockdowns had been carried out correctly and more vigorously. Had it not been prematurely ended while also encouraging the country to return to normal by offering discounts for a night out. Then the effectiveness of the lockdown would have produced a very different outcome.

Don't forget the passive aggressive job loss threats to people who weren't piling onto public transport and returning to offices in early September.

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6 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Guessing he is just another right wing funded fringe scientist.

There's always the possibility that the Swedish general public pay heed to the instructions they are given with respect to social distancing, mask-wearing and personal hygiene.

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3 hours ago, Eddie said:

There's always the possibility that the Swedish general public pay heed to the instructions they are given with respect to social distancing, mask-wearing and personal hygiene.

There is also the possibility that after the tragic death toll from the 1st wave that the Swedish authorities apologised for, many of the population did not rush back to the pubs just because they remained open.

I would guess that people needing to self-isolate in Sweden would be looked after too, unlike here where people who couldn't attend work could be left with no income for 2 weeks, perhaps with a family to feed.

Maybe Swedish leaders are better at communicating the risks of an invisible pandemic than other more freedom loving countries? So many people I know seem to think that a social bubble or support bubble is some sort of safety bubble, as opposed to a clearly extended household that are just then exposed to each others risk.

Maybe Sweden have put rules in place to prevent people travelling from a high risk area to a low risk area that people actually follow? If Stockholm were to be placed in lockdown due to a new variant, perhaps 1000s of it's residents would not escape round the country on crowded trains? Or if an isolated island off the coast of Sweden was almost Covid free, then people from the high risk mainland wouldn't all head over there to enjoy their lack of restrictions? (Both these examples seemed broadly acceptable to lockdown sceptics on here).

Maybe Sweden didn't have the Kent variant that made our cases, hospitalisations and deaths increase rapidly?

Maybe all these factors need to be considered before we decide that lockdowns aren't necessary? As the original tweet days, "many things are open with restrictions". Perhaps you need a negative test within 24 hours of going to a restaurant or pub with only your household? Perhaps you need proof of address to ensure you haven't travelled from a high risk area where things are shut?

Even in this lockdown, where deaths have been worse than the first one, more non-essential places of work are open. The closed venue my brother manages still need him to go in 3 times a week to ensure everything is ok there. They are using the opportunity to do some required building work and he's been meeting contractors travelling in from different parts of the country. All this is within the rules apparently.

There were more stupid restrictions about what food they could serve beer with before the lockdown (large bowl of chips: no, a cheaper cheese toasted sandwich: yes). How much time did our hopeless government waste on "what food is a meal" whilst cases were rapidly increasing. Probably a lot more than Sweden's did.


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5 hours ago, Eddie said:

There's always the possibility that the Swedish general public pay heed to the instructions they are given with respect to social distancing, mask-wearing and personal hygiene.


1 hour ago, ariotofmyown said:

There is also the possibility that after the tragic death toll from the 1st wave that the Swedish authorities apologised for, many of the population did not rush back to the pubs just because they remained open.

I would guess that people needing to self-isolate in Sweden would be looked after too, unlike here where people who couldn't attend work could be left with no income for 2 weeks, perhaps with a family to feed.

Maybe Swedish leaders are better at communicating the risks of an invisible pandemic than other more freedom loving countries? So many people I know seem to think that a social bubble or support bubble is some sort of safety bubble, as opposed to a clearly extended household that are just then exposed to each others risk.

Maybe Sweden have put rules in place to prevent people travelling from a high risk area to a low risk area that people actually follow? If Stockholm were to be placed in lockdown due to a new variant, perhaps 1000s of it's residents would not escape round the country on crowded trains? Or if an isolated island off the coast of Sweden was almost Covid free, then people from the high risk mainland wouldn't all head over there to enjoy their lack of restrictions? (Both these examples seemed broadly acceptable to lockdown sceptics on here).

Maybe Sweden didn't have the Kent variant that made our cases, hospitalisations and deaths increase rapidly?

Maybe all these factors need to be considered before we decide that lockdowns aren't necessary? As the original tweet days, "many things are open with restrictions". Perhaps you need a negative test within 24 hours of going to a restaurant or pub with only your household? Perhaps you need proof of address to ensure you haven't travelled from a high risk area where things are shut?

Even in this lockdown, where deaths have been worse than the first one, more non-essential places of work are open. The closed venue my brother manages still need him to go in 3 times a week to ensure everything is ok there. They are using the opportunity to do some required building work and he's been meeting contractors travelling in from different parts of the country. All this is within the rules apparently.

There were more stupid restrictions about what food they could serve beer with before the lockdown (large bowl of chips: no, a cheaper cheese toasted sandwich: yes). How much time did our hopeless government waste on "what food is a meal" whilst cases were rapidly increasing. Probably a lot more than Sweden's did.


Maybe and possibly. Maybe if we hadn’t lockdown the case rates would of been exactly the same or who knows less even. Maybe if we hadn't shutdown various industry sectors of our Country then the unemployment rate wouldn’t be continually rising, the national debt would not be going through the roof and Children’s education wouldn’t be suffering. 

A lot of if, buts and maybes on both sides of the arguments. 

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3 minutes ago, TexasRam said:


Maybe and possibly. Maybe if we hadn’t lockdown the case rates would of been exactly the same or who knows less even. Maybe if we hadn't shutdown various industry sectors of our Country then the unemployment rate wouldn’t be continually rising, the national debt would not be going through the roof and Children’s education wouldn’t be suffering. 

A lot of if, buts and maybes on both sides of the arguments. 

If the UK followed the advice when they could have acted effectively, lives and livelihoods would have been saved. 

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