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20 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

Yes you are breaking the rules, just some examples below.

People should not leave tier four areas or travel abroad, except for limited reasons (including work and education)

Residents should stay at home, unless they have a "reasonable excuse" such as work or education

Across all tiers, people should now "stay local".

I wouldn’t say anything other than your just misguided, Sorry couldn’t resist.

However, I don’t see anything wrong with it as long as on your half time coffee break you wear your mask and socially distance. 

Actually not correct. Visting people in a support bubble (including overnight stay) is still allowed in Tier 4

Travelling out of a Tier 4 area

You must stay at home and not leave your Tier 4 area, other than for legally permitted reasons such as:

travel to work where you cannot work from home

travel to education and for caring responsibilities

visit or stay overnight with people in your support bubble, or your childcare bubble for childcare purposes

attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health

to provide emergency assistance, and to avoid injury or illness, or to escape a risk of harm (such as domestic abuse)

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Have the BBC resorted to subliminal messages now?


All schools in England should be open again "at the earliest possible moment", the education secretary says.

Gavin Williamson told BBC Breakfast there was "absolutely no reason schools won't be ready" ready to test pupils returning on 11 January.

It comes as people are being warned to avoid New Year's Eve celebrations amid surging coronavirus cases.

An intensive care doctor urged people not to gather and said those who do not wear masks have "blood on their hands".


Am I the only one that can see absolutely zero relevance of the highlighted paragraphs to the story which is about schools re-opening?

No source provided for the "quote" either, unsurprisingly!

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30 minutes ago, Sith Happens said:

Actually not correct. Visting people in a support bubble (including overnight stay) is still allowed in Tier 4

Travelling out of a Tier 4 area

You must stay at home and not leave your Tier 4 area, other than for legally permitted reasons such as:

travel to work where you cannot work from home

travel to education and for caring responsibilities

visit or stay overnight with people in your support bubble, or your childcare bubble for childcare purposes

attend hospital, GP and other medical appointments or visits where you have had an accident or are concerned about your health

to provide emergency assistance, and to avoid injury or illness, or to escape a risk of harm (such as domestic abuse)

Oh very good, he’s not the misguided person  I thought he was. Strange that all those folk got slated coming back from London the other week???. Guess if the cap fits 

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Jonathan Van Tam yesterday:

"In other words we don't know if the vaccines will reduce transmission... yet". 

If you aren't beginning to feel slightly uneasy, i am astounded. 

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9 minutes ago, goldstar said:

Jonathan Van Tam yesterday:

"In other words we don't know if the vaccines will reduce transmission... yet". 

If you aren't beginning to feel slightly uneasy, i am astounded. 

Why would that make you feel uneasy?

The vaccine offers protection from the effects of Covid.

As long as vulnerable people are vaccinated there is not much problem with the virus being transmitted is there?

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2 hours ago, Anag Ram said:

I think there's increasing awareness of the situation but, a little like the Black Lives Matter campaign, not enough being done from a practical perspective. 

There is still a tendency to prescribe medication to see how that goes and to manage NHS waiting lists. 

Mental health is one of many areas in which the NHS struggles to meet demand. 

Too few who have the assets to pay actually take the step to seek private help. 

So, for me it's a case of we know there's a problem, so what are we going to do about it? 

Like a lot of the NHS there's the ineffective triaging system to try to reduce the burden on hospitals, mental health in my experience is typical of this. Do you want some happy pills, go away and try those for a couple of months. Want to see a counsellor or CBT specialist? Of course after the huge waiting list and then you are only allocated a finite number of sessions regardless of whether it has been successful or not or your treatment has ended. Then you are put to the bottom of the list regardless and can't see another person for 6 months or more. 

I paid to see a therapist twice more out of desperation than anything, unless you go into your doctor's and say you have suicidal thoughts then forget about about help in the short or medium term from the NHS. 

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10 hours ago, RamNut said:

Blimey. That post stopped me in my tracks.

i just want to wish you well and I hope you make a full recovery. 
Hope you have a very happy and healthy 2021. ??????

Thanks pal. Fingers crossed I'm well on my way to recovery, 24 months being stuck at home is boring but there are a lot of people in a worse situation than me so I consider myself lucky.

Have a good evening and wishing you well for the next year ????

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24 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Why would that make you feel uneasy?

The vaccine offers protection from the effects of Covid.

As long as vulnerable people are vaccinated there is not much problem with the virus being transmitted is there?

You would think so, but, and I don't want to speak for @goldstar there has been a noticeable shift from simply beating the virus to achieving 'covid zero' with certain restrictions remaining in place until this is achieved - which will be nigh on impossible. 

The new normal won't be like the old normal.

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

If you actually read what was being discussed, @Archied was questioning why he is now receiving messages inviting him to get the flu jab.

Like him, I would think that the overwhelmed NHS, on the brink of collapse, would be putting every effort into vaccinating people against the virus with an R rate of 3, that allegedly kills 3% of people that catch it, ahead of a virus that has an R rate of 1, that has virtually disappeared this year. 

There had been a 49% increase in flu jabs this year, in Jan this number drops considerably to just over 19k. The flu jab is a 2 min operation and it has also been proven that if you get both COVID and Flu you are more likely to get serious complications. Even after having the COVID jab, you have 22 days before you are protected.

Sending an automated text message to the most endangered who haven't yet had it, to get them in before we get underway rolling the vaccine out makes perfect sense to me. 

In surprised you can't  see that ?

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4 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

There had been a 49% increase in flu jabs this year, in Jan this number drops considerably to just over 19k. The flu jab is a 2 min operation and it has also been proven that if you get both COVID and Flu you are more likely to get serious complications. Even after having the COVID jab, you have 22 days before you are protected.

Sending an automated text message to the most endangered who haven't yet had it, to get them in before we get underway rolling the vaccine out makes perfect sense to me. 

In surprised you can't  see that ?

The vaccine is already being rolled out.

Someone going in for a flu jab is surely taking up the time/space that could be used for administering a Covid jab.

I'm surprised you can't see that?

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11 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

The vaccine is already being rolled out.

Someone going in for a flu jab is surely taking up the time/space that could be used for administering a Covid jab.

I'm surprised you can't see that?

But it's not, the vaccine is not being administered at the same place using the same resources.


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I dont see the issue with the flu jab being invited. I would imagine its down to the last few now anyway (as my mate who is 53 with no underlying conditions had his invite last week).

The plan was set out clearly earlier in the year that in order of priorities over 50's would be invited for the biggest annual flu vaccination program to date. But it was said that those at the bottom end of the list would likely not receive it until well into the winter.

The Covid vaccine is more about supply currently than resource, although hopefully this will change soon.

Its probably another damned if you do approach, you will have people in one corner saying is a waste of time, and others if they did decide not to complete the program who will complain that they were never offered the free flu jab when it was promised.

Its not new though, it was announced months ago that this was the plan. I think its going to be partly due to enhanced vaccinations, and partly due to social distancing measures that flu appears non existant currently. Of course if the government had abandoned the plan because flu wasnt apparant this season , then we got hit with a big wave of it...then you just get another lot of criticism.

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27 minutes ago, BIllyD said:

But it's not, the vaccine is not being administered at the same place using the same resources.


Fair comment then, I stand corrected.

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1 hour ago, maxjam said:

You would think so, but, and I don't want to speak for @goldstar there has been a noticeable shift from simply beating the virus to achieving 'covid zero' with certain restrictions remaining in place until this is achieved - which will be nigh on impossible. 

The new normal won't be like the old normal.

You're spot on there.

And for me, the conditions keep being pushed back, altered and now people are defending a vaccination that is admitted may not stop transmission but has been talked about as the cure. That's great if it makes people less ill but people shouldn't then be punished if they question the vaccine/don't take it. 

Unbelievable what people are willing to accept. 

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2 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Why would that make you feel uneasy?

The vaccine offers protection from the effects of Covid.

As long as vulnerable people are vaccinated there is not much problem with the virus being transmitted is there?

So if that's the case, let everyone who is not vulnerable carry on with life and give the vulnerable the vaccine then. Sorted. 

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2 minutes ago, goldstar said:

So if that's the case, let everyone who is not vulnerable carry on with life and give the vulnerable the vaccine then. Sorted. 

It's highly likey that's what will happen but of course you have to give the vaccine to all of the vulnerable first - which is why we keep being told that things will get better after/by Easter.

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56 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

The vaccine is already being rolled out.

Someone going in for a flu jab is surely taking up the time/space that could be used for administering a Covid jab.

I'm surprised you can't see that?

My flu jab took approximately 1 minute to administer at my local surgery by a practice nurse so, hardly a great burden on the system (yes I know there will be some administrative work behind the scenes). On the other hand, if it helps prevent me getting the flu surely that’s got to be good not just for me but also for the already over stretched NHS should I have become seriously ill.

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