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18 minutes ago, Monty said:

The average age of those who have died from coronavirus in England and Wales since the start of the epidemic is 82.4 years old

about 6 in every 1000 infections now result in death down from about 30 in every 1000 in June

source ONS

the Chief Medical Officer briefing to  MP’s on the state of the pandemic excluded data on infections in schools and workplaces outside hospitality. MP’s were shown data that included sources for only 58 per cent of infections during the presentation designed to build support to shut down pubs and restaurants in northern England 

source The Times 10/10/20


So we know we are getting much better at treating people who have Covid. We can also see that the vulnerable are doing a great job in isolating themselves. ?

We can also see the government clearly believe the amount of non compliance they can easily control is taking place in the hospitality sector. 

I mean we really don’t want schools to close so they are going to shut hospitality to see if it that reduces transmission just enough to keep other stuff open. 

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9 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Shocking if true but not at all surprising. 

Whitty and Valance, the early stars of the epidemic are quickly becoming the villains. Saving lives from Covid 19 is purely their blinkered view. 

PHE confirmed that data on infections in education and other workplaces was not included. 
source The Times 10/10/20

(I believe the presentation concerned took place on Thursday) 

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18 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

So we know we are getting much better at treating people who have Covid. We can also see that the vulnerable are doing a great job in isolating themselves. ?

We can also see the government clearly believe the amount of non compliance they can easily control is taking place in the hospitality sector. 

I mean we really don’t want schools to close so they are going to shut hospitality to see if it that reduces transmission just enough to keep other stuff open. 

Well when the Government release their evidence of this then maybe people will take it more seriously and buy into the measures.

Think we all know there is no evidence though.

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24 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Shocking if true but not at all surprising. 

Whitty and Valance, the early stars of the epidemic are quickly becoming the villains. Saving lives from Covid 19 is purely their blinkered view. 

Whereas your blinkered view is 'let the old buggers die'.

Have the balls to tell it like it is.

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12 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Well when the Government release their evidence of this then maybe people will take it more seriously and buy into the measures.

Think we all know there is no evidence though.

I think the fact most of the females under the age of 30 being admitted to hospital for Covid happen to work in the hospitality sector is some evidence. Also the fact that a huge number of people testing positive for the virus openly admit to having been to a pub or restaurant in the previous 10 days is also evidence.

The government really aren’t closing pubs for &@#%s and giggles. 

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39 minutes ago, Monty said:

PHE confirmed that data on infections in education and other workplaces was not included. 
source The Times 10/10/20

(I believe the presentation concerned took place on Thursday) 

ducking pathetic behaviour.

What happens to all those who work in the sector, a lot of who will getting minimum wage just to keep themselves on the breadline, who without proper support could now very easily end up in rent arrears and ultimately being made homeless?

I know, they can all move back home to live with their elderly relatives. That'll help!

If they close down the hospitality sector without proper financial support to those effected, based on lies and misinformation, well I don't know, what can you do except despair of the Bamfords?


Making the decision in an open and fair manner is one thing, and you just have to accept that's their judgement (even if you disagree). This open ******** approach though? 

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26 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Whereas your blinkered view is 'let the old buggers die'.

Have the balls to tell it like it is.

If you will admit that means your view is 'I want to go out shopping and buying beer, so let younger people lose their jobs, their homes, their prospects totally unnecessarily for them ...' 

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41 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

I think the fact most of the females under the age of 30 being admitted to hospital for Covid happen to work in the hospitality sector is some evidence. Also the fact that a huge number of people testing positive for the virus openly admit to having been to a pub or restaurant in the previous 10 days is also evidence

Is that true? I haven’t read or seen that anywhere (I’m not doubting you, I just haven’t seen either of those statements anywhere)

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Just now, GboroRam said:

Because if we did it would go up quickly. 

If we don’t soon we may never again, if not the Rams then plenty of others will fold.
“Football is not a matter of life and death, it’s more important than that “ for some that’s the truth I’m afraid, it’s their life and it’s being taken from them. 

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25 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

If you will admit that means your view is 'I want to go out shopping and buying beer, so let younger people lose their jobs, their homes, their prospects totally unnecessarily for them ...' 

Give me one good reason why I should give a toss about anybody else if their attitude is "I don't care if the old folks die, just so long as I can go to the pub".


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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

Whereas your blinkered view is 'let the old buggers die'.

Have the balls to tell it like it is.

My view is that vulnerable people are going to have to shield no matter what but why make the rest of the country join them in shielding? What is it achieving?

As I previously said, them people should then be allowed to take their own decisions on what level of risk they take.

I dont see what the problem with this argument is but more than happy to hear your views on it, knowing that you will be one of the people shielding.

From what I've seen so far, your only argument appears to be that if you've got to shield then everyone else should too. Obviously I apologise in advance if that is not the case.

I'm not sure why you think I would want my own parents to die from this.

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Just now, G STAR RAM said:

My view is that vulnerable people are going to have to shield no matter what but why make the rest of the country join them in shielding? What is it achieving?

As I previously said, them people should then be allowed to take their own decisions on what level of risk they take.

I dont see what the problem with this argument is but more than happy to hear your views on it, knowing that you will be one of the people shielding.

From what I've seen so far, your only argument appears to be that if you've got to shield then everyone else should too. Obviously I apologise in advance if that is not the case.

House arrest is fine by you, just so you can have a pint.

Got it.

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50 minutes ago, jimmyp said:

I think the fact most of the females under the age of 30 being admitted to hospital for Covid happen to work in the hospitality sector is some evidence. Also the fact that a huge number of people testing positive for the virus openly admit to having been to a pub or restaurant in the previous 10 days is also evidence.

The government really aren’t closing pubs for &@#%s and giggles. 

I imagine that a huge number of people testing positive will also have been in a house, been in a car, been in a shop, taken their kids to school, been to work.

If the evidence is that conclusive I look forward to them releasing it and putting the argument to bed.

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15 minutes ago, Eddie said:

House arrest is fine by you, just so you can have a pint.

Got it.

You've never been under house arrest though, so that argument wont wash.

It cant be that hard to answer the question though surely? If you have got to shield anyway, why are you so worried about what the rest of the population is doing?

It is honestly coming across as just spite but I'm sure you must actually have a real reason?

FWIW I both live and work alone so spend an awful lot of time on my own, so yes having the option to have other adult company is quite a big thing in my life for my mental health. I dont make any apologies for that.

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3 hours ago, rammieib said:

But well done you for finding the article about the one off death instead of the waaah waaah wah


Yes well done me for finding an article that proved your absolute statement, which you posted without any research to be false.

And well done you, for then trying to turn it around to try and make it look like the argument is about something else completely different



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