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What's Changed?


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I am always amazed at the level of individual abuse. Not a moan about a bad pass or a skewed shot .. that’s part of the game for some,  but this curious desire to get on a players back through the game because of one  earlier error, to wind up your own team, almost like it’s bizarre desire to have road rage with your pal. .. I don’t think it’s Derby specific, I think it’s people and changing times.

I agree with the earlier poster who said maybe the last few years of being nearly men and seeing some expensive players underperform has got under some skins. So close, frustrating 

Me .. I’m just the same as when I went to my first game in another place. .. just waiting for that passage of play or individual skill or courage that lights your fire. Oh yes and the net bulging. ... expectations ? Always .. expect us to win .. disappointments too often .. because we don’t.  ... ahhh but doesn’t that make the wins so so rewarding 

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I sometimes wonder why people go to the matches when all they do is moan &  shout foul abuse (does language have to be so foul - really - it just normalises it the more it’s used)

someone once said to me that football can bring the worst out in some people & that’s so true.

i always think you should have hope but not expectation as a fan ?

I go for much more than to see us win - that’s a bonus!

best away match I’ve ever been to was Blackburn - last match of the disastrous premier season - what an atmosphere- actually probably better than a lot of subsequent home ones 

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1 hour ago, Half fan said:

The wisdom, maturity and common-sense evident in this thread is a tribute to the forum.

A broadsheet could and should turn the contributions of these members into a full page article. It would be a great comment on society, of which football is an illuminating microcosm.



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Football matches.  Road rage.  Supermarket shopping.  Car parks.  Airport check-in.  Taxi Ranks.  Middle lane hoggers.  

The list is endless.

More anger.  Less consideration for others.  More haste.  Fewer manners. The need to be seen to be offended.  The ignorance of being offensive!

Society... That's what's changed!

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Totally agree with all the above, the main contributing factor for me thou, is that everyone

expected us to be challenging again, and completely underestimated the loss of the 3 worldclass

players that had just left. 

Also, Lampard, whilst new to management, must be up there alongside Guardiola and Klopp when

it comes to motivation and charisma, not that I don't think Cocu is the best person for us - cause I 

wouldn't alter anything, and think we are in a period of change, necessary before we are able to compete

for Autos

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20 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:

Football matches.  Road rage.  Supermarket shopping.  Car parks.  Airport check-in.  Taxi Ranks.  Middle lane hoggers.  

The list is endless.

More anger.  Less consideration for others.  More haste.  Fewer manners. The need to be seen to be offended.  The ignorance of being offensive!

Society... That's what's changed!

It’s curious though, we are a kinder society in so many ways. Old prejudices are still there but they are frowned upon in the same way that bad manners used to be frowned upon, but aren’t any more. .. it’s a strange old world, I wish we could combine the best bits of the two. 

we seem to have swapped one sort of tastelessness for another. I think the thing that irks me the most is how levels of extremism seem to have soared. I reckon the middle 80 % of us remain more or less the same but the 20 % at the edges of everything seem to exist on another plane .. way beyond intemperate. Everything from conspicuous wealth to violence and aggression in everyday life. 

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Great post.... but wow just how complicated is the answer, and even if we hit the anthropological nail on its head it would change nothing sadly. Altho Mucker wad close...

It pi55es me off too, and it saddens me that if we should lose in the Champions League final 1-0 to Juventus people will find reason to moan....

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6 minutes ago, nfb said:

Great post.... but wow just how complicated is the answer, and even if we hit the anthropological nail on its head it would change nothing sadly. Altho Mucker wad close...

It pi55es me off too, and it saddens me that if we should lose in the Champions League final 1-0 to Juventus people will find reason to moan....

Yes yes and yes ..and  if that ever happens .. I’d just hope it was a great contest, sure I’d be down in dumps but it’s sport, triumph and disaster and all that ... . Moan at my team ? Never .. maybe shed a tear at what might have been ( anyway I blame the ref ?- we was robbed ! ) 

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1 hour ago, Mucker1884 said:

Football matches.  Road rage.  Supermarket shopping.  Car parks.  Airport check-in.  Taxi Ranks.  Middle lane hoggers.  

The list is endless.

More anger.  Less consideration for others.  More haste.  Fewer manners. The need to be seen to be offended.  The ignorance of being offensive!

Society... That's what's changed!

When I was a kid, we had violence on a massive scale inside and outside the stadia, racist chanting, and 'you're gonna get your ducking head kicked in' sung at the opposition fans. Now we have some entitled, pissed, wannabes shouting occasional abuse at their own players.

The idea that society and football has changed for the worse is a struggle for me. Changed, yes, but not often for the worse. Much less these days in the way of IRA bombs, paki-bashing, inner city riots, institutional sex abuse of kids, NF bovver boys, corrupt coppers, and domestic violence...in my opinion. 

Fewer manners, I'll grant you, less consideration, true. Not all bad though.

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3 minutes ago, Needlesh said:

When I was a kid, we had violence on a massive scale inside and outside the stadia, racist chanting, and 'you're gonna get your ducking head kicked in' sung at the opposition fans. Now we have some entitled, pissed, wannabes shouting occasional abuse at their own players.

The idea that society and football has changed for the worse is a struggle for me. Changed, yes, but not often for the worse. Much less these days in the way of IRA bombs, paki-bashing, inner city riots, institutional sex abuse of kids, NF bovver boys, corrupt coppers, and domestic violence...in my opinion. 

Fewer manners, I'll grant you, less consideration, true. Not all bad though.

Mrs Jono’s Aunty May .. all 97 years of her, chatting to her cousin last year .. eeehhh Ernie, they go on about the good old days .. it wasn’t that good was it, bloody messy at times and cold too. 

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45 minutes ago, Needlesh said:

When I was a kid, we had violence on a massive scale inside and outside the stadia, racist chanting, and 'you're gonna get your ducking head kicked in' sung at the opposition fans. Now we have some entitled, pissed, wannabes shouting occasional abuse at their own players.

The idea that society and football has changed for the worse is a struggle for me. Changed, yes, but not often for the worse. Much less these days in the way of IRA bombs, paki-bashing, inner city riots, institutional sex abuse of kids, NF bovver boys, corrupt coppers, and domestic violence...in my opinion. 

Fewer manners, I'll grant you, less consideration, true. Not all bad though.

Oh don't get me wrong.  I agree it ain't all bad, but the extremes you mention were just that.  They were headline news.  Yes, the footy violence was far far worse, of course, but it was still the few.  I'd argue it directly affected fewer people.  I'd wager virtually every single one of us now sits within earshot of at least one moaning, whinging, "angry" fan, at every single game we attend.  More negativity nowadays, but less extreme.  Less threatening.  More entitled, as you say.

And lets not forget, all that violence and threatening chanting was not accompanied by 360 degree HD cameras back then.  I'd still be up for singing that song you mention, at least for the the fo*est game, if I could A/ guarantee not getting my own head kicked in, and B/ not getting caught on camera!  We were all tough back then, remember, all huddled together with our mates protecting us on the cramped terraces.  I wonder just how many of us who sang that back then actually went on to carry out the "threat".  From what I witnessed at close quarters, I suspect most were just like me... all mouth, and no bollux!  

Terrorism?  Again, it was headline news back then.  It's almost a daily column on page 7 nowadays!

Can't comment on the other stuff you mention, as I've been fortunate enough not to have been affected by them, suffice to say I still see the domestic violence posters in the doctors surgery, so I presume that still goes on?

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