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The Politics Thread 2020


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33 minutes ago, RamNut said:

I don’t know.

But I don’t think it makes any sense to exit lockdown until the number of cases is less that the number it was when we went into lockdown. 

even in lockdown the number of deaths and infections seems high. Now the highest death toll in Europe and still going. once lockdown is abandoned, we will be bullied into returning to work where you can just guarantee that some stupid idiot will give it to me. I had a cold for three months over the winter which - whilst I got no feedback whatsoever from my medical practice - suggests my immune system isn’t exactly firing on all cylinders. 
My mother is dependent on carers who visit everyday and wear absolutely no PPE. Once infection rates go up, I can see exactly where that is heading. 

the stupid over reaction by the police - shaming dog walkers; stopping someone from sitting on a bench on his own, telling us we can’t buy paint etc  etc - I.e. targeting people who were behaving responsibly and social distancing, did nothing to help make lockdown tolerable. So inevitably the public patience is going to snap. 

But we seem to be abandoning lockdown without any real regard for the consequences.

we are putting great faith in testing, and Hatty Mancock’s new app. But testing takes days by which time the virus ? has done its damnedest. The app will give false confidence to people. No doubt pink tie man will be faking the figures on the % of the population who are using the app next. But this is no game. 

Who is saying lockdown will be abandoned?. Nobody. Everyone is expecting a phased relaxation & possibly on a local/regional basis. Which is the best option IMO.

33 minutes ago, RamNut said:

Working from home is working well, with lots of additional environmental benefits. I would still insist that this continued for office workers and I’d be making ppe compulsory in many situations. I see no reason why shops can’t open, provided there is wider availability of masks. Schools - I’m really not sure that now is the right time. We need those medical break throughs and I have no doubt that the boffins are working incredibly hard to find the solutions. 

I agree with all this and that's most likely along the lines of what will be announced on Sunday.

Everyone wants to get back to normal ASAP and the country NEEDS to get moving again. Please don't equate people expressing this with them being happy with more people ending up seriously ill or worse.

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23 minutes ago, Eddie said:

So a life sentence at Her Majesty's Pleasure it is then, for the greater good.

I'm not looking to fall out with anyone so this will be my last post on the subject...

Unfortunately we're in a crappy situation with no easy answers, whatever we do some people will feel aggrieved.  Until there is a vaccine some people will have to shield themselves and in the meantime I believe that those that have had it or likely to get less severe to zero symptoms should be allowed to go back to work etc.  

Thems the breaks ? 

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9 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

I hope this doesnt come across as rude but I really don't understand your gripe.

You have said that you are self isolating anyway. You've illustrated that the virus is unlike to die out naturally, meaning herd immunity and vaccine is the only way out of this.

So why are you so against people making their own decision on whether they want to get on with their life?

Personally, I know that my parents (in the vulnerable category) would continue not seeing me once they know I have gone back into normal routine.

The only argument that you seem to be making is because you have to self isolate you want everyone else to as well?

Assume I am missing something as usual!

It's the 'have to for my own good' bit which is the bit I am taking exception to. Provided people are sensible and continue to socially distance when out or going about their business, then that's fine. I would, however, advocate that face masks - or some sort of face covering - should become the norm for the next year or so, especially when on public transport - but we both know that's not going to happen. 

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Sith Happens
5 minutes ago, maxjam said:

I'm not looking to fall out with anyone so this will be my last post on the subject...

Unfortunately we're in a crappy situation with no easy answers, whatever we do some people will feel aggrieved.  Until there is a vaccine some people will have to shield themselves and in the meantime I believe that those that have had it or likely to get less severe to zero symptoms should be allowed to go back to work etc.  

Thems the breaks ? 

I am in possession of a shielding letter, and feel that if it means the country can get back to work, and i have to stay at home then so be it. I am lucky though and can work from home, and would fully expect my employer to allow me to do so until such time its considered safe (to not allow me to do so when i can do my job 100% from home would not be adhering to 'reasonable adjustments' under the equality act).

I guess the issue is going to be those that work and cannot reasonably work from home and are considered vulnerable. What will the finance support be for those, I am guessing many don't work due to age or illness anyway so maybe its not as big an issue as I think.

I suppose my ability to work from home also lessens the impact of not being able to go out as I will be busy anyway most of the time. So i understand others who may feel like its a bit of a prison sentence if all they have is Phil and Holly to keep them occupied.

Tough call. All the population on lockdown for 6 months, or 1.5 million for 12 months......As Spock would say, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

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Sith Happens
8 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

This on the day we hit 30,000 deaths. 


I am stunned, stunned by this....

The Star hasn't led with 'Katie Price gets Bum Lift in Lockdown?', just wow.

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9 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

This on the day we hit 30,000 deaths. 


It's going to be a big party, isn't it, and the last three months will be erased from the memory.

Until July, when the deaths start to climb again to intolerable levels, and the lockdowns are re-implemented and the usual defenders of the faith will bleat "How did this happen? Nobody could possibly foreseen this, but it would have been far worse if Corbyn had won, so there's that".

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Just now, Eddie said:

It's going to be a big party, isn't it, and the last three months will be erased from the memory.

Until July, when the deaths start to climb again to intolerable levels, and the lockdowns are re-implemented and the usual defenders of the faith will bleat "How did this happen? Nobody could possibly foreseen this, but it would have been far worse if Corbyn had won, so there's that".

And something about Diane Abbott counting the number of deaths.

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2 hours ago, GboroRam said:


All 400,000 gowns flown from Turkey for NHS fail UK standards

"Last month, amid dire warnings of shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for health workers, ministers publicised the imminent arrival from Turkey of a fleet of RAF cargo planes bringing in a “very significant” shipment of PPE for the NHS.

More than a fortnight later, it has emerged that every one of the 400,000 protective gowns that arrived has been impounded for not to conform to UK standards."

If only we could join some sort of club, whereby any country that we want to buy goods from have to meet strict quality standards. Maybe all the countries in the club could work together to manage the quality from the producing countries. It might make everything safer and less likely to be rejected.

Oh well, if it existed I'm sure we'd try to be part of it. It's obviously just a pipe dream.

Here is your pipe dream nothing ever goes wrong.


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29 minutes ago, Eddie said:

It's going to be a big party, isn't it, and the last three months will be erased from the memory.

Until July, when the deaths start to climb again to intolerable levels, and the lockdowns are re-implemented and the usual defenders of the faith will bleat "How did this happen? Nobody could possibly foreseen this, but it would have been far worse if Corbyn had won, so there's that".

Why don't we wait and see what's planned for the phased relaxation of the rules.

Most of those headlines are stupid and some are downright irresponsible - especially just before a sunny bank holiday weekend - but the majority of people are going to be sensible about it and not go nuts.

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28 minutes ago, Eddie said:

It's going to be a big party, isn't it, and the last three months will be erased from the memory.

Until July, when the deaths start to climb again to intolerable levels, and the lockdowns are re-implemented and the usual defenders of the faith will bleat "How did this happen? Nobody could possibly foreseen this, but it would have been far worse if Corbyn had won, so there's that".

My uncle works on the factory floor at a place that provides some kind of part for Royces.  He was told yesterday by phone back to work Monday . He has had a case of Pneumonia twice in the last two years.  No advice on getting there - he takes the bus. What happens when he get's there - distancing, masks ,gloves , use toilets/ canteen facilities.  He is crapping himself to be honest and he's not really that kind of bloke .


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4 minutes ago, Van Wolfie said:

Why don't we wait and see what's planned for the phased relaxation of the rules.

Most of those headlines are stupid and some are downright irresponsible - especially just before a sunny bank holiday weekend - but the majority of people are going to be sensible about it and not go nuts.

You have a lot more faith in people than I have. I really hope that you are right.

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Sith Happens
35 minutes ago, Eddie said:

You have a lot more faith in people than I have. I really hope that you are right.

you are right,  it is difficult to have faith sometimes. In the couple of weeks leading up to lockdown,  when advice was clear to stay at home if you had a cough etc, in an office of 23 we had 3 who continued to come to work despite being unwell. 

I complained to one of their line managers because he was in close proximity,  but sadly as he was also one of the 3 he dismissed it as 'I don't think its coronavirus '

i was fuming and also not selected in the initial batch of home workers who were selected to test resilience, despite the business being aware of my condition.  I kicked off a bit and they apologised and allowed me to work from home immediately. 

the sad thing is too many people think everything is the government's responsibility,  some people refuse to take their own share of responsibility, or indeed think they know better.

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Sith Happens
46 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

My uncle works on the factory floor at a place that provides some kind of part for Royces.  He was told yesterday by phone back to work Monday . He has had a case of Pneumonia twice in the last two years.  No advice on getting there - he takes the bus. What happens when he get's there - distancing, masks ,gloves , use toilets/ canteen facilities.  He is crapping himself to be honest and he's not really that kind of bloke .


very tough,  I think all businesses should be providing reassurance that while in the workplace that all reasonable precautions should be taken,  I also think employers should come down hard on employees who don't follow the rules,  I see it as a two way street here.

I don't know if their responsibility should extend beyond the work place,  ie commuting. 

hopefully they will allow staggered start times to allow people to travel at the least busy times. I do feel for him, if he has had a serious condition twice I would be saying call his gp and see why he isn't listed as vulnerable,  if he could be it would allow him to stay home albeit on ssp.

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51 minutes ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

My uncle works on the factory floor at a place that provides some kind of part for Royces.  He was told yesterday by phone back to work Monday . He has had a case of Pneumonia twice in the last two years.  No advice on getting there - he takes the bus. What happens when he get's there - distancing, masks ,gloves , use toilets/ canteen facilities.  He is crapping himself to be honest and he's not really that kind of bloke .


I believe he is well within his rights to ask for the precautions that his form are taking and if he thinks they are inadequate to say so and that he cannot return to work on that basis.

They would not be able to touch him legally but obviously the conversations might be a bit tetchy, so you have to have some cojones to go that route.

Its a shame some bosses are so unenlightened they seem to put staff welfare so far down their priority list....

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