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The Politics Thread 2020


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8 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

Study based on rats and mice - zero noticeable impact on mice and female rats. This study was supposedly dismissed after further research.
Radio frequency limits one most countries are based on research from 30-40 years ago - yep maybe it is a good idea to revisit the current acceptable limits. Research into non-ionising waves (infrared, microwaves, radiowaves, etc...) should play a part.
Radiowaves (2/3/4G and everday 5G usage) cause insignificant levels of heating - yep. It’s not until you approach the microwave range (rarer 5G usage) than the waves cause heating effects. The heating effects of 5G are still negligible.

Risks mentioned: 
• Cancer - lack of evidence non-ionising waves can result in cancer. 
• Cellular stress - first time I recall this term. Seems like a wide range of ‘damage’ can be included. A change in temperature being a very simple example, with 5G being shown to have a negligible impact of temperature. 
• Free radicals - if this is a concern for you then you may want to chuck your microwave in the bin. General consensus from scientists say microwaves aren’t strong enough to cause electrons to jump out of their orbits. 
• Genetic damage - doesn’t this suggest impact on DNA? I’m not sure there are many who believe anything this side of visible light in the electromagnetic spectrum can cause DNA damage. 
• Reproductive damage - this sounds like the research was based on a small sample size. Similar to the laptop on your lap myth... it’s probably research based on long term temperature impact on the body/cells, except phones have a much lower impact on cell temperature.

Oh and genuine apologies for my response to you yesterday,I was a bit snippy ,my excuse is the stir crazy defence and the fact that posts are very different from a decent conversation and easy to take things the wrong way?

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16 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

So do you think the WHO have done well with this virus?

They acted on the information (or lack of) provided by China. Should they have been firmer with China especially after the SARS debacle ? I'd say yes. So could have done a lot better. You've seen pandemic, they do say, new pulmonery disease transmitted from animal to human we have never been exposed to and we are in trouble. For WHO, It's a bit like the police and terrorism, they need to be lucky every time, viruses just need to be lucky once.

Is Donald Trump using WHO as an excuse for his many failing in this crisis and shift the blame ? most definitely, almost everybody agree on that one. Would you agree ?

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25 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

They acted on the information (or lack of) provided by China. Should they have been firmer with China especially after the SARS debacle ? I'd say yes. So could have done a lot better. You've seen pandemic, they do say, new pulmonery disease transmitted from animal to human we have never been exposed to and we are in trouble. For WHO, It's a bit like the police and terrorism, they need to be lucky every time, viruses just need to be lucky once.

Is Donald Trump using WHO as an excuse for his many failing in this crisis and shift the blame ? most definitely, almost everybody agree on that one. Would you agree ?

I'd say it appears they didnt react. The world had heard from the Chinese doctors regardless of what the officials were saying.

Yes of course Trump is trying to shift the blame. I'm sure if the American electors think he is to blame this will be reflected at the polls.

When paying an institution hundreds of millions per year, I would suggest 'could have done better' isn't really good enough.

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51 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

They acted on the information (or lack of) provided by China. Should they have been firmer with China especially after the SARS debacle ? I'd say yes. So could have done a lot better. You've seen pandemic, they do say, new pulmonery disease transmitted from animal to human we have never been exposed to and we are in trouble. For WHO, It's a bit like the police and terrorism, they need to be lucky every time, viruses just need to be lucky once.

Is Donald Trump using WHO as an excuse for his many failing in this crisis and shift the blame ? most definitely, almost everybody agree on that one. Would you agree ?

The US is handling it as well as any other nation. In a time like this, you have to also understand that our Prime Minister has far more powers than the President does. More than a third of the US cases are in New York. The Gouverners are the ones making the decisions that cost or save lives. 

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58 minutes ago, EtoileSportiveDeDerby said:

They acted on the information (or lack of) provided by China. Should they have been firmer with China especially after the SARS debacle ? I'd say yes. So could have done a lot better. You've seen pandemic, they do say, new pulmonery disease transmitted from animal to human we have never been exposed to and we are in trouble. For WHO, It's a bit like the police and terrorism, they need to be lucky every time, viruses just need to be lucky once.

Is Donald Trump using WHO as an excuse for his many failing in this crisis and shift the blame ? most definitely, almost everybody agree on that one. Would you agree ?

One of the reasons they have suspended funding and are going to investigate The WHO, is because there are reports that doctors and officials gave their higher ups the correct information, but it was ignored because the figureheads are not apolitical and are corrupt. Have you seen the record of the director?

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2 hours ago, Uptherams said:

One of the reasons they have suspended funding and are going to investigate The WHO, is because there are reports that doctors and officials gave their higher ups the correct information, but it was ignored because the figureheads are not apolitical and are corrupt. Have you seen the record of the director?

Was he accused of covering up three colora outbreaks in the past or am I wrong on that?

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8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I'd say it appears they didnt react. The world had heard from the Chinese doctors regardless of what the officials were saying.

It's a fair point but then if this is the case, like Taiwan, Korea, Singapore, NZ et al, the world could have reacted before any official announcement from the WHO rather than waiting, then further delaying action by weeks, or even months in some countries, could they not?


8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Yes of course Trump is trying to shift the blame. I'm sure if the American electors think he is to blame this will be reflected at the polls.

You're not really sure though are you! If you really believe this then have a peep at the following which is offered partly for amusement, I concede.


8 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

When paying an institution hundreds of millions per year, I would suggest 'could have done better' isn't really good enough.

The US is currently $200 million in arrears in respect of the its contributions to the WHO. As of the end of March 2020, the US had yet to pay its 2020 bill of $115,766,920 for assessed contributions. The country also has approximately $80 million outstanding from other years. 

Obviously, this is not offered as an argument that the WHO need not do better, but it's quite interesting nonetheless and is something that does rather seem to be overlooked. I wonder how much, if any of the the US's current arrears will be met by the Trump administration. If his excuse for delaying lockdown and other precautionary measures is that the WHO did not advise him early enough, how does withdrawing funding help the US in the advent of further pandemics, or should we assume he will rely the information provided to countries that continue to pay their dues while the US pays nothing in return?

On this theme, China owns in excess of $1.1 trillion of US debt. Deflection from his performance aside, will Covid-19 and growing suggestions that Covid-19 is man-made be used to justify the US reneging on their debt, or to implement sanctions that benefit US trade to an equivalent value, or perhaps even more. Time will tell I guess.

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Just watched the daily briefing and am left dumbfounded by the stupidity of some of the questions from the media. The guy from Sky News was an absolute scumbag and should be ashamed.

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Sith Happens
18 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Just watched the daily briefing and am left dumbfounded by the stupidity of some of the questions from the media. The guy from Sky News was an absolute scumbag and should be ashamed.

What did he say?

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10 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

I'd say it appears they didnt react. The world had heard from the Chinese doctors regardless of what the officials were saying.

Yes of course Trump is trying to shift the blame. I'm sure if the American electors think he is to blame this will be reflected at the polls.

When paying an institution hundreds of millions per year, I would suggest 'could have done better' isn't really good enough.

Ummm but could have done better isn’t a sackable offence .. especially in these extreme circumstances. .. absolutely every organisation, after this is over will need to look at what they learned from it. They will have learned a lot, a helluva lot, but playing a blame game isn’t scientific, it’s stupid. Science and knowledge , and I include handling a global pandemic is some thing you learn over time and by direct experience.

to anyone blaming a country, a government, a business or an individual - all of whom mostly acted in good faith with the systems available needs to look at themselves very hard. .. I have huge praise for our health workers, our government and anyone coping with this. It’s new for all of us. ... The right attitude has to be .. hey next time we will do this ... NOT .. YOU did / didn’t do that .. get the hang mans noose. That is wrong on so many levels .. oh and not exactly intelligent either. 

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32 minutes ago, G STAR RAM said:

Just watched the daily briefing and am left dumbfounded by the stupidity of some of the questions from the media. The guy from Sky News was an absolute scumbag and should be ashamed.

What did he say mate?

I've pretty much given up on watching the briefings and this is one of the reasons why. If there's a collective I despise more than politicians, it'd be the media. Of course there's good and bad in every field but what was a respected career at one point, is fast becoming the exact opposite. Trying to bully and belittle the interviewee now seems the standard modus operandi, with informing viewers very much a secondary concern, or so it appears to me.

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24 minutes ago, Paul71 said:

What did he say?


4 minutes ago, 86 Schmokes & a Pancake said:

What did he say mate?

I've pretty much given up on watching the briefings and this is one of the reasons why. If there's a collective I despise more than politicians, it'd be the media. Of course there's good and bad in every field but what was a respected career at one point, is fast becoming the exact opposite. Trying to bully and belittle the interviewee now seems the standard modus operandi, with informing viewers very much a secondary concern, or so it appears to me.

I hope I dont misquoted here and if anyone else that saw it wants to correct me that is fine.

He said something along the lines of a high percentage of NHS workers that are dying are BAME and people from these communities are worried, so could the Government send them a message to confirm that they are on their side.

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12 minutes ago, jono said:

Ummm but could have done better isn’t a sackable offence .. especially in these extreme circumstances. .. absolutely every organisation, after this is over will need to look at what they learned from it. They will have learned a lot, a helluva lot, but playing a blame game isn’t scientific, it’s stupid. Science and knowledge , and I include handling a global pandemic is some thing you learn over time and by direct experience.

to anyone blaming a country, a government, a business or an individual - all of whom mostly acted in good faith with the systems available needs to look at themselves very hard. .. I have huge praise for our health workers, our government and anyone coping with this. It’s new for all of us. ... The right attitude has to be .. hey next time we will do this ... NOT .. YOU did / didn’t do that .. get the hang mans noose. That is wrong on so many levels .. oh and not exactly intelligent either. 

Agreed and I'm just trying to add a bit of balance to all of those just stating our Government and pretending everyone else comes out of this smelling of roses.

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