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Really enjoying this season


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I have been enjoying this season the lads are a joy to watch again. And on saturday my hairs back of my neck were standing up. Do I dare to dream but am I about to see Derby have a title winning season but yes I know there a long way to go but never seen Derby have title winning season.

But right I just loving the passion from the lads and I guess I am rubbing of them and other supporters. 

Come on Derby you can do it

I know you can

I believe in you.

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Just now, B4ev6is said:

I mean never giving up

And staying postive

I know mate, just messing. Glad you're enjoying the season. I think most are to be fair. Tha lads have been awesome and the supporters are now responding in kind. Could be an amazing season and like you, I fancy us to top the pile. Gotta have a dream, right? COYR

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21 minutes ago, 86 points said:

Good on ya B4. If anyone deserves it you do. One thing though, 'rubbing off the lads and other supporters' might be frowned upon in certain quarters ?


21 minutes ago, B4ev6is said:

What do you guys think

Go on then, I'm game if you are.

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It's very enjoyable so far. Not just for the football but for the fact we can see what Lampard and Morris are trying to do, and how they tweak things within games to get it right. 

I'm excited for this football we are playing rather than the results. Last season it was all about results, and football came second.

This season feels right to me - great entertainment, good team spirit and a (nearly) united fan base. 

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1 hour ago, angieram said:

It's very enjoyable so far. Not just for the football but for the fact we can see what Lampard and Morris are trying to do, and how they tweak things within games to get it right. 

I'm excited for this football we are playing rather than the results. Last season it was all about results, and football came second.

This season feels right to me - great entertainment, good team spirit and a (nearly) skint at £37 a ticket fan base. 


sorry Angie, couldn’t resist.      ?

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I’m really enjoying it too. I hold my hands up and admit I was sceptical when FL & JM were first mooted as serious candidates and I seriously questioned it. But very quickly once I listened to FL I immediately changed my mind. It just keeps getting better and better; the football is so good and slowly but surely each of the signings are showing their worth...Marriot and Holmes being the latest. I’m not concerned with winning anything...if we do we do...I’m just loving the games and living in the moment. 

FL et al make it look so easy but we know it’s not. 

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3 hours ago, Ellafella said:

I’m really enjoying it too. I hold my hands up and admit I was sceptical when FL & JM were first mooted as serious candidates and I seriously questioned it. But very quickly once I listened to FL I immediately changed my mind. It just keeps getting better and better; the football is so good and slowly but surely each of the signings are showing their worth...Marriot and Holmes being the latest. I’m not concerned with winning anything...if we do we do...I’m just loving the games and living in the moment. 

FL et al make it look so easy but we know it’s not. 

I couldn’t agree more. Rewind half a century, use initials like BC and PT and strange signings like Mackay and MacFarland and it could be déjà vue all over again.

Who says nostalgia ain’t wot it used to be?

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