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Academy issues?

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Rumour ive heard is lots of coaches released, meals stopped for players and day release from school into training once a week has been stopped for academy players as well. 

Not sure whether the apparent cost cutting above will impact your cat one status longer term? 

Other thing I heard is youve sold an under 12 to Everton for £72k 

That's all second hand info but thought I would pass it on




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4 minutes ago, Interestedparty said:

Rumour ive heard is lots of coaches released, meals stopped for players and day release into training stopped for academy players as well. 

Not sure whether the apparent cost cutting above will impact your cat one status longer term? 




Where’s this rumour from, because this threads being locked, get in quick.

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2 minutes ago, Boycie said:

Where’s this rumour from, because this threads being locked, get in quick.

More than rumours from what I understand...

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When he told me I came on here to see if it was already being discussed but couldn't see anything so ive passed it on.

If what I've heard is true then it's a shame as your academy is one ive always rated as being the best by some distance in the Midlands and those are backward steps

The young player going to Everton is something that may have been out of your control but the other stuff isn't of course

Anyway im sure if it's true others will be able to confirm etc in due course


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2 minutes ago, Interestedparty said:

When he told me I came on here to see if it was already being discussed but couldn't see anything so ive passed it on.

If what I've heard is true then it's a shame as your academy is one ive always rated as being the best by some distance in the Midlands and those are backward steps

The young player going to Everton is something that may have been out of your control but the other stuff isn't of course

Anyway im sure if it's true others will be able to confirm etc in due course



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27 minutes ago, Interestedparty said:

Rumour ive heard is lots of coaches released, meals stopped for players and day release from school into training once a week has been stopped for academy players as well. 

Not sure whether the apparent cost cutting above will impact your cat one status longer term? 

Other thing I heard is youve sold an under 12 to Everton for £72k 

That's all second hand info but thought I would pass it on




Sadly I have heard a similar rumour.

Not the Everton or school stuff, but of cost cutting and reduction in coaches. 

The version I heard was that staffing levels had spiralled out of control and full time staff were only coaching part time.

This was from a former Academy coach.


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11 minutes ago, Spanish said:


I'm a Forest fan!

But I'm not on here as a WUM honestly! 

Im interested in academy football. If you check my posting history I only signed up when you guys were discussing Zak brunt. One of your ex academy players. I'm honestly just passing on what I've heard. If it was happening at my club I would want to know about it

Worst thing that could happen here is you go back down to cat 2 status at your next audit. Which will mean the best young players won't be prepared to travel so far to sign for you guys in future. As of now the ones who've joined based on how it used to be will be wondering if they've made a mistake I guess? 

Anyway. Just putting out what I've heard.



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8 minutes ago, sage said:

Sadly I have heard a similar rumour.

Not the Everton or school stuff, but of cost cutting and reduction in coaches. 

The version I heard was that staffing levels had spiralled out of control and full time staff were only coaching part time.

This was from a former Academy coach.


Whenever ive been there ive always thought you had loads more coaches watching games than you needed. Many of them with clipboards trying to look important! 

Stopping day release and reducing the contact hours with players would be the more concerning one that suggests it's more than just having too many coaches

Im not sure if day release is a requirement for cat one. Reaching a minimum number of hours contact time for players each week certainly is though



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1 minute ago, Interestedparty said:

Whenever ive been there ive always thought you had loads more coaches watching games than you needed. Most of them with clipboards trying to look important! 



what is that they say , those that can do, those that can't teach?

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Seems to be sensible monitoring of un-necessary expenditure to me. Look after the pennies etc etc.

As for the player transfer, we went through this with the young lad who left us for Matlock. If the player wants to go then there is an agreed level of compensation for our investment in his 'footballing education' to date depending on if he goes to a higher level. He's very young, his family could have moved out of the area or he could have been scouted if he is really outstanding for his age group. Given how many young players are in our academy it's hardly surprising that one has moved.

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7 minutes ago, angieram said:

Seems to be sensible monitoring of un-necessary expenditure to me. Look after the pennies etc etc.

As for the player transfer, we went through this with the young lad who left us for Matlock. If the player wants to go then there is an agreed level of compensation for our investment in his 'footballing education' to date depending on if he goes to a higher level. He's very young, his family could have moved out of the area or he could have been scouted if he is really outstanding for his age group. Given how many young players are in our academy it's hardly surprising that one has moved.

In this case he would have been scouted for that level of money to change hands. And they must think he is outstanding as you say. If the player wants to go there's nothing the club can do about it. 

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16 minutes ago, sage said:

Sadly I have heard a similar rumour.

Not the Everton or school stuff, but of cost cutting and reduction in coaches. 

The version I heard was that staffing levels had spiralled out of control and full time staff were only coaching part time.

This was from a former Academy coach.


That wouldn't surprise me. The number of coaches we had, seemed an awful lot. 


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6 minutes ago, Interestedparty said:

If you went down to cat 2 from cat 1 you would save approx £1m per year I believe

Like I say you may well be able to maintain cat 1 but do it cheaper and make enough contact hours happen the rest of the week?


I am sure it is purely down to trimming the fat off the top to reduce the bills (rumours tent to grow as they get passed on).

Any business man worth his salt would see that reducing the bills by £1m a year and dropping down to Cat 2 is pointless when you work out the potential for making more on your investments by keeping it at Cat .

£!m a year is a drop in the ocean these days at this level.

If true however then very sad indeed.

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