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England call up? Early days but not doing himself any harm with the international break round the corner, not the washed up old dog everyone thought he was, funny that! 

All time Man Utd and England top goalscorer has now joined the 200 Premier League goal club last night, only 2 members in there, Shearer and Rooney.

This is also work a chuckle, 4 years later whilst we're here.



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He's got a point to prove and playing like it.

Meantime the guy on the left has lost more hair than Wayne, the guy on the right is secretly building up to flagging opposition players in front of his son, but doesn't want to him to notice and pick up bad ways :lol:

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Personally thought he did very little in last night's game.

Man City a man light still had about 65% possession, so was probably hard for him to get involved.

From the England perspective I think we play him if we want to think only about the current tournament. If we ever want to progress as a nation we need to start thinking long term. Playing Rooney would not be thinking long term.

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I personally think he's retired too soon and whilst probably not our first choice striker (now Kane), behind that there isn't a nailed on striker. (Wellbeck? Rashford? Sturridge? Defoe? Vardy?).

Perhaps he will get some respect now he's done.

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"I won't be one to say I'm not available for selection," he said.

"I'm sure it'll probably be the manager's choice more than mine. It's a huge honour to play for England."

"I feel I'm capable of going to Russia," he added. "After that, it may be a realistic time to see how I feel and if I feel it's not right for England or myself, I'll have a decision to make.

"If I feel I can carry on, I'll try. But if the manager says he doesn't feel I'm in his plans for the next tournament, it's probably better I don't play in the qualifying games because I won't be going to the tournament."


(almost 2 years ago)

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Spot on - It sounds like Rooney has reacted to being told by Southgate that he is no more than a squad player and not guaranteed a place for either now or Russia (if we get there, by the way)

Earlier this week (Monday ? ) he was bubbling about possible England recalls and said that he will be talking to Southgate in the next couple of days to see what happens, or words to that effect. His attitude has taken a U turn in just a couple of days. Presumably due to Southgate telling him the facts of life.

It always seemed likely that his bizarre statement a year or so ago that he would be retiring from England duty after the Russia World cup would come back to bite him. On many levels. 

Having said that, well done to both of them. Southgate for avoiding favouritism and telling it like it is  and Rooney for wanting to leave at the top. 



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Well it didn't take long for the young lady he was with to grab her 15 minutes.


Wonder if she realises she has just given enough evidence on herself to be done for aiding and abetting?

Everton will make all the right noises, fine him etc, but then pick up the bill for his chauffeur to training each day.


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Missus won't be happy at all, whilst on holiday her fella with a past has gone up to a woman in a bar to introduce himself, gets smashed with her then goes driving at 2am alone. She claims she doesn't know where they were going.

A lot of questions will be asked. Never learns does he. Even if it was totally innocent, there's things you don't do when your married. 

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12 hours ago, coneheadjohn said:

Looks a bit young for Rooney?

Hes passed his grandma stage and is now entering the pete burns phase of his life.


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