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24 minutes ago, ariotofmyown said:

I think it's a good thing that non-white males get to see films where people like themselves play lead roles.

I also think it's a good thing for white males to see people not like them playing lead roles in films.

So as you're applying a standard in a non-universal manner, and instead in a discriminatory fashion it would appear you're bigoted towards white males?

Or is it good for non-white people to see white people on the screen? In which case, what would the problem be?

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5 minutes ago, AndyinLiverpool said:

You realise that Felicity is an actress in a fantasy film, right?

the point is you don't have to be a muscle-headed gym queen to be a hero. Even people who can't punch their way out of a paper bag can make a difference. 

I like action stars to look like action stars. Helps to suspend the disbelief. Should Woody Allen have been Conan? That was a fantasy film.

Saying it'd be ok to have an implausible scenario happen because it's fantasy doesn't make sense. It compounds the problem of suspending disbelief. Shall we introduce time travel to Star Wars? It's fantasy after all.

Besides, Rogue One was the Star Wars film that was supppsed to be more gritty and like an actual war film. It was supposed to be the film where they largely dropped the fantasy elements. 


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5 minutes ago, Duracell said:

They'll be having female women next.

Why not? People have already complained about there having been a female dalek.

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I'm sure Marvel and all the other organisations secretly pushing their left wing liberal views are private organisations run for profit. The only one thats publically funded is the BBC, who for the first time in 50 years have chosen a non-male lead to play a sci-fi regenerating role, and it's caused outrage. The one where it's hard to argue a female can't play the part is publically funded. Are we saying private organisations shouldn't be able to choose their own content? The likes of Marvel should have to cast white males in their main roles?

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8 hours ago, Millenniumram said:

Maybe we should make Wonder Woman a man, wonder if that would go down well!

Considering that gender is now apparently a spectrum, surely this would be fine. Still a woman, but a woman with a beard and a penis. So empowering! So progressive!

I don't know anything about Dr Who. The re-generation thing seems to make this a non issue, but then I don't know the lore.

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Sith Happens
8 hours ago, ariotofmyown said:

I think it's a good thing that non-white males get to see films where people like themselves play lead roles.

I also think it's a good thing for white males to see people not like them playing lead roles in films.

White males have seen people 'not like them' playing lead roles in films all my life. To be honest if i see a fil with Will Smith playing the lead role i dont think 'oh its black actor will smith playing the lead role', i just think 'its will smith playing the lead role'.

But I guess what you are saying is people should get equal opportunities regardless of their background and this i agree with.

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1 hour ago, GboroRam said:

I'm sure Marvel and all the other organisations secretly pushing their left wing liberal views are private organisations run for profit. The only one thats publically funded is the BBC, who for the first time in 50 years have chosen a non-male lead to play a sci-fi regenerating role, and it's caused outrage. The one where it's hard to argue a female can't play the part is publically funded. Are we saying private organisations shouldn't be able to choose their own content? The likes of Marvel should have to cast white males in their main roles?

I don't think anybody said Marvel we're pushing liberal views or that that anything other than the free market should dictate what content they put out.

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Sith Happens
9 hours ago, StringerBell said:

Ah Star Wars! My personal fave! You've started me off now.

I also don't have a problem with Rey. In an era where there are so many unbelievable female action heroes it makes perfect sense to the in-universe lore of Star Wars for there to be powerful female force users. As a tiny green frog said "size matter not. Judge me by my size do you? Hmm? Hmm?"

But despite the fact I have no problem with Rey I'm not giving Star Wars a pass on this issue. Rogue One for instance, the Star Wars version of a gritty war film that was supposed to be geared towards 30 something neckbeards like me starred a 5ft 2 posh lass called Felicity who looks like she couldn't punch her way out of a wet paper bag.

Of all the 8 main human hero characters from the last 2 films (9 if Kelly Marie Tran is a major character) every one is either a woman or black/asian/East Asian/Hispanic. The four human villains so far - three white men and one blonde woman. ?

Plus, I'm trying to keep up with the whole Star Wars canon since Disney pushed the reset button and wiped all the old novels and comic books out. Things have jumped out to me - the Empire/First Order are supposed to be space Nazis but there's been a plethora of ethnic diversity (Finn being the obvious one but there are others.) I think maybe the xenophobia is towards alien races but that's not been made that clear. The guys who wrote Rogue One said the Empire are white supremacists so what gives? There's been a number of gay characters and they are really pushing the ethnic diversity. I don't mind it. It's just there's obviously an agenda behind it. We know this because of comments made by JJ Abrams about diversity and Kathleen Kennedy saying it was a "priority" to get a female director. Personally I'd have said it was a priority to get the most qualified director but then I'm more interested in good stories being told well than I am ramming identity politics down long time Star Wars fans throats.


I am not sure Harrison Ford or Mark Hamill will agree with that statement. But certainly the new characters are more diverse in their backgrounds yes.

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15 hours ago, David said:

I'm not a sci fi nerd but I can still watch and enjoy it, was forced to watch one episode and I was begging for Strictly Come Dancing by the end.

That's just a normal evening for you no? 

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7 hours ago, Ramkesian said:

Next will be a transgender 007, my names Bond, Jane Bond ;-)

That one's definitely been done already. I believe the villain was Thunderballs. I wouldn't hold your breath for it appearing on ITV2 any time soon, though.

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3 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

So essentially, only a gay, black. female, disabled Doctor, in a fictional TV show, would right the imbalances of the world


there must be what, 10-15 characters on this show, if that, with any regularity? To cover off all those variances would leave you with the most unrepresentative group of people you could ever imagine.

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