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Come on DET, this is getting a bit silly now...


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Headline: Derby boss Steve McClaren hints that more signings could be imminent

What Steve McClaren actually said: "We have made one or two enquiries, nothing concrete."

Nothing more annoying that articles which have a headline that doesn't match the content, and this is becoming more and more frequent with the DET. I've always found the content to be very good but over the last year or so this has been more and more of a regular occurrence. A shame, but ultimately, pretty poor stuff. 


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 I have completely given up using the DET for anything.  Such a shame as when I was a kid me and my brother used to fight for the paper when it was delivered at teatime to get the latest Derby news.

Now by the time you close the pop ups on a transfer rumour article the player has had his testimonial.

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Usually a paraphrased version of a story that had already been doing the rounds on twitter for 6-12 hours bogged down with pop ups and surveys.

We all know that local newspapers are struggling, but if the content is just replaced with annoying, screen blocking pictures of a new Kia Ceed, then it puts you off.

Felt this for a while. It's so unbalanced in the favour of commerce it's stopped becoming a credible news source.

First world problem, but why waste your days trying to press a tiny cross on the left hand corner of a pop-up, but your big stupid thumbs mean that you end up going to the screen anyway. Pisses me right off!!

Yours sincerely 

V Meldrew

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27 minutes ago, RadioactiveWaste said:

Problem is, it's getting to a point of "its this or nothing" for a lot of local papers, its a real shame, but once you lose them altogether, they aunt coming back....

Getting to the point where it'd not be a massive loss to journalism, though. I feel bad for them. SN seems like a nice guy who surely mustn't enjoy this crap much.

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2 minutes ago, Kennington Ram said:

Getting to the point where it'd not be a massive loss to journalism, though. I feel bad for them. SN seems like a nice guy who surely mustn't enjoy this crap much.

Not just a nice guy, but also a very good and respected journalist. Although there are problems with the website, you won't realise what you lose until its gone. I'd also lump the radio derby team in with this.

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5 minutes ago, TuffLuff said:

Not just a nice guy, but also a very good and respected journalist. Although there are problems with the website, you won't realise what you lose until its gone. I'd also lump the radio derby team in with this.

Yeah fair enough, the paper is still a worthwhile read... It's just a total shame that the website has become so toxic.

Their owners do it to all the local papers too, then lay off the staff that write the newspaper when they shockingly find nobody in their right mind would give them clicks. Half the staff will suddenly be shared across the whole East Midlands, and then just the entire Midlands, whilst they scratch their heads about readership plummeting and online clicks not plugging the gap. Management will continue to get great pay for these sterling decisions.

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Long gone are the days when actual news is well, news.

In by-gone days a new signing was announced in the paper and you probably werent aware until then. With 24 hour news available in every manner you can think of...it isn't news is it by then.

So they have to try and compete and pretend there is a constant stream of news coming out of the club...but 'Thorne is back training' is interesting once.... so what to put later that day?  

Non-stories are inevitable. 'Hughes just concentrating on next game'; 'Russell not aware of interest from x;y,z'...

Agreed that the popups are terrible though....and any 'click to fill in this questionnaire' and I'm logging off...so I don't even look any more. Find all the info I need here...and some stuff I didn't know I needed!


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Is it really a shame though?

We had the telegraph delivered every week night for about 20 years, it got to the stage where we weren't bothering to read it so we stopped buying it. That was about 10 years ago, and we haven't missed it since, like he said above, you get all the news instantly to your phone. Newspapers aren't relevant any more. 

Cant really complain about losing something when you haven't bought it for years. 

A mate was moaning the other day about there being no butchers shops near us, I asked him when was the last time he went in one and he couldn't remember. Don't complain about supermarkets taking over if you're not prepared to support the local shops. 

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2 hours ago, curb said:

Is it really a shame though?

We had the telegraph delivered every week night for about 20 years, it got to the stage where we weren't bothering to read it so we stopped buying it. That was about 10 years ago, and we haven't missed it since, like he said above, you get all the news instantly to your phone. Newspapers aren't relevant any more. 

Cant really complain about losing something when you haven't bought it for years. 

A mate was moaning the other day about there being no butchers shops near us, I asked him when was the last time he went in one and he couldn't remember. Don't complain about supermarkets taking over if you're not prepared to support the local shops. 

The DET is online now btw

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