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London bans advertisers


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I just heard that London mayor is banning adverts with sexy women because it offends muslims and fat people. Is this really a true story ?

I'm fat myself but I'm far more offended because of all kinds of censorship that is gaining ground here in Finland than seeing pictures of young people who take care of themselves.

What do you guys think ?

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I heard this on the radio, it said there was plans to ban unrealistic or unhealthy body images. They didn't mention it being due to offending muslims or fat people or just banning sexy ladies, though I would imagine adverts contain a very fat person would not be allowed under the unhealthy body type part of it.

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Haven't seen anything about this in our news. Friend of mine who told me this said that for example women in swimsuits will be banned. I don't actually know where he got this news but usually he is not full of s*it. Anyway, sounds stupid in year 2016.

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It's idiotic but it's got nothing to do with offending Muslims and it's completely brainless to drag it down to that base level. At the very least it dilutes your argument because you could easily just be dismissed as an islamiphobe and all your concerns over censorship are ignored. At most it's basically just completely unfounded and probably untrue.

But yeah, I agree, completely draconian attitude to 'protecting citizens'. Not really a problem that needed solving.

Obesity to the point of jealousy - now that's a problem that needs solving. And it's not down to the mayor to delve into that area.

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13 hours ago, bigbadbob said:

378 complaints in a year in a city that has 8-9 million people in it. Doesn't sound a lot to me. That woman in advert doesn't look unrealistic either. That mayor sure does care about his people in public transport system to ban those adverts. Next time I'm in London if I see any adverts where someone is in better shape than me I'll call him right away.

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17 hours ago, StringerBell said:

A very adult male response.

Yep the adverts don't bother me personally, but come back on this thread when you've had a vulnerable teenage daughter end up anorexic, self-harming, even suiicdal because of the continual media bombardment of unrealistic body images.

It's not about what middle-aged men think of the issue is it. Your opinion is irrelevant and shall remain so.

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35 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

A very adult male response.

Yep the adverts don't bother me personally, but come back on this thread when you've had a vulnerable teenage daughter end up anorexic, self-harming, even suiicdal because of the continual media bombardment of unrealistic body images.

It's not about what middle-aged men think of the issue is it. Your opinion is irrelevant and shall remain so.

Why? Who are you to dictate who is and who isn't allowed an opinion on certain matters? If he was a middles aged male doctor who agreed on the ban on this type of advert, would his opinion be allowed or is it only middle aged men that find this kind of thing ridiculous?

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33 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

A very adult male response.

Yep the adverts don't bother me personally, but come back on this thread when you've had a vulnerable teenage daughter end up anorexic, self-harming, even suiicdal because of the continual media bombardment of unrealistic body images.

It's not about what middle-aged men think of the issue is it. Your opinion is irrelevant and shall remain so.

Ok we're not all anorexic teenage girls like Owen Jones so we can't all have opinions on what effects anorexic teenage girls. Which thread is this again?

Media images are often listed as possible contributing factors to anorexia, but I'd imagine images would exacerbate a pre-existing mental illness like anorexia, nothing more. Media images actually cause body dysmorphia do they? Have you got a citation for that?

And is there some reason why you think it's females who need special protection? Is your opinion of women so low? Should I not be protected from images of Beckham in his pants?

My cars a bit crap. It's getting me down. I'd better not see any images of a Ferrari or I might self harm. Therefore ban pictures of Ferraris. Oh got a problem with that have you? Well until you know someone who has taken their own life due to their low social status your opinion is irrelevant. 

Seriously, stick your feminist identity politics up your arse.

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13 minutes ago, ossieram said:

Why? Who are you to dictate who is and who isn't allowed an opinion on certain matters? If he was a middles aged male doctor who agreed on the ban on this type of advert, would his opinion be allowed or is it only middle aged men that find this kind of thing ridiculous?

I didn't say you couldn't have an opinion. I just said that whatever opinion you have is irrelevant

For example I think cricket is boring. I think personalised number plates are stupid. I find women with boob jobs very unattractive. All my personal opinions. All utterly irrelevant to the fact

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12 minutes ago, StivePesley said:

I didn't say you couldn't have an opinion. I just said that whatever opinion you have is irrelevant

For example I think cricket is boring. I think personalised number plates are stupid. I find women with boob jobs very unattractive. All my personal opinions. All utterly irrelevant to the fact

only if they bounce in the face :ph34r:

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23 minutes ago, LesterRam said:

yes this topic has been under discussion for a long time, people in the media are trying to put this down to sadiq khan being muslim and linking it to his beliefs but its inept political point scoring and it doesn't warrant it.

Yeah apart from being paternalistic I don't see the link, and even that's a jump in logic. 

My problem with this is the censorship and I can't bloody stand censors like him. 

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2 minutes ago, StringerBell said:

Yeah apart from being paternalistic I don't see the link, and even that's a jump in logic. 

My problem with this is the censorship and I can't bloody stand censors like him. 

all mayors are complete tits, its just another level of bureaucracy and i'm sure he will be implementing some very questionable policies in the near future.

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