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Summer dilemma

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Ok so lets assume we dont go up (probable) and Pearson takes over (very probable). Mel has to accept that players signed under his watch need to go. What would be the minimum that would be deemed either adequate or more to the point the max that mugs (other teams) would be willing to fork out. Imo:

Johnson - max value in current market (3M). How much would i cut my losses at as a minimum 《2.5M》

Weimann - (750k) -《600k》

Christie - (1M) - 《800k》

Bent - free

Baird - free

Grant - (500k) - 《500k》

Albentosa - (750k) - 《500k》

Warnock- free

Pearce - (500k) - 《500k》

Russell - 800k - 《packet of revells and a kit-kat chunky》

Shotton - (500k) - 《350k》

That means MM will have to accept a big loss on both Johnson and Weimann. Im sure he'll take it on the chin but i'd still be p!ssed off if i were him that PC threw his money around like confetti.

Forsyth (maybe maybe) - (1M) - 《1M》CM9 (maybe) - (5M) - 《8M

Thorne (only because he is a bit too slow to play in a central 2 in this division imo). More suited to Prem - (5M) - 《7M》


The 3 players above i wouldnt want to move on but at a push and if money was right i'd sell but only if my min figure was met. The rest of the players incl the underperforming Blackman and Ince would imo improve under Pearson especially in a 442.

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Doesn't Malaga have some sort of option to buy re Albentosa? closer to 1.5~2 mil for him I think, but I dont know the details for how that works. Last I heard he was doing well for them and the Spanish media saw him as a key player for Malaga, but I havent followed or watched much Spanish football lately so things could be different now.

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1 minute ago, Mostyn6 said:

part of Mel's unhappiness with Clement is that he was expected to increase value of players, not wipe their value out.

With some good performances, some of these players will once again find their true value.

Mel? Is that you?

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A lot of players' values are probably at rock bottom at the minute and will only improve if they have a bit of good form. I think that next season we could see some of the players we don't think have a future here going out on loan to find a bit of form, increasing their value in the process.

The closest comparison I can make to this is when Hull loaned Ince to us his value was probably very low, but after a successful loan spell his value increased significantly. 

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9 hours ago, Ram a lamb a ding dong said:

Ok so lets assume we dont go up (probable) and Pearson takes over (very probable). Mel has to accept that players signed under his watch need to go. What would be the minimum that would be deemed either adequate or more to the point the max that mugs (other teams) would be willing to fork out. Imo:

Johnson - max value in current market (3M). How much would i cut my losses at as a minimum 《2.5M》

Weimann - (750k) -《600k》

Christie - (1M) - 《800k》

Bent - free

Baird - free

Grant - (500k) - 《500k》

Albentosa - (750k) - 《500k》

Warnock- free

Pearce - (500k) - 《500k》

Russell - 800k - 《packet of revells and a kit-kat chunky》

Shotton - (500k) - 《350k》

That means MM will have to accept a big loss on both Johnson and Weimann. Im sure he'll take it on the chin but i'd still be p!ssed off if i were him that PC threw his money around like confetti.

Forsyth (maybe maybe) - (1M) - 《1M》CM9 (maybe) - (5M) - 《8M

Thorne (only because he is a bit too slow to play in a central 2 in this division imo). More suited to Prem - (5M) - 《7M》


The 3 players above i wouldnt want to move on but at a push and if money was right i'd sell but only if my min figure was met. The rest of the players incl the underperforming Blackman and Ince would imo improve under Pearson especially in a 442.


If Pearson does come in, then he might be able to get the best out these this bunch, certain players mentioned [Shotton, Albertosa, Pearce] should be moved out.

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Let's face it, we overpaid for most of our recent acquisitions.

Mel Morris has no-one to blame but himself for sanctioning the deals the the first place.

Clough was left with a number of players he couldn't find clubs for, then McClaren and I think the next manager will have the same problem.

It's not just a case of finding a club that is willing to pay for the players, it's finding a club that is willing to pay the same salary package as they are currently on at DCFC.

Who in their right mind would take the likes of Weimann, Bent, Blackman, Pearce and Shotton? They have done precious little in their time with Derby. I would add Ince to this list. He is probably the single biggest flop after his successful loan spell.

I think the new manager will want to hang on to Johnson, Christie, Forsyth and Grant. They have all produced at times and will be seen as having a part to play going forward.


There is still so much to play for this season. Automatics are not out of reach in a division where Sheffield Wednesday are as likely to go up as many others. It's so unpredictable. Maybe must maybe some of these players can finally pull their fingers from out of their backsides and actually turn in a performance worthy of the ridiculous amount of money that MM is paying them every week.



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You're overlooking the fact that the players listed may be the only players left to work with.  The players who's values are accurate and have had a decent season may well want to move on if they get a sniff of a club higher up being interested in them.  I'm talking Keogh, Shackle, Christie, Hendrick, Hughes (since he's been out we've seen what a difference he makes), and Carson...

As others have pointed out, these aren't bad players and a good manager should be able to get more out of them, but i suspect no matter how deep Mr Morris' pockets are, some will need to go to balance the books.

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In the summer will the new manager be expected to make do with the squad we've got or will a major overhaul of the squad be allowed?

Just a thought but I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing if there is a major overhaul and we have to effectively start over again. It would definitely give Mel a chance to lay true foundations for the Derby Way.

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As has been said if the new manager can get the best out of some of these players then who knows. Let's look at a positive, we are 6th in the league with a load of players under performing, not just a little either. If someone could get them performing at anywhere near what they are capable of then who knows what could happen. I agree the likes of Baird, Warnock, Shotton, Pearce, Wiemann, Bent maybe do need to be moved on. But again that would be the managers decision. 

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1 hour ago, SIWY said:

A lot of players' values are probably at rock bottom at the minute and will only improve if they have a bit of good form. I think that next season we could see some of the players we don't think have a future here going out on loan to find a bit of form, increasing their value in the process.

The closest comparison I can make to this is when Hull loaned Ince to us his value was probably very low, but after a successful loan spell his value increased significantly. 

But we still paid over the top ,Hull had our pants down.

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