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Liverpool Fans Protest


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What did everybody make of it?

I am a bit angry that Liverpool fans are getting all of the glory when it was us that came up with the idea of leaving on 80 minutes.

On a serious note fair play to them for doing but surely it's only a proper protest when they actually stop paying for the tickets.

Now it is in the media it is a good chance for fans from other clubs to join in but I doubt any will.

Annoyed me to see what Shearer had to say about it, when it is clearly players wages that have driven ticket prices so high. Don't ever remember him offering to take a pay cut to reduce ticket prices...

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Don't know all of the facts but I am guessing only some tickets are £77.

For me £40 is ridiculous, even £30 is pushing it. At the end of the day it's 90 minutes of non guarantees entertainment.

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25 minutes ago, davenportram said:

£77 a ticket is ridiculous. For a 50k crowd that's £4m gate receipts for one match. I actually checked my maths because we only had £6.5m in total for a season not too long ago.

I don't think it's a minimum or an average price but a maximum, so no, it's going to be £4m a game, but pretty extortionate all the same.

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1 minute ago, eddie said:

I don't think it's a minimum or an average price but a maximum, so no, it's going to be £4m a game, but pretty extortionate all the same.

I know but the minimum is likely to be no less than half the maximum (just looking at our prices) still going to be over a million per game. Dint forget Burton almost paid for their entire stadium with their share of 1 fa cup match at old Trafford all those years ago.

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I listen to Simon Jordan tonight on the radio about his views on this, fair play to him he said that fans like to dictate to owners how they should be spending their money on what players but when it's their money they're having to spend they don't like it.....

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Why are so many people expecting so much from Liverpool ? They haven't had world class team for ages. Half of their fans have not seen the glory days of the club and still they expect performances like that every season.

They are just a big but mediocre club with a nice history.

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I can't leave a thread about the most overhyped horrible club in the world go by without sticking in my two pennies...

the 77 pound a ticket is disgustingly high yes (but it is only the top category ticket for the top 4 games a season)  but these are the same fans that are moaning year after year about not challenging for the title and having to sell their best players because there is no investment.. and I didnt see them all walking in on 9 minutes which is the cheapest ticket...!

What is there next protest going to be I wonder? Don't buy a ticket and then bunk into the ground for nothing...oh wait, they have never done that before...

Anyway....whatever the price of football tickets, its not their fault, it never is.

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1 minute ago, MuespachRam said:

I can't leave a thread about the most overhyped horrible club in the world go by without sticking in my two pennies...

the 77 pound a ticket is disgustingly high yes (but it is only the top category ticket for the top 4 games a season)  but these are the same fans that are moaning year after year about not challenging for the title and having to sell their best players because there is no investment.. and I didnt see them all walking in on 9 minutes which is the cheapest ticket...!

What is there next protest going to be I wonder? Don't buy a ticket and then bunk into the ground for nothing...oh wait, they have never done that before...

Anyway....whatever the price of football tickets, its not their fault, it never is.

We all suffer high ticket prices, but Liverpool are the real victims here.... :ph34r:

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1 minute ago, MuespachRam said:

I can't leave a thread about the most overhyped horrible club in the world go by without sticking in my two pennies...

the 77 pound a ticket is disgustingly high yes (but it is only the top category ticket for the top 4 games a season)  but these are the same fans that are moaning year after year about not challenging for the title and having to sell their best players because there is no investment.. and I didnt see them all walking in on 9 minutes which is the cheapest ticket...!

What is there next protest going to be I wonder? Don't buy a ticket and then bunk into the ground for nothing...oh wait, they have never done that before...

Anyway....whatever the price of football tickets, its not their fault, it never is.

Being objective as usual i see

More fans need to protest at these prices. The board are reconsidering. so it worked. 

Well done scousers


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2 minutes ago, Tombo said:

We all suffer high ticket prices, but Liverpool are the real victims here.... :ph34r:

I'm being facetious tbf, I like Liverpool and I think this is a good thing. Big club doing it finally made the media pick up on it properly.

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Just now, sage said:

Being objective as usual i see

More fans need to protest at these prices. The board are reconsidering. so it worked. 

Well done scousers


I did say at the time that at least they are doing something, I can't stand the club or the supporters but I will admit that they are at least doing something about it and fair play to them.

Better than all those on here moaning about "20's plenty" and then when Norwich charge 40 pound we sell out our tickets..!

The board will alter the pricing, it is in their PR interests to do so, but they will get the money off them some other way, either in an increase in hot dog prices an extra couple of quid on the shell suits, a few pound on the curly hair products and cash combs...

I saw an interesting item today.... The mighty Liverpool.....since the last time they won the league....Peter Schmeichal has signed for United, won the league 5 times and now his son is about to win it for the first time... ha ha

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4 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

Just had a weekend away in Liverpool. Lovely city, great people. You should go @MuespachRam

I have been on numerous occasion. Once I recall having all the windows on the bus smashed, one time they broke into the mini bus and slashed all the seats, one time they broke into the bus and took number 1's and number 2's on the seats and even filled up the oldies flasks they had with pee pee, (all of these happened in the "official" police escorted parking) once we were chased all the way back to the train station and I went with Juve once and had them shouting "where's your Uncle? Did he come back from Brussels" "39 empty seats at the back there" all the way through the game....scum.

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1 hour ago, MuespachRam said:

I have been on numerous occasion. Once I recall having all the windows on the bus smashed, one time they broke into the mini bus and slashed all the seats, one time they broke into the bus and took number 1's and number 2's on the seats and even filled up the oldies flasks they had with pee pee, (all of these happened in the "official" police escorted parking) once we were chased all the way back to the train station and I went with Juve once and had them shouting "where's your Uncle? Did he come back from Brussels" "39 empty seats at the back there" all the way through the game....scum.

I've seen big "hard" Man United fans throwing punches at family groups of  Derby fans outside Old Trafford (after the Wanchope game). One 13 year old lad was sausageted round the head by a 40+ fat manc

40 Man U thugs attacked 6 of us once on Crewe station......top lads they were....

I can only go by my own experience as in all my years following Derby I've never had trouble with scousers (Everton or Liverpool), yet always found Man U fans complete and utter vvankers of the highest order. As bad as Leeds.

There's ***** everywhere Muespach.

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5 hours ago, Uptherams said:

What Shearer said was spot on. With the new TV deals starting next season clubs have more than enough money, ticket sales will only make a small proportion of total revenue so just have the tickets at £20 or so. 

And what did Shearer have to say about over priced tickets when he was playing and taking his share of the pie because I must have missed it...

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9 hours ago, MuespachRam said:

I have been on numerous occasion. Once I recall having all the windows on the bus smashed, one time they broke into the mini bus and slashed all the seats, one time they broke into the bus and took number 1's and number 2's on the seats and even filled up the oldies flasks they had with pee pee, (all of these happened in the "official" police escorted parking) once we were chased all the way back to the train station and I went with Juve once and had them shouting "where's your Uncle? Did he come back from Brussels" "39 empty seats at the back there" all the way through the game....scum.

Must have been pretty awful hearing all 40,000 singing that, I'm assuming it was the majority of their fans singing it for you to tar them all with same brush.

You know what I went to Anfield once and heard some Derby fans singing 'we saw you squashed on the telly' also been abroad with England and watched their fans smashing places up. Assume you hate Derby and England now you know that?

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5 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

Must have been pretty awful hearing all 40,000 singing that, I'm assuming it was the majority of their fans singing it for you to tar them all with same brush.

You know what I went to Anfield once and heard some Derby fans singing 'we saw you squashed on the telly' also been abroad with England and watched their fans smashing places up. Assume you hate Derby and England now you know that?

The difference is that whilst everyone acknowledges that each club has/had knob head fans no one ever acknowledges that they had fans that were responsible for the death of others.

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8 minutes ago, MuespachRam said:

The difference is that whilst everyone acknowledges that each club has/had knob head fans no one ever acknowledges that they had fans that were responsible for the death of others.

I am sure if you actually had the time to ask each and every individual Liverpool fan you would find loads that acknowledge that their fans caused the Heysel tragedy.

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