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It is, it's their legs. That and their sly ways, stopping and starting when they think you're not looking then invading my space. 

Fook off back to your dark corner! Do not come ambling round the door crawling right towards me. You have the creepy scare factor, I have my hairy bikers cookbook and I will drop it on you from height, with speed and force.

You have been warned!

I'm fascinated by spiders, I think they're incredible creatures. But they freak me right out. Great on a documentary, crap in real life. I thought I was getting over my phobia a bit. I've had to man up a bit since I've had kids and stuff. But the other day I was on the bog, and then there he was by the door. I was trapped by the sneaky bugger. What's worse is I still had to wipe before I could somersault over him, all while trying not to let my feet touch the ground, lest the little ******* run up my leg and eat my brain, and keeping one eye on him at all times, lest he should disappear, only to reappear leaping into my face to eat my brain. 

I won't kill them though. I don't like the mess it leaves. Bits of spider legs twitching and oozing guts are just as gross as a live one. 

My wife sorts them out though, she got no probs killing em. She grew up in a jungle where the kids would catch bird eating spiders and barbecue them. It's caterpillars she's scared of (cos the caterpillars will kill you stone dead in Peru). What a wuss, caterpillars!!

or my cat'll come along and chew on it for a bit. 

Lim not going to sleep easy tonight now. Is that a thread from the duvet tickling my ankle?...

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I ignore spiders unless they're in my bedroom. I've woken up with a spider crawling on my face, and that set me off. I like them, as said above they kill all sorts of other things that are a nuisance. Flies being a big one, can't leave a window open without being invaded by flies sometimes. Spiders help that. Just don't come near my bedroom while I'm sleeping and stay off my face and I'm perfectly happy to have you as lodgers. You're going out the window if I catch you in my bedroom.

Here's a thought for you arachnophobes next time you see one solitary spider walking around on his own - spiders hatch in groups of 100s and 1000s. Good luck finding the rest before you go to bed. Sweet dreams everyone.

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i used to consume those when i was a kid.  Fun to eat too, first you need to pluck off the legs though but when you bite into them they pop ever so delightfully in the mouth.  Taste just like sweet chicken.  One spoilsport ruined this favorite hobby of mine, the little legless ball of fury bit me on the tongue so i couldn't speak for a week.  Mother was much pleased.

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I was always scared of them but I woke up and had one crawling on my face, I brushed it off opened my eyes and it was running up the side of my pillow.

Fear factor went through the roof then, I was in full panic mode.

Did you know that the average person eats 14 spiders over their lifetime when they're asleep?! I have no idea how this conclusion was reached but there you are. It freaks me out so I don't dwell on it if I can help it.

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I ignore spiders unless they're in my bedroom. I've woken up with a spider crawling on my face, and that set me off. I like them, as said above they kill all sorts of other things that are a nuisance. Flies being a big one, can't leave a window open without being invaded by flies sometimes. Spiders help that. Just don't come near my bedroom while I'm sleeping and stay off my face and I'm perfectly happy to have you as lodgers. You're going out the window if I catch you in my bedroom.

Here's a thought for you arachnophobes next time you see one solitary spider walking around on his own - spiders hatch in groups of 100s and 1000s. Good luck finding the rest before you go to bed. Sweet dreams everyone.

Tidy your room up and they won't be as attracted :p

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I was always scared of them but I woke up and had one crawling on my face, I brushed it off opened my eyes and it was running up the side of my pillow.

Fear factor went through the roof then, I was in full panic mode.

Did you know that the average person eats 14 spiders over their lifetime when they're asleep?! I have no idea how this conclusion was reached but there you are. It freaks me out so I don't dwell on it if I can help it.

An oft-told myth, don't worry about it.


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I was always scared of them but I woke up and had one crawling on my face, I brushed it off opened my eyes and it was running up the side of my pillow.

Fear factor went through the roof then, I was in full panic mode.

Did you know that the average person eats 14 spiders over their lifetime when they're asleep?! I have no idea how this conclusion was reached but there you are. It freaks me out so I don't dwell on it if I can help it.

That is fookin horrific. 

I'd never sleep again

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