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UK Holiday Recommendations


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Having a week away in January, between Xmas and my birthday in February (hint hint), as the missus works a lot over Xmas with her job. I don't have wings so clearly not designed to fly so we're looking at holidays in the UK.

Looking for recommendations basically, we don't want to stay in a city although a short drive to one would be nice. Taking the dog with us so looking at maybe a log cabin kind of thing in the sticks with a little village/town nearby and that. 

Be nice to have a few things to do in the area as well so we're not just sat watching tv in the middle of nowhere for a week.

We don't mind how long it takes to get there.

Where should I be looking at?

West Wales, Tenby or Solva are good.

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Wouldn't recommend camping in the Peak District. A mate of mine tried it one Easter. Couldn't understand why it was still dark at 9-30, until he stuck his head out. 4 inches of snow.

I don't get it. Snow makes things brighter, unless you're underneath it. did you mean 4 metres of snow? that would make it dark!

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Loads to see in this country.

Name any Spanish resort and I can tell you what it's like.

Sea, beach, row of bars and restaurants, English bars full of overweight vest wearing Heron food shoppers eating eggs on chips. Lucky lucky on the street selling genuine Rolex watches for 20 euros, can also have a caricature whilst you wait for 20 euros.

Stray cats and dogs running around, the sound of horns as cars do what the **** they like. 

Swimming pools at all inclusive hotels full of crusty skinned men and women bloated on fizzy cheap watered down lager saying this is the life.

How have you got yourself in the position where it's either Benidorm or the UK?

Not that I disagree with your choice of going on holiday here, there's loads to do. But you can go to Spain without staying in one of those British resorts....

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How have you got yourself in the position where it's either Benidorm or the UK?

Not that I disagree with your choice of going on holiday here, there's loads to do. But you can go to Spain without staying in one of those British resorts....

Nope, I'm in the position of UK or UK, like I said earlier, have a dog, can't leave him home alone for a week, I'd have no sofa, a carpet full of piss and **** and 2 dead cats

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Holiday. In Britain. In February. :ermm:

Grow up, get a passport and take her to Barcelona for a week. :cool:

Couple of hours flight or summat? No drama. Great food, great architecture. Weather will be mid teens and you can even go and watch Messi. Just give us a match report and let us know whether he really is better than Johnny Russell, 'cos I'm not convinced.

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And I've been to Barcelona, done the Nou Camp tour, seen the cathedral that will never be completed, had dinner in Chicago Rock, had the speech about holding on to your bum bags as the robbing Spanish gets target tourists.

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