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Encounter with Leeds fans

King Kevin

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To understand this story I have to start off by saying for the age of 62 I have a good head of hair albeit the wrong colour these days.

Anyway me and my mate were in the process of buying burgers from the burger bar at the back of the station.I had purchased mine and was leaning on a lamp post [there is a song somewhere] enjoying the said burger.

A group of Leeds fans came out of the station running towards me shouting and swearing ,one in particular covered in tattoos shouting something incomprehensible made straight for me. I thought here we go.

Not being one to back down  even at my advancing years I said "what did you say " to which he replied " you ain't going bald any time soon are you mate".

He then proceeded to head off towards the Ipro  with his mates singing and shouting profanities .In all my 57 years of going to the match it has to go down as one of the most bizarre  experiences .


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It was probably the first time they had ever encountered anyone of our age who wasn't wearing a flat cap, so he naturally assumed that hair is non-existent amongst the more mature fraternity.

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To understand this story I have to start off by saying for the age of 62 I have a good head of hair albeit the wrong colour these days.

Anyway me and my mate were in the process of buying burgers from the burger bar at the back of the station.I had purchased mine and was leaning on a lamp post [there is a song somewhere] enjoying the said burger.

A group of Leeds fans came out of the station running towards me shouting and swearing ,one in particular covered in tattoos shouting something incomprehensible made straight for me. I thought here we go.

Not being one to back down  even at my advancing years I said "what did you say " to which he replied " you ain't going bald any time soon are you mate".

He then proceeded to head off towards the Ipro  with his mates singing and shouting profanities .In all my 57 years of going to the match it has to go down as one of the most bizarre  experiences .


this post is head and shoulders above the rest.

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As I was coming out of the car park queue ready to hit the road away from Pride Park, a car with Leeds fans pulled up in front of us. I waited a few seconds wondering what the hell I was going to do, distracted by this pondering I looked him right in the eye and noticed he was waving something at me.


His hand, he was letting me join the traffic. I couldn't believe it, not a single new scratch on my car and we were off to the Exeter Arms in peace.

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Ironies eh? Broken myths?  For all the hatred we have for Leeds, everywhere I've ever worked had at least one dirties fan,and to a man, they've all been game for Banter. All been brilliant blokes. And all taken it on the chin when I've handed out grief. All given as good as they get. 

It's only football to be fair. 

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Are you saying you have hair like the professor off Back To The Future?

I have - except for none on top.

One point twennyone jiggerwatts.


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To understand this story I have to start off by saying for the age of 62 I have a good head of hair albeit the wrong colour these days.

Anyway me and my mate were in the process of buying burgers from the burger bar at the back of the station.I had purchased mine and was leaning on a lamp post [there is a song somewhere] enjoying the said burger.

A group of Leeds fans came out of the station running towards me shouting and swearing ,one in particular covered in tattoos shouting something incomprehensible made straight for me. I thought here we go.

Not being one to back down  even at my advancing years I said "what did you say " to which he replied " you ain't going bald any time soon are you mate".

He then proceeded to head off towards the Ipro  with his mates singing and shouting profanities .In all my 57 years of going to the match it has to go down as one of the most bizarre  experiences .


Maybe it was Vidal Sassoon or Trevor Sorbie 

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