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1 hour ago, robster1 said:

I know it wont help this year, but how about adding £1 to the price of a season ticket next year? Ok we know that season ticket prices are staying at the same price as this year, but when people renew could they be give the option to donate £1 to 1884. That would get you an extra £20k a year. Make it something we have to opt out of rather than opt in to. I am a season ticket holder who think 1884 are doing a cracking job, but haven't donated myself - simply because it is one of those things "I will do later". Having said that I could have donated in the time it took to write this. I'll do it now! Lets not expect Mel to do everything for us.

We have raised this with the club but they weren't sure about it, one because of other groups that may feel left out, two because I think Mel feels he can sort it out.

Having said that, feel free to put it in the suggestions thread. If it comes from other fans rather than from us suggesting it, maybe it's something dcfc will consider.

Thanks for the support though!!

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As I have said many times , you are doing a fine job,and in the last year the ipro is becoming a great stadium , one day it will be as good as the BBG,or even better , everything at DCFC,is so positive at the moment, long may it continue.And it is so good to hear how Mel is so supportive.

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Have The 1884 Group thought of doing any fund raising in any of the pubs round Derby, donation box, bottle, football cards, scratch cards, lottery cards, bingo, race nights etc. As I'm sure most fans that like a few pre match and post match pints would generously donate money when getting the round in, as it's always a good time to give when getting your cash out and receiving change etc.

Even a fanzine, anything that helps generate extra funds. 

Merchandise, t-shirts, pin badges etc.

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2 hours ago, Tombo said:

Are you sure it's water and not a different hot liquid you've filled it with?

...piping hot grape juice maybe?


2 hours ago, ossieram said:

I prefer to call mine plum juice.

dirty filthy schweinhunts, you'll upset our friends from the valleys who are due to visit our green and pleasant land int morning.

They'll be jealous!

Sheepshag Army!!!!!!!

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On 13 November 2015 19:22:19, robster1 said:

I know it wont help this year, but how about adding £1 to the price of a season ticket next year? Ok we know that season ticket prices are staying at the same price as this year, but when people renew could they be give the option to donate £1 to 1884. That would get you an extra £20k a year. Make it something we have to opt out of rather than opt in to. I am a season ticket holder who think 1884 are doing a cracking job, but haven't donated myself - simply because it is one of those things "I will do later". Having said that I could have donated in the time it took to write this. I'll do it now! Lets not expect Mel to do everything for us.

I think that extra payments that you have to opt out of are underhand we shouldn't become like sports direct.

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1 hour ago, rustylee said:

I think that extra payments that you have to opt out of are underhand we shouldn't become like sports direct.

If it did happen, you would have to opt in so it was always your choice.

However, with Mel committing to funding us, it's taken the pressure off fundraising, so we probably won't be doing bucket collections. We are also conscious that charities do bucket collections at every match, we wouldn't want to take money away from them.

We still welcome donations via gofundme.com/1884group or you can set up a monthly direct debit of any amount by emailing 1884group@gmail.com. I never see your bank details via either method if you were worried!!

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