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Does Mac deserve this stick he's getting


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He deserves criticism but nowhere near the levels he's getting. He's failed this season, but why does that mean we have to sack him? Every manager, even during successful spells, have failed seasons. Things aren't going to be as rosy as 13/14 for every season with McClaren in charge. If he stays with us for another decade, there will at least be another two or three seasons even more disappointing than this season (can you imagine that? No, me neither. It's not like we've had the worst season of all time within living memory, is it?).

We've taken ourselves well too seriously this season. Our manager gave us one good season and the sense of entitlement and arrogance we got from that was embarrassing. Fans get excited when their team does well, and there's nothing wrong with that. Oh, how we laughed at Forest for being silly enough to enjoy their good start to the season! Nothing like us at Derby at all, is it? We never got carried away this season. We were humble and respectful about the other teams and their fans and we were gracious in defeat. That right, isn't it? Forest fans very much have the last laugh this season and we set ourselves up a treat.

Even worse than being mardy when we were beaten fair and square this season, and even worse than the arrogance we've been rightly hated for this season, is the fact that we've turned on our manager. He's raised our expectations - him alone. The moment he doesn't live up to those expectations we've got from one good season in blue moon, we cry out that it's time to go. And for what? Because he hasn't "properly" denied those rumours you've read in your comics? 

McClaren's got a lot wrong and 8th place, from where we were, isn't good enough. There are plenty of good reasons why it's happened, but we couldn't coach our way out of this one - we needed management. The management came up short this time. But he deserves a second chance - he's still had the best win ratio of any manager in our lifetime and it would be just so classic Derby to forget that because of a two or three month spell.

Beautiful post, me duck.

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​Clearly stated under "Player registrations" - "Purchases". Every year I always check the total additions of intangible fixed assets (players' regs) against what had been quoted in PBSE the year before,and it tallies. Also,because loanees aren't fixed assets (they only give value over the accounting period in question),they can't appear in this PBSE figure.Nigel's net spend during the whole of his tenure only equated to our last summer spend,and he,over time, had to reshape virtually the whole squad,as opposed to just adding to a pretty decent squad.

​Sorry,I made a mistake on the reconciliations I do.Every year I take the payments for players from the cash flow statement,add on what we owe to other clubs at the end of the year and subtract what we owed at the start of the year.This is the figure that tallies with total asset additions.

Asset additions totals have always been higher than figures given in PBSE for a variety of reasons.A common one is that we've often signed players in June,which is obviously after the PBSE cut off point.Also you could have contract changes involving agents' fees after this date ,and the possibility of incentive based payments (eg on appearances made) becoming due and thus adding to original costs of players. The point about loans still stands.

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Since becoming a manager/ head coach Steve McLaren has quite a track record of not being able to turn things around once they slip. His one resounding success, start to finish,was in Eredivisie with tiny Twente. Incredible from beginning to end. When he gets it right then he really gets its right..but when the wheels come off they tend to stay off. That was a while ago now. His three jobs previous to Derby have been nothing to write home about at all. Putting that kindly.


You check his track record previous to us.. Wheels off stay off... 

I will stick my head out and say the rot will continue into next season..more than likely more expensive rot than this lot. Fans will get restless and Rush will pull the trigger.. 


​hope you don't mind that I've chopped up your email but this is the area of of concern for me.  How bad does it need to get before enough is enough?  If you are right, and I think you maybe, then unless he gets a good start then that's another season right off.  It 's not just him either, his management team have failed also, what happened to Grant?  I thought we had one of the best GK coaches in the top 2 divisions.

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​hope you don't mind that I've chopped up your email but this is the area of of concern for me.  How bad does it need to get before enough is enough?  If you are right, and I think you maybe, then unless he gets a good start then that's another season right off.  It 's not just him either, his management team have failed also, what happened to Grant?  I thought we had one of the best GK coaches in the top 2 divisions.

I hope Im wrong Spanish. I really do. But these last couple of months have seen us play defensively the worst football for a very long time. 

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Steve McClaren says Derby County must quickly look to the future – rather than looking back at the disappointing end to the 2014/15 season.

This season has ended, this season has gone and it is hugely disappointing for the magnificent fans."

Steve McClaren

A 3-0 home defeat to Reading on the final day of the 2014/15 season saw Derby miss out on a place in the Sky Bet Championship’s Play-Offs, inflicting a premature end to their season. 


A run of two wins in 13 matches towards the end of the campaign proved to be costly, with McClaren admitting his squad ran out of steam at a key time.


The Head Coach is now looking to the future as the club seek to return to the Premier League, with Derby now preparing for an eighth successive season in the Championship.


He has stressed the importance of sitting down with key figures at the club in order to move forward.


image: http://www.dcfc.co.uk/cms_images/player/insert-mcclarenclosenorwich129-2373233.jpg



He told Rams Player: “We reflected last season after losing in the Play-Off Final, we had a short break, we came back and we picked up where we left off. 


“We have got a longer break now because of this, maybe, that’s going to be an advantage. 


“Nothing looks rosy at the present moment and we understand that.


“We went right down to the wire and we have failed. 


“We need to use this anger next season. I will sit down with Sam Rush, Chris Evans, the owners and Mel Morris because the ambition is to get into the Premier League. 


“What do we need to do now? 


“Last year, we needed to get the players under contract, this season we need to take another step and there is a determination to do it.”


image: http://www.dcfc.co.uk/cms_images/player/insert-mcclarenreadinghome129-2436486.jpg



Derby showed a positive reaction to the Play-Off Final defeat to Queens Park Rangers last season for the majority of the 2014/15 campaign, by mounting a promotion challenge for the second successive season.


McClaren is adamant that the Rams must recover mentally and physically from the frustrating end to the season.


“I have been doing this for a long time now, some seasons end well and some end in disappointment,” he said. 


“This one is a huge disappointment and we need to recover from it – mentally and physically – so I am determined to sit down with the necessary people and find out the reasons this happened. 


“From that we can formulate a plan to put it right and get ready for next season.”


image: http://www.dcfc.co.uk/cms_images/player/insert-mcclarenwatfordsimpson129-2375275.jpg



McClaren has also moved to praise the support of Derby’s fans.


Both home and away, the side were backed in large numbers throughout the season.


Despite their best efforts, the Head Coach accepts that the Derby faithful have departed for the summer in a disappointed manner. 


He said: “This season has ended, this season has gone and it is hugely disappointing for the magnificent fans. 


“They have been magnificent both home and away, we have given them some great games, great entertainment and great football.


“I know the fans are disappointed and frustrated, but believe me, everyone, including all the players and the staff in that dressing room, has given 100 per cent to try and get over the line, but in the end it wasn’t good enough.”


image: http://www.dcfc.co.uk/cms_images/player/mcclarenramsplayer129-2326997.jpg



Read more at http://www.dcfc.co.uk/news/article/mcclaren-looks-to-the-future-2438344.aspx#HSUSTak56M8ecJdE.99

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In my opinion, he doesn't deserve it all, but he really hasn't helped himself.

There were plenty of chances in January for him to say what he said yesterday. I partly understand why he did it, nobody in management wants to shut any open doors - its a fickle business after all - and, lets not kid ourselves, Newcastle are big club, even with Ashley there, still an attractive proposition.

But this 'will he won't he' has damaged his standing with, by the looks, a significant section of Derby fans.

I'm of the mind, if he's staying, he gets my support. If he goes, good luck to him, but I'll support whoever comes in to replace him. I don't want rid - its been some of the best football I've seen Derby play since the Jim Smith days.

He's won over half the games he's been in charge of. We've been turned from mid-table also rans, to play off contention twice in two seasons. Lets not have two months of poor form erase a season and a half of good feeling.

Onwards and upwards - let us all forget the season just gone and start fresh. Couple of signings, get everyone fit, keep the core, trim some fat, no trips to the backwaters of Europe, and try and trounce this league. Some of our best performances have shown we have the potential to, now we need to prove it this season. Aim for top 2. None of this, we are aiming for the play offs.

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he should be sacked no doubts about it , hes turned down Newcastle because if he had lost 3 games that would have been another massive fail on his cv. he was approached when pardew went and could have blown it out the water then and said he wasn't interested  but no he always skirted round the edges , and that was to the detriment of derby county , I don't know how any derby fan can be happy with what hes done , even the 1 or 2 loan signings who on paper have looked successful have in my opinion upset the nucleus of a load of guys who were in it together , Saturdays performance was woeful and looked to me as if those players couldn't wait to the season was over

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he should be sacked no doubts about it , hes turned down Newcastle because if he had lost 3 games that would have been another massive fail on his cv. he was approached when pardew went and could have blown it out the water then and said he wasn't interested  but no he always skirted round the edges , and that was to the detriment of derby county , I don't know how any derby fan can be happy with what hes done , even the 1 or 2 loan signings who on paper have looked successful have in my opinion upset the nucleus of a load of guys who were in it together , Saturdays performance was woeful and looked to me as if those players couldn't wait to the season was over

​load of horseshit!

You're making stuff up because you're too embarrassed to admit you've been made to look like a muppet for throwing your toys out of the pram for no reason! You're not alone though.

Did McClaren replace Pardew? NO! He ducking fidn't, so why are you giving him **** about it?

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​load of horseshit!

You're making stuff up because you're too embarrassed to admit you've been made to look like a muppet for throwing your toys out of the pram for no reason! You're not alone though.

Did McClaren replace Pardew? NO! He ducking fidn't, so why are you giving him **** about it?

​tell me what part of it is made up ? I could tell you a lot more , the difference between me and you is I know whats going on you just guess

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​tell me what part of it is made up ? I could tell you a lot more , the difference between me and you is I know whats going on you just guess

That's opened up a can of worms. 

Please tell us whose being disloyal then to the manager .

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He hasnt known what to do to reverse the decline of fortunes during the latter part of the season. Why then would you expect him to handle a similar situation should it occur again. He has seemed more lost and more confused that most and even took on the role of an observer rather than a team manager during the run-in. 

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Anyone who suggests that the club and the style of play hasn't progressed overall thanks to McClaren and his staff are talking out of their backsides. I simply do not care that a few of them are 'Cloughs men' The team were going nowhere under Clough, and it is a very dull subject by now.

For me, despite the capitulation for which McClaren can be held fully responsible, along with the players, might I add, it is good news that he is staying.

The only trouble I have is with the timing of the announcement.

Talk about after the Lord Mayor's Show.

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​tell me what part of it is made up ? I could tell you a lot more , the difference between me and you is I know whats going on you just guess

I'll highlight the bits you've made up, unless you can prove categorically that they are true, with evidence, you've made them up, or believe someone else who has made them up!​


he should be sacked no doubts about it , hes turned down Newcastle because if he had lost 3 games that would have been another massive fail on his cv. he was approached when pardew went and could have blown it out the water then and said he wasn't interested  but no he always skirted round the edges , and that was to the detriment of derby county , I don't know how any derby fan can be happy with what hes done , even the 1 or 2 loan signings who on paper have looked successful have in my opinion upset the nucleus of a load of guys who were in it together , Saturdays performance was woeful and looked to me as if those players couldn't wait to the season was over

​there you go. 

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He hasnt known what to do to reverse the decline of fortunes during the latter part of the season. Why then would you expect him to handle a similar situation should it occur again. He has seemed more lost and more confused that most and even took on the role of an observer rather than a team manager during the run-in. 

​Precisely ..................

How are they going to retrieve the situation even.

The management should take a long look at their own shortcomings and mistakes and learn from them.  First thing on the list should be a defensive coach.

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I'll highlight the bits you've made up, unless you can prove categorically that they are true, with evidence, you've made them up, or believe someone else who has made them up!​


​there you go. 

​both the bits highlighted are true  

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