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Future Derby Captain


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With the imminent departure of Shaun Barker at the end of the season and the question marks surrounding Keogh's leadership qualities, who would choose for the Derby captaincy next season?

For me it's Thorne, if you watch him during the game he's the motivator, he's the one encouraging the players to step it up.

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I agree with mumble. I'm not bashing Keogh (before I get accused of it) for his ability or effort & he may be a wonderful motivator behind the scenes but I just feel he doesn't rally the troops enough on the pitch for a captain.

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Thorne impressed me in lots of ways on Tuesday but most of those were expected - what he surprised me with was how vocal and commanding he was. He was pointing, gesturing for other players to calm down, shouting. I honestly thought he was quieter than that. He's perfect captain material. That said, I think he's too good for us and if you look at the way he forced the move to Derby it's easy to see it happening again. He'll be playing for a top four club in a couple of years if he avoids injury. So it might be better to pick someone who we expect to stick around, like Grant.

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I would like Hughes.. I know he's young and I'm not just saying this because he's good. More to the fact that when we are losing/drawing watch his body language he's the one who grabs the game and tries to change it.. Also more to the fact he's always encouraging the rest of the team mates to up there game with his arm gestures (Hard to explain what I mean!)

Eustace did it a lot and good to see Will doing it now.

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I would like to see Hughes get it it. 

I can see Keogh getting it, but given he will probably play very little in the PL, it will probably just be a diplomatic captaincy with a new CB or even Albentosa being handed it on match days. 

Kind of how Garry Monk was Swansea captain but didn't often play. 

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I would like to see Hughes get it it. 

I can see Keogh getting it, but given he will probably play very little in the PL, it will probably just be a diplomatic captaincy with a new CB or even Albentosa being handed it on match days. 

Kind of how Garry Monk was Swansea captain but didn't often play. 

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Yeah I'm certain Keogh will be club captain regardless of whether he's playing most games, if he's not playing first team then I suspect grant/ martin/ Buxton would take it on matchdays depending who's still in the first team. May even go the way of having a "club captain" and a "1st team captain" but I don think we would. Would be nice to see a younger player as vice captain, maybe Thorne? Would be good to have a younger player having the leadership experience but has to be a player we're confident of having them around still in 4/5 years times. 

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Yeah I'm certain Keogh will be club captain regardless of whether he's playing most games, if he's not playing first team then I suspect grant/ martin/ Buxton would take it on matchdays depending who's still in the first team. May even go the way of having a "club captain" and a "1st team captain" but I don think we would. Would be nice to see a younger player as vice captain, maybe Thorne? Would be good to have a younger player having the leadership experience but has to be a player we're confident of having them around still in 4/5 years times. 

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I would like Hughes.. I know he's young and I'm not just saying this because he's good. More to the fact that when we are losing/drawing watch his body language he's the one who grabs the game and tries to change it.. Also more to the fact he's always encouraging the rest of the team mates to up there game with his arm gestures (Hard to explain what I mean!)

Eustace did it a lot and good to see Will doing it now.

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I would like Thorne to take the captaincy but that won't happen until Keogh leaves. Nothing personal towards Keogh but when I see Thorne controlling the show from his position, you can see he's a natural for that job. I also think it would help his long-term prospects for the club if he was given the armband.

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