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My friend quitted smoking with changing cigarettes to lollipops. He said they tasted better and were cheaper. For a while though he was addicted to those. And looked funny as hell.

One thing that I do is that every day I put a side the money for needed to buy a pack of cigarettes. Earlier I used the money to take a vacation in Greece every year. Now I spend the money on watches. Two years of worth the ciggies buy me a luxury watch of my dreams.

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I'm not going to insult you by making assumptions about your smoking habits, but I actually think a lot of people like to take the break from work to go out for a fag and to get a bit of air. I'm not even being funny, I know someone who beat this by going outside for a crafty fun size Mars bar instead. There was obviously the nicotine addiction to beat, but the first time he tried giving up, that was the first thing he missed, going out for a cigarette. Take your fag breaks at work, but without the fag.

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Have a long, hard think about how mind numbingly illogical and stupid it is to smoke.

If that doesnt sway you, I doubt anything will.

Some people think its mind numbingly illogical and stupid to follow a football team, we all have our own addictions! I love beer too, I'm a fool

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.... Is rubbish.

I really want a ciggie, someone help me through these early days, life seems so empty without a fag :-( will I get used to just sucking steam instead of cancer-filled smoke, tell me it gets better!!???

Get your self a box mod, and some decent liquid and you will never look back again.

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Some people think its mind numbingly illogical and stupid to follow a football team, we all have our own addictions! I love beer too, I'm a fool

I don't see the illogic in following a football team but understand your point.

Football and beer in moderation are unlikely to reduce your life expectancy a whole deal.

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Some people think its mind numbingly illogical and stupid to follow a football team, we all have our own addictions! I love beer too, I'm a fool

Hey to each his own in regards to smoking; I just never have done it and never intend to. However, my father and mother both have for over 40 years.

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I don't see the illogic in following a football team but understand your point.

Football and beer in moderation are unlikely to reduce your life expectancy a whole deal.

Since I want to reduce my life expectancy but don't want to start smoking what would you recommend ?

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Brown, crack, Base, md.

At least you'll have a good time dying as well.

I've heard about crack so I trust that those others are drugs too. Don't like them. When I was in the army I once was given some painkillers that made me hallucinate. I knew that things I was seeing were not actually there and it didn't make me any happier. Took the pain away though.

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I had smoked for over 30 years and had tried to quit several times with patches, inhalers, tablets, lozenges, micro tablets and chewing gums all to no avail after initial success.


I started vaping over 2 years ago and have only had a couple of fags since. It worked for me!


I recently had a lung function test at work (the first since I quit smoking) and my results had improved significantly. I am financially much better off; I bet I don't spend more than 8 quid a month on my vaping habit plus I no longer stink like an ashtray. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm going for round two on the first of March. getting an e-cig to start to get me off the smoking habit then i'll move onto patches. I did it before but missed smoking that much I started smoking again. This time i'm not going to make the same mistakes.


Mind you I've said the same about women too.

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I'll have been stopped 3 years in May after 25 years being a smoker.

Managed to give up inside a week with an E-cig.

I have no idea how I stopped so quickly but I'm glad I did. Do I feel any better though? No, can't say I do. But I Don't stink like an ashtray now at least.

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