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France thing all fake? You decide...


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No, its not fake. The point about the misreporting of the shooting outside & the ID cards is interesting though. Without going to their website, I don't know whether the accusation is that it didn't happen full stop or whether the security services didn't make as much effort to stop them as they may have done - I wouldn't totally discount the second possibility. What better way to justify the State snooping on our internet communications & eroding more of our personal freedoms than the promise of "protection against terrorism".


As a general point, I am instinctively suspicious about any big news story & wonder what news might be being obscured elsewhere. The sudden panic about Ebola outbreaks is a classic example - its very difficult to catch unless you're a medical worker or intimately associated with a victim, yet the media goes into a frenzy whenever a case in the West is reported.

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It's not fake. These You Tube videos are 2 a penny. See also 9/11, alien abduction and so on.


Things are misreported all the time. One journalist reports things as they see it, it goes on the wire and is passed on. In the competition to get a story in the era of 24-hour rolling news, mistakes are made.


We should all question what we are told but that's not the same as seeing conspiracy everywhere.

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No it's not fake. It may be that the officer who was shot at was luckily missed, but who is to say that he was not shot subsequently, or his shooting was initially misreported. Close the case Plastic PC Mostyn and return to your day job.

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like a distraction tactic?



That's right. There are a number of embarrassing stories that the "Establishment" would rather were under-reported - what better way than to exaggerate a threat that many people can identify with to divert attention.


Particular stories like the Prince Andrew story, Tory by-election defeats & prominent slap-downs of our PM by European leaders have all been obscured by "bigger" news stories in recent weeks. Maybe its just my cynical mind.


Then there's the information that particularly the UK media don't report but which you can find freely reported elsewhere. Such as the real situation in Ukraine & the real reason for the instability in Syria.

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No it's not fake. It may be that the officer who was shot at was luckily missed, but who is to say that he was not shot subsequently, or his shooting was initially misreported. Close the case Plastic PC Mostyn and return to your day job.


What the hell are you talking about? ONLY one shot was fired, it missed, the 'victim' then played dead. No more shots fired, and the shooted circles the victim and jumps back into a car, which had a certain colour of wing mirrors which were totally different to the ones on the car when the alleged terrorists were killed. 


DID you actually watch the video I posted?

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What the hell are you talking about? ONLY one shot was fired, it missed, the 'victim' then played dead. No more shots fired, and the shooted circles the victim and jumps back into a car, which had a certain colour of wing mirrors which were totally different to the ones on the car when the alleged terrorists were killed.

DID you actually watch the video I posted?

It took me about 6 seconds to read your conspiracy bollux, and then you wanted me to waste another 2 minutes 44 on something I watched yesterday. If only one shot was fired what was the shot that rang out at 25 seconds, a car back firing? The officer I suggest was shot then, or a few seconds before, hence why he was on the ground not able to escape. The video is challenging an account filmed and commentated on by a TV company, a video of which he subsequently claims was relayed by the "corporate media" as a fatal head shot. Big deal! Like he says whoever thought that was a fatal headshot does not understand the power of an AK47 or is lying. I am not overly sure that too many news editors have much experience using the weapon of choice of an armed terrorist, but there again perhaps they do and they might be liars. By the way, I would have played dead after the second shot missed. I hope the officer lived.
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Juvenile conspiracy guff.


Some paranoid teen putting videos on Youtube trying to sound clever.



It took me about 6 seconds to read your conspiracy bollux, and then you wanted me to waste another 2 minutes 44 on something I watched yesterday. If only one shot was fired what was the shot that rang out at 25 seconds, a car back firing? The officer I suggest was shot then, or a few seconds before, hence why he was on the ground not able to escape. The video is challenging an account filmed and commentated on by a TV company, a video of which he subsequently claims was relayed by the "corporate media" as a fatal head shot. Big deal! Like he says whoever thought that was a fatal headshot does not understand the power of an AK47 or is lying. I am not overly sure that too many news editors have much experience using the weapon of choice of an armed terrorist, but there again perhaps they do and they might be liars. By the way, I would have played dead after the second shot missed. I hope the officer lived.



So neither of you watched the video, which is the same video the media used, but without the bits taken out.


Why comment on the thread if you haven't got the respect or decency to watch the video?

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So neither of you watched the video, which is the same video the media used, but without the bits taken out.


Why comment on the thread if you haven't got the respect or decency to watch the video?

I watched it Mostyn. More than once. It's typical conspiracy stuff. Media in collusion with others to feed us a pre-determined set of 'facts' to keep us quiet / sedated / compliant / scared (delete according to conspiracy theory).


Amount of credulity required - About the same as the halfwits that perpetrated this in the name of their prophet.

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So neither of you watched the video, which is the same video the media used, but without the bits taken out.


Why comment on the thread if you haven't got the respect or decency to watch the video?

I watched the video yesterday Mostyn, hence why I can draw your attention to the shot at 25 seconds in the video. Read my last post again, then watch the video properly. The Media got it wrong, big deal. If you said to me the French Government or Police were saying this was a fatal head shot then that might be a bit more of a concern, but it's just the media mate.

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I watched the video yesterday Mostyn, hence why I can draw your attention to the shot at 25 seconds in the video. Read my last post again, then watch the video properly. The Media got it wrong, big deal. If you said to me the French Government or Police were saying this was a fatal head shot then that might be a bit more of a concern, but it's just the media mate.

The authorities fed the media a script of what was going to happen then got a policeman to act it out too.

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