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The Fawaz Circus 2015


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​Jeesus - have they just written down the names of players they were chasing 5 or so years ago.


"Stellar signings" :lol::lol::lol:

They's still waiting on ​Whittingham and Pratley - and rather hopeful.

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​The last one is basically a sign of admission of just how superior we are at the minute.

If you have to resort to the old ''we have a better history'' line, you have to analyse just how pathetic a fan you've become. 

And do they seriously think they still have an international reputation? Yeah, I'm sure Messi walked off the pitch after beating Juventus in the CL Final and thought... ''It's good, but it's not quite Forest''...

What history do they speak of? I can only remember a time when they were in the third tier. And i'm not even very young. 

I actually struggle to remember when they were a bit **** in the premier league, let alone when they were actually any good. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Apparently Forest are going in for Brad Jones. Worst goalkeeper I've ever seen at Derby tbf:lol:

As previously mentioned, his son was very ill at the time, I'm not surprised he was tosh. Before that he was highly rated at Boro.


I remember a goal going in under him, I'm not sure against who, quite early from a corner. Savage and either Anderson/Eustace had a quick go at each other before both looked back at Jones with a scowl and walked off. Both were aware it was Jones' fault, a poor effort, but they just walked off.


Always felt like there was a different dynamic with him under performing, difficult to slate a man with all of that going on, he should never have been out there but I assume he felt he wanted to.

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Some recent corkers on LTLF:

"Got a feeling they'll win this second division by a country mile now they've offloaded the "Special One".
Why didn't they just keep him the Tw***." 


"Derby fans reading this thread must be pissing themselves. Why are we being so utterly feeble"


"F*** 'em and their shitty sheep shagging team. They could be 4 divisions higher than us but will never have our history, a proper ground or the international reputation we have, let alone our amazing fan base and away support."


The first one made me chuckle no end.

The last one is hilarious.

  • We're about equal on history (but history IS history, right?)
  • Their fan base attracts 6,000 fewer to their home games than we did last year
  • We have about the same away following (which actually surprised me)
  • I'll grant them two European Cups is an achievement, but come on... against Malmo and Hamburg? 
  • Our stadium is bigger, newer and far fuller, week-on-week. 
  • International reputation? In Kuwait maybe. We've got celebrities lining up to be Derby supporters. George Clooney anyone? :D 
  • We have a team of Galacticos... they have a team of Lactose Intolerants.
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Settled their outstanding HMRC bill of 1.8 million this morning, £1,799,995 in cash, and a newly commissioned portrait of Forest legends was accepted as balance.







The frame was valued at a fiver!

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Some lad on Twitter has been superimposing Fawazs head on famous paintings.... Better than the George Thorne/Sam Rush ones from last year....

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