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Roy Keane


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He's probably got a condition where he can't relate to other peoples feelings. It's quite common.

Thus leading him to just say what he is thinking regardless of what harm it will do to others.

Aspergers I think.


Reminds me of my old man.


He's a bit of a pr*ck, but he makes me laugh Roy. Quite like listening to his punditry as well, says it how it is.




That Savage story cracked me up, can imagine that situation, I'd be thinking the same if I was Roy. 

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He's probably got a condition where he can't relate to other peoples feelings. Thus leading him to just say what he is thinking regardless of what harm it will do to others. Aspergers I think.

Is this Aspergers thing contagious? What a terrible affliction.

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Like his honesty but like Tombo says, he's a bit of d1ck. Seems to snipe at people for attention.

But at least he isn't dull. Rather listen to Keane than Lambert.

And he gave Fergie some stick. God forbid!!!

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He's probably got a condition where he can't relate to other peoples feelings. It's quite common.

Thus leading him to just say what he is thinking regardless of what harm it will do to others.

Aspergers I think.

I can relate to that, especially when I was at school, got in trouble as I didn't understand cliques, still don't to be honest but much better now,

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Roy Keane: Pablo Counago responds to ex-manager's claims

Former Ipswich striker Pablo Counago has described Roy Keane as a "mess as a football manager" and a "coward".

Counago was responding to Keane's claim in his new book that the Spaniard was "dead lazy" during their time together at Portman Road.

Keane said 35-year-old Counago was "a player I didn't particularly like or get on with" and added "I nearly physically attacked him".


Counago scored 26 goals in his second spell at Town between 2007 and 2011.


Counago on Keane

"It seems like he needs to criticise players, managers and directors etc to keep selling books as he is not able to do anything else in football."

Former Manchester United and Republic of Ireland midfielder Keane, now assistant boss at Aston Villa, was in charge at Ipswich between 2009 and 2011.

In a statement given to independent Ipswich Town website TWTD, Counago said: "The love and respect I feel for ITFC and its fans is something he will never feel.

"I always tried my best with the Blues, I felt so loved there, Ipswich is and will always be in my best memories.

"I could say lots of awful things about him but I don't feel right speaking about him, I feel sorry for him. That's why whatever he says about me I don't take offence, even though he's not telling the truth about me.

"It seems like he needs to criticise players, managers and directors etc to keep selling books as he is not able to do anything else in football. It is a very sad ending for a person that was so big as a player.

"As I told him once, I think he is a complete mess as a football manager. As he has said in his book, he wanted to hit me, but behind his appearance there's a coward.

"I just hope he can find happiness in his life as, in my opinion, being that miserable must be very mentally draining."


Well said Pablo.

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Roy Keane: Pablo Counago responds to ex-manager's claims

Former Ipswich striker Pablo Counago has described Roy Keane as a "mess as a football manager" and a "coward".

Counago was responding to Keane's claim in his new book that the Spaniard was "dead lazy" during their time together at Portman Road.

Keane said 35-year-old Counago was "a player I didn't particularly like or get on with" and added "I nearly physically attacked him".

Counago scored 26 goals in his second spell at Town between 2007 and 2011.

Counago on Keane

"It seems like he needs to criticise players, managers and directors etc to keep selling books as he is not able to do anything else in football."

Former Manchester United and Republic of Ireland midfielder Keane, now assistant boss at Aston Villa, was in charge at Ipswich between 2009 and 2011.

In a statement given to independent Ipswich Town website TWTD, Counago said: "The love and respect I feel for ITFC and its fans is something he will never feel.

"I always tried my best with the Blues, I felt so loved there, Ipswich is and will always be in my best memories.

"I could say lots of awful things about him but I don't feel right speaking about him, I feel sorry for him. That's why whatever he says about me I don't take offence, even though he's not telling the truth about me.

"It seems like he needs to criticise players, managers and directors etc to keep selling books as he is not able to do anything else in football. It is a very sad ending for a person that was so big as a player.

"As I told him once, I think he is a complete mess as a football manager. As he has said in his book, he wanted to hit me, but behind his appearance there's a coward.

"I just hope he can find happiness in his life as, in my opinion, being that miserable must be very mentally draining."

Well said Pablo.

I look forward to his amazing autobiography which I imagine will be out in due course....
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Don't understand why he is scum etc....

Rather be someone whose honest rather than BS....

Got a lot of time for him...

Can't remember him ever backing away from anyone.

Remember him confronting Viera when he went after one of the Nevilles pre kick off....

"Pick on someone your own size" said to Viera.

Terrific player... Honest, doesn't shy away, has no regrets, whatever he's done right or wrong.

You would think we're calling him a criminal for some of the things he's done....

Not criminal to be honest....

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I enjoyed last Saturdays Football Focus with the feature on Roy Keane where Roy touched on the subject of everyone being afraid of Alex Ferguson etc.


I've always enjoyed listening to Roy Keane on ITV, he always states his mind and doesn't follow the sheep mentality of others, he's in control and states his own opinions and is refreshingly honest, direct and straight to the point a bit like when he was on the pitch, he did have a short temper, and he and everyone else was and is aware of it. As with Patrick Vieira, they were rivals, they both wanted to control the pitch and they would try everything to try and achieve it, making them very important players indeed and without such Alex Ferguson wouldn't have achieved all his glory. As for Robbie Savage..................


Regarding his management, here's a snip ............


Nobody can really prepare you for management. I

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