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Will hughes set for 100 senior appearances


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Unbelievable achievement. 


For a teenager, who is making his 100th tonight, he hasn't really lost form at any particular time. Okay, he perhaps hasn't pushed on like some expected on his breakthrough season but he's stayed consistent. I'm hopeful this season he will push on more, and if he keeps up the standards he has set this month then we'll have one of the top midfielders in the league. 

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Think of the week or so he's had in terms of performances





It's got to be his best and longest run of consistency?

I mean he's always been great for allowing others to play and picking smart passes to keep the team in control but this last week he's really put together those more scattered performances where he does that little bit more. Where he's a bit more forceful with where he wants the ball and where he wants it to end up. More aggressive.

His energy and tackling are underrated too. It's when he plays like this it makes you wonder how we ever put him in DM. Not that it was a bad decision at the time. Just look at him now!!

Good luck Jeff Hendrick on budging this guy out

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Cracking acheivement for someone who is still only 19!  He's been in and around the first team for such a long time that it's easy to forget he is still so young.,

Like others have said, he has been running the show these last couple of games and hopefully he can keep it up through the season and we continue to see him put in top drawer performances.

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