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Ever been in a fight?


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My friend got into a fight last night with a guy from his work. The guy broke his nose and a couple of his ribs. My friend got him pretty good too.  The fight started because this bloke was flirting and messing with my mate's lady all-night long. I for one have been in fights before...always winning of course  :D .


Anyone recall fights they have been involved in? Why was the fight started? What was the outcome? And a fight to me is about more than just the verbal back and forth.

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Well I have been in a lot of fights I'll give you that. Nothing much to tell though. Never been hurt bad or hurt anyone too bad. Only bruises. I'm a small guy people have always seen me as a easy target. I'm getting old and I try tone it down. Ok ?

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Been in a few and have the scars to tell the tales. Won some lost some.

Scar on my head from a bottle, Another from a pool cue. Had my ear sewn back up after it was left hanging when i didn't move my head far enough to the side when another pool cue was swung at me.

Scar down my cheek when caught with a punch by somebody wearing a sovereign ring.

Scar above my eye where a twig ripped in as i rammed somebody through a hedge.

And those are just from the victories :ph34r:

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Been in a few and have the scars to tell the tales. Won some lost some.

Scar on my head from a bottle, Another from a pool cue. Had my ear sewn back up after it was left hanging when i didn't move my head far enough to the side when another pool cue was swung at me.

Scar down my cheek when caught with a punch by somebody wearing a sovereign ring.

Scar above my eye where a twig ripped in as i rammed somebody through a hedge.

And those are just from the victories :ph34r:

Oh dear :lol:

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I actually talked with the guy who attacked me in February. There are still parts of the fight either one of us can't remember. Shows how much damage a single puch can do. A guard I know said he watched the tape and it was plain to see how we staggered after the hits. A lot of force behind those punches even when we really don't know how to hit. A little bit of bad luck and the other one would be now in jail and the other one six feet under or in the hospital as a vegetable. We were both lucky that day.

I hope it was my last fight.

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I haven't been in a fight since I was 12. It's interesting that posters seem to have been in lots of fights or none.

Not sure what that tells you.

At least it tells that people have a different kind of tolerance for ****, growing and living surroundings and a ability to stay out of trouble which translates to common sense.

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I got in a fight in Tenerife once. I fell asleep on a sun lounger at about 5am, and woke up with my face in the sand, missing my front tooth, pudding blood from my mouth and missing my watch.

I've not got the foggiest idea what happened, so I assume 8 guys attacked me, and while I watched 7 of their bodies float out to sea, the 8th sucker punched me and nicked my watch.

I still had my phone on me (it was stolen by a nurse at the hospital) so must have won the fight. It's the only possible explanation. I still light a candle for the 7 men I probably killed.

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I have, just one proper one. I was getting bullied, forced back onto a fence, I was scared, so I screwed up my fist behind my back and hit her once with all the force I could. I heard a crunch and her nose exploded all over her face.

I didn't stick around, I grabbed my younger brother and legged it. I never saw her again.

If I had to, I'd do the same again. Bullies have it coming, it's their own fault.

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I've been attacked by a dolphin and a cow.......not at the same time i hasten to add.

Xmas eve in the early 80s in the Spotted Cow i got battered by two blokes trying to proposition my girlfriend.

Never saw the punch coming due to their cleverness.

Never able to breathe through my nose properly ever since.

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I used to live with a psychopath. He bought some cheese cake and pizza, said I could have some and then popped out. I had 1 slice of each. He came back, went bonkers, started shouting, raging actually, pointing a fork in my face and then spat at me. Red mist descended, threw a punch and then missed. Bit of grappling, turns out he's a total nutter and that's what he did. Started throwing his head back into my face. I was so shocked I couldn't feel a thing.

Woke up next morning with my right eye closed shut. Just thinking about it makes me angry, over something so trivial and something that was okay and then not. Looking back there were other niggly things that had happened that day which obviously wound him up.

Nearly 4 years ago, still pisses me off. Madness.

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