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Derby play Rangers at the iPro

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You better get uefa,scots football authorities,asa,lord nimmo on speed dial fella they all say we are the same club with an unbroken history.

Sorry to make you look like a fud.......

Eufa have banned you from all European competitions for 3 years because your new club can't produce 3 years worth of accounts, your new club has no voting rights with the SFA and is only an associate member as your new club can't produce 3 years worth of accounts. Your old club was liquidated in June 13TH 2012

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No extra tickets for Gers fans...

RANGERS will not be given extra tickets for Saturday's friendly with Derby County.

The Light Blue legions have already snapped up 8,500 briefs for the clash at the iPro Stadium but Rams chief operating officer John Vicars said: "Unfortunately due to conditions imposed by the local police we are unable to increase the away allocation."


Looks like there's going to be rangers fans in the derby end then.

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Fair looking forward to this trip now 20 of ma mates travelling down 4 am start.

Could have done what most lads are doing and stay the Friday saturday night but the mrs wouldn't have been very happy.

Loads of bars have been booked for cultural entertainment but are ticket only.

Going to be a cracker

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No extra tickets for Gers fans...

RANGERS will not be given extra tickets for Saturday's friendly with Derby County.

The Light Blue legions have already snapped up 8,500 briefs for the clash at the iPro Stadium but Rams chief operating officer John Vicars said: "Unfortunately due to conditions imposed by the local police we are unable to increase the away allocation."


Looks like there's going to be rangers fans in the derby end then.

There wont be a "Derby End" not many going. Enjoy the game and close the door on the way out.

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I don't get why derby fans wouldn't go to see one of the biggest clubs in the world and the best travelling support in the world

I'll be there, But i will be going to watch Derby and hopefully have a few drinks and enjoy the atmosphere,

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I am mystified by the animosity shown to Rangers on this forum. I attended Rangers friendlies last year with Bristol Rovers and Sheffield Wednesday and had great days out at both matches with no trouble whatsoever and great interaction with opposing fans in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Ipswich town provided a similarly great occasion and were very welcoming.

The forums of both Wednesday and Rovers looked forward to the visit of rangers and did not resort to the insulting and sanctimonious comments that I have read on this forum. No such friendly behaviour or welcome awaits us from your fans.

I am unsure what you feel warrants your apparent and obvious feeling of superiority over a team like Rangers. We have appeared in several European finals, as recently as 2004, and hold many world records including a league attendance of 118,00. Indeed we had 38,000 season tickets last year for what effectively was the Scottish third division.

It is true to say that finances and TV rights now play such a major part in football that Scottish teams and Rangers in particular have suffered financially and now struggle to complete in buying players. Payments from Sky tv to English lower league teams dwarf our payout. Does this really warrant your contempt and air of superiority.

I for one couldn't care less if you all stay at home and don't attend the match. This would further confirm my view that you seem to be a  bunch of glory hunting part time supporters that only want to attend a friendly if the away team meets your inflated views of being worthy of playing DCFC

I support my team regardless of the opposition and so do 45,000 Rangers fans every home match. Over 10,000 will make this trip on Saturday. Please do not think for one moment that you are the star attraction. We are merely taking the opportunity to show our support in troubled times and have a great day out with fellow fans in a different environment.

My only regret is that Rangers didn't arrange a match against a team with more pationate and friendly fans. 

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I am mystified by the animosity shown to Rangers on this forum. I attended Rangers friendlies last year with Bristol Rovers and Sheffield Wednesday and had great days out at both matches with no trouble whatsoever and great interaction with opposing fans in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Ipswich town provided a similarly great occasion and were very welcoming.

The forums of both Wednesday and Rovers looked forward to the visit of rangers and did not resort to the insulting and sanctimonious comments that I have read on this forum. No such friendly behaviour or welcome awaits us from your fans.

I am unsure what you feel warrants your apparent and obvious feeling of superiority over a team like Rangers. We have appeared in several European finals, as recently as 2004, and hold many world records including a league attendance of 118,00. Indeed we had 38,000 season tickets last year for what effectively was the Scottish third division.

It is true to say that finances and TV rights now play such a major part in football that Scottish teams and Rangers in particular have suffered financially and now struggle to complete in buying players. Payments from Sky tv to English lower league teams dwarf our payout. Does this really warrant your contempt and air of superiority.

I for one couldn't care less if you all stay at home and don't attend the match. This would further confirm my view that you seem to be a  bunch of glory hunting part time supporters that only want to attend a friendly if the away team meets your inflated views of being worthy of playing DCFC

I support my team regardless of the opposition and so do 45,000 Rangers fans every home match. Over 10,000 will make this trip on Saturday. Please do not think for one moment that you are the star attraction. We are merely taking the opportunity to show our support in troubled times and have a great day out with fellow fans in a different environment.

My only regret is that Rangers didn't arrange a match against a team with more pationate and friendly fans.

Rangers are a big club, no one has denied that. A few have pointed out that we probably shouldn't be playing a team that bad for a final friendly but that's another matter.

My main problem is that Rangers are a vile, cheating, sectarian club. The Rangers fans on this forum have not only not criticised their fans' past behaviour but they defend it, passing it off as 'banter'. Frankly, I'm a little embarrassed that we're playing you but at least we'll get some money from it.

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I am mystified by the animosity shown to Rangers on this forum. I attended Rangers friendlies last year with Bristol Rovers and Sheffield Wednesday and had great days out at both matches with no trouble whatsoever and great interaction with opposing fans in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere. Ipswich town provided a similarly great occasion and were very welcoming.

The forums of both Wednesday and Rovers looked forward to the visit of rangers and did not resort to the insulting and sanctimonious comments that I have read on this forum. No such friendly behaviour or welcome awaits us from your fans.

I am unsure what you feel warrants your apparent and obvious feeling of superiority over a team like Rangers. We have appeared in several European finals, as recently as 2004, and hold many world records including a league attendance of 118,00. Indeed we had 38,000 season tickets last year for what effectively was the Scottish third division.

It is true to say that finances and TV rights now play such a major part in football that Scottish teams and Rangers in particular have suffered financially and now struggle to complete in buying players. Payments from Sky tv to English lower league teams dwarf our payout. Does this really warrant your contempt and air of superiority.

I for one couldn't care less if you all stay at home and don't attend the match. This would further confirm my view that you seem to be a  bunch of glory hunting part time supporters that only want to attend a friendly if the away team meets your inflated views of being worthy of playing DCFC

I support my team regardless of the opposition and so do 45,000 Rangers fans every home match. Over 10,000 will make this trip on Saturday. Please do not think for one moment that you are the star attraction. We are merely taking the opportunity to show our support in troubled times and have a great day out with fellow fans in a different environment.

My only regret is that Rangers didn't arrange a match against a team with more pationate and friendly fans. 

You'll find most fans will be friendly and willing to have a drink and a laugh on Saturday.

But as a rule, Our last pre season game is our only home game and is against either a prem team or a European team.

Rangers are a big club and have massive support, But are still seen as a 2nd tier Scottish club right now.

We also have fans that either prefer Celtic or don't like either of the old firm clubs. But i will be there and in town early doors for a few drinks and am looking forward to it. I just hope none of those ***** from Chelsea who tried to start trouble before the tinman game, are making the trip up.

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