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Wembley play off final - arse twitchometer.


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Living down here I've only spoken to one person who is aware or remotely bothered about the playoff final (a neutral who is going to Wembley and siting in the QPR end). It's frustrating that I've got all this on my mind and everyone else is going about their lives in blissful ignorance.

At home I've never spent so much time on the internet. I've watched the Brighton matches numerous times on Rams Player and despite only discovering this site a few weeks ago I am checking it constantly and it's all making me sick with nerves.

Last night my wife commented about me "talking to my internet nerds again" when I turned on the lap top.  I've got 'since I was young' on a loop in my head. I might be losing it.

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Arse twitchometer now registering a 4.5. Probably something to do with the Zanfish scran I wolfed down quite late last night.....

That being said, I get the feeling our daughter is wearing a rut in the landing carpet between her room and the bog of late, speshly since her ticket arrived yesterday.

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Sitting on a 7.2 at the moment. Had a mixed grill last night, smothered with Walkerswood Scotch Bonnet sauce.


Insanely yummy, but it will be looking for the exit soon.

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Apart from the RSI I now have reading the last couple of pages - I'm not too bad.

I just have a general feeling of nausea and slight irritability. 



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Haven't really thought about the game much to be honest. No point til Friday night. I was hyper after the Brighton games but it's been a long wait and that's dampened down my excitement. It hits me randomly now and again but I'm quite calm atm.

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Just put my "Out of Office" on at work....how does this sound...



"Thanks for your email, sorry I am currently out of the office because i'm going to Wembely....que sera sera.....I will respond to your mail when I return on Monday 26th May, unless I am still celebrating in the fountain at Trafalgar Square of course....thanks again for your mail....right....where is that beer.."

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Just put my "Out of Office" on at work....how does this sound...



"Thanks for your email, sorry I am currently out of the office because i'm going to Wembely....que sera sera.....I will respond to your mail when I return on Monday 26th May, unless I am still celebrating in the fountain at Trafalgar Square of course....thanks again for your mail....right....where is that beer.."

"Thank you for taking the time to email. Whilst I will do my best to answer your email in a prompt manner, the office shall be closed due to the mighty Rams' trip to Wembley, and shall not reopened until at least Monday the 26th of May, depending on whether or not I have fished myself out of the fountain at Trafalgar Square.

If an urgent reply is required on Monday and none is forthcoming, I recommend coming to the aforementioned fountain, preferably with beer."

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Just put my "Out of Office" on at work....how does this sound...



"Thanks for your email, sorry I am currently out of the office because i'm going to Wembely....que sera sera.....I will respond to your mail when I return on Monday 26th May, unless I am still celebrating in the fountain at Trafalgar Square of course....thanks again for your mail....right....where is that beer.."


Has the fountain recovered from the Tartan Army's fairy liquid, beer, and all the pish they put in it?


Regarding the fountain I can feel another chant coming on.


"He's on his own, he's on his own........MuespachRam's in the fountain..........and he's on is own"

"He's on his own, he's on his own........MuespachRam's in the fountain..........and he's on is own"

"He's on his own, he's on his own........MuespachRam's in the fountain..........and he's on is own"

"He's on his own, he's on his own........MuespachRam's in the fountain..........and he's on is own"


C'mon everyone sing up!

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The misses was telling me last night that I was going nowhere on Saturday until I caught this humongous spider that decided to creep into the front room whilst I was watching Hamilton Accies v Hibs on the telly.


She instantly jumped on the couch, with baby and baggage, shouting out loudly, you ain't leaving this house until you catch that spider.


So there I was running round the front room, moving furniture all over the shop as this big furry black octopussy looking thing, gave me the run around. Mike Reid was knowhere to be seen, and this ugly beast new how to hide.


Well, the front room, was full on carnage and the little fella was screaming like a banshee, and I'm running about like a dafty with a shoe in hand.


Anyway after a couple of stand offs and a couple of retreats of sprinting around the woooden borders, the spider got what for, before we all went to bed, safely knowing there were only 3 sleeps to go.


And now there are only 2................sleeps.......no not spiders, my body can't take another night of moving all the s0dding furniture about!


I hope Stevie Mac is aware of such when giving his team talk, that us Rams fams go through a lot, to cheer on our lot.

Maybe all the fans should lne up with their twichy @rses on show and we could just say to the lads, "C'mon stop our twitching @rses. please".................ermmm maybe not :wacko:

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Haven't really thought about the game much to be honest. No point til Friday night. I was hyper after the Brighton games but it's been a long wait and that's dampened down my excitement. It hits me randomly now and again but I'm quite calm atm.

you're wierd

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The misses was telling me last night that I was going nowhere on Saturday until I caught this humongous spider that decided to creep into the front room whilst I was watching Hamilton Accies v Hibs on the telly.


She instantly jumped on the couch, with baby and baggage, shouting out loudly, you ain't leaving this house until you catch that spider.


So there I was running round the front room, moving furniture all over the shop as this big furry black octopussy looking thing, gave me the run around. Mike Reid was knowhere to be seen, and this ugly beast new how to hide.


Well, the front room, was full on carnage and the little fella was screaming like a banshee, and I'm running about like a dafty with a shoe in hand.


Anyway after a couple of stand offs and a couple of retreats of sprinting around the woooden borders, the spider got what for, before we all went to bed, safely knowing there were only 3 sleeps to go.


And now there are only 2................sleeps.......no not spiders, my body can't take another night of moving all the s0dding furniture about!


I hope Stevie Mac is aware of such when giving his team talk, that us Rams fams go through a lot, to cheer on our lot.

Maybe all the fans should lne up with their twichy @rses on show and we could just say to the lads, "C'mon stop our twitching @rses. please".................ermmm maybe not :wacko:

animal cruelty. 

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