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Xmas Day Dinner


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Turkey is an awful meat. It's a flavourless, drier version of Chicken. It's a complete con. Even if you think you like Turkey, you don't.


I "came out" about 10 years ago on the Turkey front and then the rest of my family dropped like flies. We no longer even consider it.


Goose is really nice, but a bit of a hassle and you don't get a lot of meat on it considering the size.


Think we're getting a hench joint of beef.


First the absurd concept that £1's are better than 50p's and now this.


If you don't like Turkey you've never been cooked it properly, I genuinely love Turkey and eat it all year round, even dry Turkey is really nice with some half-decent gravy. You're really punishing yourself by refusing to acknowledge the possibility of Turkey, it's such a versatile meat when it comes to a roast. I've considered becoming American so I can celebrate Thanksgiving and eat more Turkey.


Next you'll be telling us you don't like Sprouts.

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First the absurd concept that £1's are better than 50p's and now this.


If you don't like Turkey you've never been cooked it properly, I genuinely love Turkey and eat it all year round, even dry Turkey is really nice with some half-decent gravy. You're really punishing yourself by refusing to acknowledge the possibility of Turkey, it's such a versatile meat when it comes to a roast.


Next you'll be telling us you don't like Sprouts.

What are you lot trying to say!? My mum can't cook?


FFS she can.


I was being diplomatic before but now I'm going to be honest, pound coins d1ck all over your fancy 50p coins, which you can stick where the sun don't shine, although good luck doing that because you can't really do that due to their shape.


Chicken does everything a Turkey can do, but better. Plus Turkeys don't lay decent eggs.


I like sprouts, especially fried with pancetta.

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Our school's Christmas lunch is apparently the next best thing to actual Christmas dinner, so I'm very excited for mine tomorrow. I'll be stacking my plate, not going to lie.


However, Mum always does a classic and rarely goes wrong.


Christmas day:





Sprouts with Bacon

Pigs in blankets


Parsnips (not a fan)

Cauliflower cheese

Second meat is a smoked ham, although I go all turkey.


My Grandma also does a cracking Christmas Pudding too, but I tend to go with a secondary option ( a cheesecake usually).


Boxing Day:


Cold meats


Bubble and squeak

Pork pie

Cheese selection (Stilton, Wensleydale etc.)

Pickled onions and gerkins

Cherry tomatoes




And obviously Champagne and Chocolate breakfasts.

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What are you lot trying to say!? My mum can't cook?


FFS she can.


I was being diplomatic before but now I'm going to be honest, pound coins d1ck all over your fancy 50p coins, which you can stick where the sun don't shine, although good luck doing that because you can't really do that due to their shape.


Chicken does everything a Turkey can do, but better. Plus Turkeys don't lay decent eggs.


I like sprouts, especially fried with pancetta.


You're a fool


1. Your precious £1's are dirty and are nowhere near as numerically versatile as 50p's

2. She probably can cook, just not turkey. It's a common mistake, she shouldn't beat herself up about it

3. Chicken is overrated and nowhere as nice in a roast. Chicken is to Turkey what Asda value cola is to Coca-Cola.

4. I know you are, but what am I?

5. Egg makes your breath smell and that's irrelevant anyway, we're talking about meat.

5. Sprouts and Pancetta is a lovely combination.

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(Start cooking it now Ladyram, as per usual, and it will be as juicy as a, erm, witches snatch.)

You going round Duracell ?

That's the mistake a lot of people make and put it in too early, like the night before.


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You're a fool


1. Your precious £1's are dirty and are nowhere near as numerically versatile as 50p's

2. She probably can cook, just not turkey. It's a common mistake, she shouldn't beat herself up about it

3. Chicken is overrated and nowhere as nice in a roast. Chicken is to Turkey what Asda value cola is to Coca-Cola.

4. I know you are, but what am I?

5. Egg makes your breath smell and that's irrelevant anyway, we're talking about meat.

5. Sprouts and Pancetta is a lovely combination.


1. I think we'll just have to move on, can't see us agreeing on this one

2. Ye cheers I'll tell her that

3. Get a decent Chicken from the butchers and no other white meat can hold a candle to it in terms of taste.

3.5 Coke isn't as nice as Pepsi anyway

4. Have a snickers, you turn into a right diva when you're hungry

5. I feel sorry for people who haven't discovered this yet.

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Jamie. I taught him all he knows.

Edit: well if the right vid worked that is...pffffttt.

Youtube Jamie At Home Christmas Special. Bosh. Perfect turkey, goose, the whole thing.

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My mum used to cook turkey til it ended up tasting like chalk. I stuff my turkey with veg and abit of lemon to keep it moist. Turkey is nice if it's cooked properly. It's really the same principle as chicken. And plenty of roast potatoes  :D

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It'll be a carvery for the 12 or so were expecting, goose, lamb and roast pork, meat juice gravy to die for, goose fat roasties, horseradish mash with swede, all the usual veg, followed by home made xmas pudding ice cream, all washed down with all sorts of weird and wonderful booze. :D


cough cough..


maybe you should invite a few of your favourite forum posters over... ;)

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I used to think Turkey was horrible, this was due to my mother working on christmas day, which meant Turkey went in the oven in the early hours of the morning and was dry by the time she got home to prepare the rest of the meal. When I was about 16 my gran got a fresh turkey, killed and plucked a day or two before christmas. She cooked it to perfection and my whole world changed.


Even when spending christmas alone, if I can get hold of a Turkey crown fresh from the butcher, I will.


Like any meat, it's all about trapping the juices in.

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Roast turkey

Roast duck

Roast pork

Roast spuds (goose fat)

Roast parsnips

Roast carrots in a honey glaze


Butternut squash


Mashed spuds

A single brussels sprout (small enough to swallow without chewing)

Giblet gravy


Then seconds


Then Christmas pudding with either brandy butter or whisky dip


Wine for me will be something light and red to start - perhaps a 2012 Fleurie. Then when I'm really into the swing of things, something seriously heavy and red - a 2001 Chateau Musar. 

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Roast turkey

Roast duck

Roast pork

Roast spuds (goose fat)

Roast parsnips

Roast carrots in a honey glaze


Butternut squash


Mashed spuds

A single brussels sprout (small enough to swallow without chewing)

Giblet gravy


Then seconds


Then Christmas pudding with either brandy butter or whisky dip


Wine for me will be something light and red to start - perhaps a 2012 Fleurie. Then when I'm really into the swing of things, something seriously heavy and red - a 2001 Chateau Musar. 



no Vodka Margarine Eddie?

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Roast turkey

Roast duck

Roast pork

Roast spuds (goose fat)

Roast parsnips

Roast carrots in a honey glaze


Butternut squash


Mashed spuds

A single brussels sprout (small enough to swallow without chewing)

Giblet gravy

Then seconds

Then Christmas pudding with either brandy butter or whisky dip

Wine for me will be something light and red to start - perhaps a 2012 Fleurie. Then when I'm really into the swing of things, something seriously heavy and red - a 2001 Chateau Musar.

Mashed spuds? Whats that doing there Eddie? Bit " every day of the week" nosh that unless you are going to really tart them up with horseraddish or almonds or sommat. Impressed with 2nds though.
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