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watches....to dream on for


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So I'm looking to get myself a... "nice" watch. Nothing at the level of some of the stuff you guys link :lol: but it seems this is probably the best place to get recommendations from, say with a budget of £200 (with £50 of wiggle room if I fall in love with something :p


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2 hours ago, SaintRam said:

So I'm looking to get myself a... "nice" watch. Nothing at the level of some of the stuff you guys link :lol: but it seems this is probably the best place to get recommendations from, say with a budget of £200 (with £50 of wiggle room if I fall in love with something :p


What kind of nice watch ? Quarz okay ? At least check out what Tissot and Citizen has to offer. Some nice vintage watches might be available too. Check out also what Longines has to offer. A bit more expensive but they have great value for the money. You might want to check out pre owned Longines watches from different sites. Not too pricey and easy to find.

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4 hours ago, SaintRam said:

So I'm looking to get myself a... "nice" watch. Nothing at the level of some of the stuff you guys link :lol: but it seems this is probably the best place to get recommendations from, say with a budget of £200 (with £50 of wiggle room if I fall in love with something :p


You should be able to pick up a nice Tudor Rolex for £200-£300, another thing I do is buy the watch head that requires a strap, I think my favourite watch in this price range is omega but forget seamaster because they can go for big money, obviously these are vintage watches and not new :D

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5 hours ago, SaintRam said:

So I'm looking to get myself a... "nice" watch. Nothing at the level of some of the stuff you guys link :lol: but it seems this is probably the best place to get recommendations from, say with a budget of £200 (with £50 of wiggle room if I fall in love with something :p


I got this for my 40th recently, wanted a Tag Monaco but bottled buying a 4k watch, and settled for this 200 quid one, will put the rest towards a new car!


Tells the time in more zones than I'll ever visit, compass, tide meter, temp gauge, calender, moon phases, altitude etc.

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32 minutes ago, reveldevil said:

I got this for my 40th recently, wanted a Tag Monaco but bottled buying a 4k watch, and settled for this 200 quid one, will put the rest towards a new car!


Tells the time in more zones than I'll ever visit, compass, tide meter, temp gauge, calender, moon phases, altitude etc.

Don't waste your money on a car. Cars lose all their value in 10-15 years. With £4000 you can buy a watch that keeps it value and might even increase in value in 10-15 years.

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22 minutes ago, Cisse said:

Don't waste your money on a car. Cars lose all their value in 10-15 years. With £4000 you can buy a watch that keeps it value and might even increase in value in 10-15 years.

4000 pounds for a watch?! Four grand?!

I wear a Casio F-91W. It tells the time and -- AND -- it has an alarm and a light. 

Its a classic watch:


A watch is a device used for telling the time. Any watch that costs over 50 quid is an ostentatious show of personal wealth, intended only for other people to look at. 

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22 minutes ago, SantosHalper said:

4000 pounds for a watch?! Four grand?!

I wear a Casio F-91W. It tells the time and -- AND -- it has an alarm and a light. 

Its a classic watch:


A watch is a device used for telling the time. Any watch that costs over 50 quid is an ostentatious show of personal wealth, intended only for other people to look at. 

Oh, how wrong you are on this one.

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38 minutes ago, SantosHalper said:

Care to explain? 

With £50 you can get yourself a nice looking quarz watch which has a weak quality caliber inside it. It needs batteries which are not eco friendly if you care about such matters. If you are lucky it works well for twenty years if not it breaks in a year. That might also happen with £150 watch too.

More importantly a high quality watch is high quality. It is hand made. It combines arts and craftmanship. It will hold its value very well and it can be passed on for centuries in your family.

People on the street or in the pub won't have a clue though of its value. Trust.me. :cool:

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4 minutes ago, Cisse said:

With £50 you can get yourself a nice looking quarz watch which has a weak quality caliber inside it. It needs batteries which are not eco friendly if you care about such matters. If you are lucky it works well for twenty years if not it breaks in a year. That might also happen with £150 watch too.

More importantly a high quality watch is high quality. It is hand made. It combines arts and craftmanship. It will hold its value very well and it can be passed on for centuries in your family.

People on the street or in the pub won't have a clue though of its value. Trust.me. :cool:

Fair enough. The most expensive watch I ever bought cost me just over a hundred quid. it was a lovely watch. What I'm saying, however, is that sometimes we can overpay, and that for many people the motive is simply to have a fancy watch. 

I'm sure that many expensive watches are well-made and display exemplary craftsmanship. But I'm sticking to my original point -- people with watches that cost thousands of pounds are more interested in other people seeing them than they are in telling the time. Expensive watches are a status symbol. 

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24 minutes ago, SantosHalper said:

Fair enough. The most expensive watch I ever bought cost me just over a hundred quid. it was a lovely watch. What I'm saying, however, is that sometimes we can overpay, and that for many people the motive is simply to have a fancy watch. 

I'm sure that many expensive watches are well-made and display exemplary craftsmanship. But I'm sticking to my original point -- people with watches that cost thousands of pounds are more interested in other people seeing them than they are in telling the time. Expensive watches are a status symbol. 

There are some brands that have a lot of buyers in that category, status symbol wearers. For example Rolex Submariner. Even people that don't know much about watches do recognise it. So if you want to get compliments it is a safe bet. It is a great and legendary watch but there are a lot of people that want to wear it just to show off.

What I like about some of so called luxury brands is that most of the people won't recognise the brands at all. At least here in Finland. If I ever get enough money to buy a pre owned Breguet or Vacheron Constatin only people that might recognise it are the people in the industry and a handful of hardcore watch collectors. But they will know what kind of craftmanship has been put into them. And most importantly, I know.

I have been a watch fan since I was five or six years old so I tend to look at watches perhaps from a little bit different angle. But one thing I did consider when I started collect these watches was that if I ever need to get money that I don't want to show up in to my bank account for some reason I can sell some watches for cash anytime I need. So they are also a kind of investment for me too.

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6 hours ago, SantosHalper said:

4000 pounds for a watch?! Four grand?!

I wear a Casio F-91W. It tells the time and -- AND -- it has an alarm and a light. 

Its a classic watch:


A watch is a device used for telling the time. Any watch that costs over 50 quid is an ostentatious show of personal wealth, intended only for other people to look at. 

Using your logic, how much is the maximum anyone should ever pay for a car? 

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8 hours ago, SantosHalper said:

4000 pounds for a watch?! Four grand?!

I wear a Casio F-91W. It tells the time and -- AND -- it has an alarm and a light. 

Its a classic watch:


A watch is a device used for telling the time. Any watch that costs over 50 quid is an ostentatious show of personal wealth, intended only for other people to look at. 

I'm with you.

Maybe people should get themself new mobile phone which includes clock too.

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7 hours ago, Cisse said:

With £50 you can get yourself a nice looking quarz watch which has a weak quality caliber inside it.

But will it tell you the same time as the 4k watch?

7 hours ago, Cisse said:

It needs batteries which are not eco friendly if you care about such matters.

I take it you walk or cycle everywhere and make sure your toilet roll is 100% recyclable.

7 hours ago, Cisse said:

If you are lucky it works well for twenty years if not it breaks in a year. That might also happen with £150 watch too.

If I bought a £50 a year watch I could have a new one for 80 years for the same price as one 4k watch. That's assuming it would only last a year which in most cases it would last longer. I could also wear it everyday without fear of getting scratched.

7 hours ago, Cisse said:

More importantly a high quality watch is high quality. It is hand made. It combines arts and craftmanship.

Sounds great but still doesn't justify spending 4k on a watch.

7 hours ago, Cisse said:

It will hold its value very well and it can be passed on for centuries in your family.

So would a car that you dismissed earlier if you look after it well, store it, barely use it for fear of scratching.

7 hours ago, Cisse said:

People on the street or in the pub won't have a clue though of its value. Trust.me. :cool:

Yet I could buy a cheap Rolex from Lucky Lucky in Majorca for 20 euros, flick my wrist at the ladies who won't have a clue it's not real and would you look at the time, your place or mine?

Most of the expensive watches in this topic are not sensible purchases at all and can never be justified as being so. As investments they are no better than cars they are really not. To keep its value you need to wrap them up in cotton wool, knowing what will and won't turn into a classic is no easy task.

Some people waste money on expensive branded clothes, an Armani t shirt will do the same job as a Tesco t shirt, £50 watch will do the same as a 4k watch.

Claim all you like that the materials are better but they both do the same job and whilst you can say they don't last as long, you're not taking into account I can buy far more Tesco t shirts that would be much cheaper than one Armani so they would last longer.

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13 minutes ago, GboroRam said:

I haven't owned a watch for nearly 30 years. They are unnecessary. 

Yup, Mobile phones have killed the watch, I see Tag Heuer are jumping on the smarsausagech bandwagon now, if anything that is what will save the watch. Watches as we know them are a dying breed. 

Time has moved on, excuse the pun!

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Bought this Bulova Accutron watch 3 years ago. Still absolutely love the way it looks. But.....

I had it replaced after a few months, for poor timekeeping - It would lose a minute or so every week, when it was supposed to be accurate to a fraction of a second per month.

I have just had to send the second one back, after it stopped alltogether for a couple of days, then re-started and has since gained & lost time randomly.

It cost £900 and I was talked into it by Mrs Wolfie as a 40th present. Of course I realise that anyone can be unlucky and pick a friday afternoon model but after the second one also has issues, I'm beginning to wish I hadn't bothered.


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4 hours ago, ketteringram said:

Using your logic, how much is the maximum anyone should ever pay for a car? 

I don't think there is a maximum. People can spend what they want, in much the same way that anyone can choose to spend over four grand on a watch. But, using my logic, I'd say that a car is a vehicle for getting you from point A to point B. You may need to spend more to get certain qualities (petrol consumption, comfort, etc), but ultimately a car is a means of conveyance, and people who spend ridiculous amounts of money on a car are doing so in order to display their wealth for the benefit of others. Now, what constitutes a "ridiculous amount" isn't obvious, but I'd suggest that someone driving around in a red Ferrari or a Lambourghini Veneno might be attempting to send some kind of message to the people around him or her. 

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2 hours ago, Daveo said:

Yup, Mobile phones have killed the watch, I see Tag Heuer are jumping on the smarsausagech bandwagon now, if anything that is what will save the watch. Watches as we know them are a dying breed. 

Time has moved on, excuse the pun!

Smart watches will be bought by people that value different things than people who buy wrist watches. Luxury watches has increased their sales all the time and are estimated to continue growing their sales this year. Now also Asia has become more interested in them.

Of course people can look at the time on their phone if they want to. I couldn't even if I wanted to since when I was working we were not allowed to keep the phones with us. Often I leave the phone home when I go to work or out with my friends. Also when I go to sleep I turn it off. I do always wear a watch on my wrist though.

I buy almost all my watches pre owned. That way I can usually sell them pretty much the same price I bought them. I have sold a couple of vintage watches with a profit. Which was nice. At this time I have six watches that I'm able to get my money back or sell them with profit.

There are watches on the market that are really scratch resistant. Usually though many people do just desk diving so it is not so big a problem.

I'm really not into fake watches since some of the sales money has been proven to be used in founding terrorism. I have nothing against buying a new Tesco watch every year. I just wouldn't consider it worth my money.

Finally the fact is that for me watches represent much more than just a device which tells me the time. I don't get the greatness of Van Gogh or Claude Monet but for me looking at a watch that has the same skill set is a experience of same caliber. And it tells the time too.

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5 hours ago, ketteringram said:

Using your logic, how much is the maximum anyone should ever pay for a car? 

What people use for their cars is of course up to the fact how much they can afford to spend. Here we have much bigger taxes in cars than you have. Our cars can be 30-40 % more expensive than some other countries in Europe. I'm very thrifty so I would get panic attacks if I was to spend 30 000 on a car and ten years later it would be worth 10 000.

With cars you have to wait for a half a century to get their value going back up, with some of the watches you can make profit in less than a decade.

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