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Player Dress Code


Player Dress Code  

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Good move if it's true, I'd ban the wearing of headphones an' all (except on the coach like) Let's have them looking like footballers as opposed to rappers. "http://th188.photobucket.com/albums/z243/fikrikhairat/icon/th_smoking-smiley-5445_0-1" alt="th_smoking-smiley-5445_0-1">


It's really annoying when players shake hands with people without removing headphones. So I'll-mannered.

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What a load of tosh.


For people like me who work in the real world I can understand it. I put on a suit, I'm ready for business.


Footballers? For them to be ready for business they need the suit off as quickly as possible. I'd say for 90% of footballers a suit is the least natural thing to put on. (you've got the odd 10 per cent who are usually nancy superstars or wanna be flash harries).


Proper footballers come to work in tracky and trainers, that's THEIR work suit. That's them getting ready for business. Suits are for weddings and special occasions not for football matches.


I'd be amazed if someone like Steve who seems to be really in touch with players would force something like this onto them. 


It's pointless.


If it's true, Then really, Steven? if that's cutting edge coaching and forward thinking, then I'm a dutchman.

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They were in suits before the Leeds home game I saw it


Understandable, managers first home game in charge, big occasion.


Maybe Steve's trying to instill that every home game is a special occasion, maybe I was being harsh before, I just think it's such a pointless thing to change. Footballers aren't particularly comfortable in suits. They're just not.


They don't want to be out on the pitch in suits.


You can't do keepy ups and flick ons wearing a pair of winkle pickers, I should know, I tired it once.

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Anything is better than them tracksuits. No wonder he's making them wear suits. They're professionals so any other work place would expect you to have a decent dress code. Wearing tracksuits makes you look a tramp.

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Understandable, managers first home game in charge, big occasion.


Maybe Steve's trying to instill that every home game is a special occasion, maybe I was being harsh before, I just think it's such a pointless thing to change. Footballers aren't particularly comfortable in suits. They're just not.


They don't want to be out on the pitch in suits.


You can't do keepy ups and flick ons wearing a pair of winkle pickers, I should know, I tired it once.


A bad worksman blames his tools... :D

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Don't see a problem with it. Look smart, act professional, get on with it.


I don't see any of the players complaining to be honest. It's only on matchdays, they can rock up in whatever they like to training can't they? It's not like we're imposing a school uniform.

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