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Pride Park Stadium - a Place of Community Value


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haha - is Ramstrust still a "thing"?


I've not heard them mentioned in so long I'd forgotten about that

I thought they had dissolved, due to complete lack of interest other than one or two self serving individuals.


My brother was quite interested in getting involved early on and attended a couple of meetings, but he suggested that it was a closed shop where a group of friends had their agenda and weren't interested in any additional input... unless they had scarce skills.

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haha - is Ramstrust still a "thing"?


I've not heard them mentioned in so long I'd forgotten about that




People leave, people join.

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The ground belongs to the fans, it is our asset. Owners, managers and players come and go but the fans will always be here.

I don't want the board to be able to sell the ground to a developer to build a hotel or something so they can get their money back. It took Brighton years to recover when their unscrupulous board sold The Goldstone Ground.

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The ground belongs to the fans, it is our asset. Owners, managers and players come and go but the fans will always be here.

I don't want the board to be able to sell the ground to a developer to build a hotel or something so they can get their money back. It took Brighton years to recover when their unscrupulous board sold The Goldstone Ground.

In which case when are the fans paying off this £15million mortgage?

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Every time they spend money at the club G Star Ram! Season tickets, programmes, replica kits, etc.

I thought that was for day to day running costs such as wages etc

The mortgage has actually had nothing repaid on it as it was interest only.

So do we also own the cinema, the bowling alley, the golf course and the local shop? This is quite an empire I'm building up.

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I thought that was for day to day running costs such as wages etc

The mortgage has actually had nothing repaid on it as it was interest only.

So do we also own the cinema, the bowling alley, the golf course and the local shop? This is quite an empire I'm building up.


If we own the bowling alley, I've got bagsies on running the pro shop.

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Does it matter? It is an excellent idea - and kudos to the person who posted it on here in the first place.

Actually I think it does matter.


I'm neither pro nor anti the RT. I know quite a few fans who hold them in deep distain, but I've never really figured out why. I've never had anything to do with them, so they have always been a bit of an irrelevance to me. It does seem to me though, that the club would benefit from having a widely recognised  and representative supporter group.


I applaud both the poster and the Rams Trust for this - it goes a little way wresting football back into the arms of the community and reminds the owners that we're not just customers.


However, I also think that if posters are putting stuff on here with an agenda that they should make it clear what they are up to.

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Actually I think it does matter.


I'm neither pro nor anti the RT. I know quite a few fans who hold them in deep distain, but I've never really figured out why. I've never had anything to do with them, so they have always been a bit of an irrelevance to me. It does seem to me though, that the club would benefit from having a widely recognised  and representative supporter group.


I applaud both the poster and the Rams Trust for this - it goes a little way wresting football back into the arms of the community and reminds the owners that we're not just customers.


However, I also think that if posters are putting stuff on here with an agenda that they should make it clear what they are up to.


I'm not 100% sure whether I agree or disagree with the last bit because 'agenda' might be a bit too strong a word for it - it smacks of political lobbying. Frank Zappa once said "Everyone in this room is wearing a uniform, and don't kid yourselves".


(not sure where I'm going with that last bit, but it sounds cool)

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i apologise for being controversial, but why is pride park that good? its a pig to get to, and away from, in the midle of an industrial estate and car sales area, an identikit mid 90's stadium, ie not that attractive or 'special'. are we that bothered if we go somewhere else?

I hear Northampton is nice this time of year.

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The ground belongs to the fans, it is our asset. Owners, managers and players come and go but the fans will always be here.

I don't want the board to be able to sell the ground to a developer to build a hotel or something so they can get their money back. It took Brighton years to recover when their unscrupulous board sold The Goldstone Ground.


Hotel on Pride Park? That's a great idea. Why haven't any of the hotel chains thought of that? I bet you could get 10 hotels on there and still need more.

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i apologise for being controversial, but why is pride park that good? its a pig to get to, and away from, in the midle of an industrial estate and car sales area, an identikit mid 90's stadium, ie not that attractive or 'special'. are we that bothered if we go somewhere else?


Depends upon your definition of 'somewhere else'. Although we are 'Derby County', the emphasis is on the first word, although if push came to shove, I could just about handle a move out of the city to somewhere else in Derbyshire. After all, Florist FC play in Nothinghamshire. If someone found it advantageous to them to move the club out of both city and county, then in my book it ceases to be Derby County in anything other than name and I would no longer consider them to be 'my' club.

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Depends upon your definition of 'somewhere else'. Although we are 'Derby County', the emphasis is on the first word, although if push came to shove, I could just about handle a move out of the city to somewhere else in Derbyshire. After all, Florist FC play in Nothinghamshire. If someone found it advantageous to them to move the club out of both city and county, then in my book it ceases to be Derby County in anything other than name and I would no longer consider them to be 'my' club.

Come on though Eddie Rushcliffe is tacked onto the main Nottingham conurbation without any discernable breaks its a 15 minute walk to the main railway station and probably about half a mile away from Nottingham city boundaries itself so you can hardly classify The City Ground as being out in the sticks

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