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Personal Insults/Language towards other members


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Sat going through the removed content from the forum last night saddens me, it's not just from new members but long time posters. Some of which have already been warned.

If you was to call another member lets say for example a cnut (which happened several times last night), you would expect a warning right?

Some if you got away with multiple warnings last night, frustrations are running high given what's happened and are understandable, but we won't continue to turn a blind eye, freebie is over.

If you think another member is a Forest fan fine, no need to challenge them about it the mods are more than capable of detecting them. You want to tell another member to f**k himself or call him a c**t, fine do it but you will be warned.

1pt - A warning

2pts - 1 Month ban

3pts - Permanent ban

Personal insults/foul language will not be tolerated, new or old members. Emailing me later because you've been banned will fall on deaf ears, you have been warned.

Without naming names, you know who you are.

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The mods were very busy last night, and we had to lock up the ban hammer. We've took the lock off this morning.

Just think before you post, if you think you are being insulted, report it, don't get involved.

**** off ******* ******** **** **** :lol:
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Just think before you post, if you think you are being insulted, report it, don't get involved.

And to add to that...

The mods here are also Derby fans with their own feelings on yesterday, they give up their spare time to keep you lot in check. Replying and quoting people that are insulting you/others just makes it more time consuming.

Somebody calls you a t***, c***, Forest fan or whatever, don't reply just click report, this alerts all the mods to the post and it will be dealt with. Even if you are not offended by the post we don't want it on this forum so you will be helping us out.

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Have yar all got that ya pile o' ******* ?

Hehehe. Look, I love ya's all really and don't want to see warnings and bans....but it will happen cos Daveo looks like Thor wielding that hammer I tell ya.

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Before this thread gets locked, I reported the chants of "sheep shaggers" to the copper next to me in the escort to the railway yesterday, I quoted the derby lads and the Brighton banning order to him, and he said, "we'll, that's what you call yourselves isn't it? "

Bloody wooden top.

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There is NEVER a time when swearing adds emphasis or colour to anyone's language.

There is NEVER a time when it is meant in fun as a description of anyone to their face or behind their back!

I try never to swear verbally and definitely not in print either explicitly or by indication.

People on the site are welcome to take exception to my posts, and they do, but I can't recall any insulting language being aimed at me personally.

I respect the mods for adopting this stance.

Oh, and I would not use the coarse description of DCFC but have never been offended when others do so. After all it is one of a Ram's main functions! :cool:

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