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I know nuffin

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Posts posted by I know nuffin

  1. 5 hours ago, DavesaRam said:

    All the recent talk about the stadium buyer is that it is a local business man. Then we get the news that it is David Clowes. Then the DET (or Derbyshire Live) statement that the Clowes company are not buying the stadium. So what? The news story was that David Clowes, the person, not the company, is the buyer, so the fact that the company has denied being the buyer is neither here nor there. It is a red herring. So unless David Clowes denies involvement, we live in hope, even if the fact has not yet been confirmed.

    Unless you read something I did not, the new came from The Athletic which said the company not the man. After the company denial they stood by their story which makes me assume it is the man not the company. Back in January another rich supporter tweeted he was prepared to put money in to save the club so there might be two of the group. 

  2. 41 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    I was wondering about this earlier, if Kirchner is funding the club from next week will he be able to offer conditional contracts? Something like “this is your contract however if we fail to complete the deal for the club by x date the offer is void and you can walk away”

    All within whatever the approved EFL business plan allows of course

    100,000 followers I wonder what percentage are paying £2 a month to find out what he is predictions are. Fair amount to help info. Appeared to work in a recent court case

  3. 4 hours ago, Ghost of Clough said:

    Who said it was sorted? Considering they said it was expected on or before the 31st, I don't expect anything until next Friday at the very earliest.

    Now you know the difference between hope and expectation...

  4. 10 minutes ago, MackworthRamIsGod said:

    You would hope so.

    Players are going on holiday, they will want to know their future is secure before going away, which is why I think Rooneys will have already been sorted.

    Contracts will hopefully stary getting signed from next week.

    With Rooney going on holiday , I wonder if either contracts have been offered already  or he has left a shopping list

  5. 11 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    Arguably we’d have been better off paying twice as much in fees, for them to get us sold by Xmas. CK’s deal was there and there’s no reason others could not have got there had the timetable been driven as it should. (Appleby was ‘ready to go’ not many weeks later. ) We would have saved a lot of interest cost and kept a lot of talent 

    But I think duncan (and you) may have a point : there aren’t many firms who are equipped for and interested in this sort of work. And covid has kept the restructuring community gainfully employed

    But your accusation of ‘confirmation bias’ is bonkers. There was no adverse comment about Q before the FC debacle from me or anyone else (my own impression then was that they’d done pretty well and I was hopeful we’d be able to use the window). It then became clear at the famous Thursday come-to-Jesus meeting with the EFL that they had made a major misstep. And in a mad panic they compounded their error by lashing out at the EFL and unleashing a torrent of venom from our fans which sent Rick Parry’s computer (as well as his equanimity) into a Chernobyl-scale meltdown. They incited our fans to attack the EFL to deflect blame. There, I said it. It could have been taken from the Mel Morris handbook of diplomacy (“How to make friends in the NE and influence your regulator”)

    (Your accusation of ‘confirmation bias’ in my subsequent evisceration of Q’s handling of the M&A process makes more sense  - I was agin‘ em at that stage. But by then Jags had gone to Stoke, and my humors were gently bubbling in the radioactive fallout )


    Nixon claimed way back they were the only ones who would take the gig and that's a quote

  6. 4 hours ago, Stive Pesley said:

    This season was a weird one, coming out of the pandemic + the administration/uncertainty made it harder to fill the ground

    That said - I don't think we can assume we will fill the ground in L1, unless we get off to a flyer and are thumping teams left right and centre, new investment, exciting new players etc

    Attendances in the 3rd tier back in the 1980s dropped pretty low

    Our first season we finished 7th and our average attendance was just under 11k. Highest was 16k and lowest was 8k

    Even the following season when we finished 3rd and got promoted - our average attendance was 12k (highest 21k and lowest 9.5k)

    I doubt we'll drop attendances that low, but the cost of living crisis won't be our friend in that respect either.

    I think 20k next season will be considered a decent crowd

    What were the averages the two years before relegation. Those figures are in baseball in ground. There was a large jump in the PP years so it is better to compare before religation for both stadia

  7. 3 hours ago, Oldben said:


    In a league with a whole host of big clubs and big fanbases, 80 points might not be enough even for a play-off berth.

    For 80 points to be the high watermark required to sneak into the play-offs is extraordinary. To put it into context Oxford, who will miss out with a current tally 75 points, would have made it into the top six in each of the last 11 seasons. As it is Sunderland may need 83 to qualify for the play-offs for the third year in succession and cap a strange season at the Stadium of Light.

    A quality team will be required to win promotion from league one.

    The club's at the top of league one have better strikers than dcfc. Lawrence is our best striker, and he's leaving on a free.

    I don't believe that players at the end of their careers and young loan players, will be enough to win promotion next season.

    Coming out of administration is just the start of the journey, we might also be restricted on transfers next season by the efl.

    In any case signing players in League one could be challenging with the competition for quality players in that league.

    I have rose tinted glasses do I see it a little differently. There is Steve mc at man u. Youth players going from us to Liverpool and Chelsea who know what out academy and Rooney can do with youngsters. Rooney's name will also help bring in slightly older players who want to be part of what he does. Even older players have shown they want to be part of it , thinking Curtis and the centre half that went to Stoke. Getting Rooney to sign a new contract is key to that lot. Without Rooney I think what you say stands up, with Rooney and what he did last year things change

  8. 7 minutes ago, Tamworthram said:

    I hope, and think, you’re wrong. In this age of video conferencing it’s not really necessary for him to be here in person and, as he has said a few times, he does have other commitments. Regarding going quiet, I rather hope it’s just down to 1) The time difference between here and Texas, 2) just a few minor details to finalise and 3) some kind of formal signing of an agreement (whether remotely or by Cook on his behalf). 

    Hold your nerve and don’t begin to panic unless we’ve still not heard anything by say 6pm.

    It's 1.30pm here but only 7.30am in Dallas. What time do banks open over there to move the cash as I don't think BACs would work for circa 30million. Give him time to eat his breakfast!!

  9. 3 hours ago, duncanjwitham said:

    I've seen suggestions that the bigger insolvency companies just don't want to touch football clubs any more (not just Derby, all football clubs) because the fees they get just don't justify the extra hassle - you've got fans demanding press conferences every 5 minutes, and questioning your expenses, the EFL/FA/EPL etc getting involved, on top of the structure of football clubs (lots of expensive intangible assets you can't easily sell, a stadium that's only valuable with a club to play there etc).  If the EFL start putting off the smaller companies too, there's a real risk that there's nobody left.

    Nixon claimed nobody else would take derby on

  10. 33 minutes ago, Gaspode said:

    The challenge was abandoned after Q and the EFL came to an agreement - it wasn't unsuccessful....

    Wonder what that agreement was and how dcfc or the creditors were better off because of it. I cannot remember it being revealed in a meaningful way

  11. 11 hours ago, kevinhectoring said:

    His latest tweet is very encouraging, suggests a Monday signing, and fits perfectly with what we’re hearing from other sources. From the agony to the ecstasy ... fingers crossed 

    He just gets better by the tweet  

    He did walk away from us but other than that everything he has said was or would happen has happened. No way is he going to pull out now

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