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Posts posted by BIllyD

  1. 19 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    Yeah got that one wrong, I just plain forgot about the Wednesday game but as I said elsewhere it's not exactly a run is it? He was bright as well against Wednesday but seems to be judged by a different stick to most.

    So where is the problem in your opinion, Rooney not starting him or Rooney saying why he isn't starting him ?

    Personally I would start him, I think he has great potential, Id put him above Knight but can understand what WR thinks knight brings to the team above Sibley for example. 

  2. 28 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    What's really really odd about these comments is Sibley gets what 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there shoved out wide and even when he does start and does well (Thinking of the Birmingham game particularly) he's prone to getting dropped anyway. What's he supposed to do ? Why is the onus on him to do something the minute he gets on the pitch but several players don't produce anything for weeks running and yet get pick regardless of form ? 

    If one forward player isn't performing to their standards then it's on them, if all of them aren't then the problem lies elsewhere.....

    That's a difference of opinion though about who he feels is the best player in that position. It's a different argument to what was being said, that he is picking on Sibley, because his full quote is just saying what he needs to do better. As he has said about other forwards as well.

  3. 21 minutes ago, brady1993 said:

    Except his performance against Birmingham were he ran them ragged and won a penalty.... only to get dropped straight away.... 

    but he didn't get dropped straight away did he ?

  4. 13 minutes ago, James Pond said:

    WR Englands highest goal scorer, Played with and against some of the worlds greats, Played for probably the greatest PL manager in history...how frustrating it must be for him to see a young talent in Sibley unable to fullfill a talent that WR and Co see in training every day.

    He must coach him, Talk to him, Show him, Sibley either takes all this on board or he'll end up being just a footballer instead of a good footballer.

    Some folk really do get upset.

    Sibley has shown what he can do, but that was last season, this season he has not shown anything that deserves a starting place. People have been asking why he hasn't been starting and he confirms this is the reason, same people then get upset at him saying this...priceless ?

  5. It's also worth noting what he actually said


    He also said this about the other forwards.

    WR here. Very critical of the forwards today: “They have to want to score a goal. They need better movement. A desire to get across their man. We put some really good balls in today but our forwards...wasn’t good enough today.”

  6. Just to say as well it's not the first time he has said it, just a couple of weeks ago when he was asked what was needed for him to get a starting place.

    "Sibs is very much part of the first-team squad. I think, like all the players, you need to play well when you get your chance in the first-team to show what you can do. Sibs has had a few chances over the last few weeks and we feel he can do a bit better than what he’s been doing."

  7. 2 minutes ago, Jimbo Ram said:

    But why single him out, a lot of the players on the pitch for longer than him did nothing....

    I may be wrong but believe he was giving his view on how the subs performed ?

  8. 1 minute ago, Andicis said:

    None of the other players going forward are doing anything? Sibley coming on offers more than most of our attackers does, and yet is held to a standard the starters aren't. 

    In what way ? He criticised the whole starting forward line in his post match comments ?

  9. 1 hour ago, Sith Happens said:

    Very optimistic i think as the Governments own target is over 50's by mid April.

    I think its still Over 55's being offered it so would take a massive effort to get over 40's done. However there is going to be an increase in supplies so you never know.

    Some areas are already on the over 40s and hope to get all over 20s done by this date. Vaccinations have declined slightly recently due to supplies which last week should have seen increase that didn't happen, so it will be telling what these numbers are this week.

    Wouldn't be surprised and hopefully the report is far out, as you say though will take a massive effort, but given where we are now, who knows.


  10. 18 minutes ago, JoetheRam said:

    We're down to basically a regular full ICU's worth of Covid patients now, so whilst still incredibly busy by normal standards, we're in a far far better than we were 2 months ago.

    Vaccine has been the game changer and hopefully that continues as uptake increases further.

    Increase in cases will happen as things start to open up and expect another week or so will see the impact of schools going back, but it's irrelevant if cases don't translate into serious disease.

    Hopefully any malicious variants can be contained.

    We're on the up.

    We certainly are. Looks like cases are staring to plateau now, which is as expected given where we are with the vaccination programme and the temporary decline / 2nd jabs.

    As you say, expect an increase in cases, the worry is always that we still have a lot of the country that hasn't had a jab yet, so there is still a risk that these translate into serious cases. Given the age population left though, it would IMO need to be a big uplift in cases for this to materialise.

    My own view is that we have had our "3rd Wave", it was just a continuation of the 2nd which is what other countries are seeing now. I don't think / hope there is anything to worry about, especially given the variant over in Germany I believe is the one that formed the mainstay of our cases. 

  11. 32 minutes ago, Mucker1884 said:


    Confession time...

    The above was my initial response to the OP.  It's got a few likes, I see.

    Truth is, I backed out.  I was going to post something else.  For once, I gave a little thought to offending people... be that the readers and/or the sole target of what I was about to post.  Afterall, said target is a total stranger in all but name, and I have absolutely no idea how he would have reacted.  I don't like the fact that I had to even consider doing that... To suppress my natural reaction... but do it I did!

    Today however, is a different day.

    What I was going to post was...

    "I hear what you're saying, bro.

    ... Unlike @Eddie, the deaf old coot!"


    So... what do others think?
    Funny?  Offensive?  Both?    ?



    None of them to be honest, a bit like the love triangle that they seem to be trying to get going on this thread, if I don't know the individuals then I don't really get the banter.

    If I knew Eddie, then I'd probably understand, but to me he is one of many on here, therefore I'd say like the threesome meet up, I don't get it ?‍♂️

    I'm sure many on here though do know him, so they will have a different opinion I'm sure.

  12. Some other good news to report 

    Pfizer announced the detailed results of the Israel data from real-world rollout of the Pfizer vaccine.

    - 97% effective at preventing symptomatic infection, severe disease, and death
    - 94% effective at preventing even asymptomatic infection (and thus onwards transmission)


  13. 17 minutes ago, Chester40 said:

    No. They just think out of the literally hundreds and hundreds they are doing statistically they would have had one positive. 

    Different teachers and pupils have at times done various random testing /pilots and they have had a few positives but no one has tested positive yet using the lateral flow tests. 

    Some reports suggest they are only around 60% accurate but even then they are to be carried out 2-3 times per week. The basis is around the number of tests will increase the chances of detection, but it won't find a case if they haven't got it.

    If they see a increase next week then maybe they have a point, but it seems that throughout the country we have had low returns. Given that we are seeing the virus cases declining, the schools have only just gone back and it would take a few days to transmit anyway, I wo  you I'd take it as good news rather than looking for something that probably isn't there.

  14. 9 minutes ago, Eddie said:

    Interesting uptick in the number of cases yesterday compared to a week ago, although deaths continue to fall.

    I wonder if the rise in cases has anything to do with the mass testing of schoolchildren and the postulated (relatively) high numbers of 'false positives' which apply with respect to the lateral flow tests as opposed to the PCR test - or do they wait until after a PCR test confirming the positive before adding to the actual count.

    6,753 cases reported, up by a miserly couple of hundred from last Thursday's 6,573 (from nearly double the number of tests).

    The dashboard has put up a new dataset, for England only: number of positives by type of test conducted.

    somebody else's summary which I have shamefully copied "which we can conclude that, despite concerns, there can't really be much of a false positive problem with the lateral flow tests (from 1,484,812 LFTs conducted in England on the 8th, a total of 1,012 positives were incurred - a rate of 0.068% of tests )"

    There can't be many infectious schoolchildren being detected at the moment, either, which is encouraging (even if there's a noticeable number of false negatives, we'd still be picking up most of the real positives).

  15. 20 minutes ago, TexasRam said:

    I get this, but should we stop all humour just in case the some that don’t find it funny may become offended? 
    Maybe I’m from a different generation or thicker skinned, but if I saw a joke that picked out something particular to me (skin colour/hair colour, weight, ear size, where I’m from, what I sound/look like) then I wouldn’t even think about being offended, I would either laugh with it or not. 

    Problem is now the best way to get what you want is not to say please, it’s to say your offended. Sad times and way to live imo. 

    As I say it's just about using your intelligence, whilst I may be the same as you and not get offended that is not the same for all.

    I dont think it's a different generation, would you have gone into a pub full of strangers and start telling jokes to the everyone in there about people for ginger hair for example. I know if you did in my old local then someone would take offence and a brawl would soon follow.

    That's not to say if I said the same comment it wouldn't be met without laughter, but banter between friends is different to saying it to a complete stranger. 

    Maybe it's just me though, I'm not sure I get the "banter" to the degree of abusing someone on a forum full of people I don't know, just seems to be pointless ?‍♂️

  16. You just have to know your audience. If you went into a pub full of strangers and starting picking on someone because of their hair colour for example, chances are you are going to offend someone. I don't think this has changed throughout the years, it's just about using a bit of brain power now and again to think is this appropriate. 

    Same as a forum, only difference is your hiding behind a mask of anonymity, so whilst you may think your funny and your mates would probably find it funny, your putting it out there to a larger audience and therefore, there are going to be some that don't.

  17. 1 hour ago, Stive Pesley said:

    and likewise - wouldn't help us if our vaccinated Brits bring it back with them

    I don't know the official answer but it feels like they might be deeming it as irrelevant. They are working on the idea that if we vaccinate the adult population, then the transmission rate doesn't matter - as long as the numbers of deaths and hospitalisations drops right down to small numbers

    Personally that sounds a pretty cavalier approach to me, as we're in big trouble if the virus mutates to become vaccine resistant, and of course any death from Covid is what we want to avoid. The deaths don't matter less if there are fewer of them

    But then again, the science seems to be against "zero covid" ever being reached, so who knows how this will play out...


    The key is having enough vaccinated. The risk of getting a virus that evolves enough to become vaccine resistant from serious death is minimal if you reduce the number of hosts it has. The bigger risk is the number of people who refuse to have the vaccine IMO.

    That said, let's not forget this evolved from one person under 18 months ago, maybe going abroad before we have it fully under control in this country isn't the best idea just yet.

  18. 3 minutes ago, Sith Happens said:

    Its not a good sign when countries start blocking shipments which belong to other countries. It amazes me they can legally do it.

    Will be interesting to see if uptake of the AZ vaccine in France and Germany improves now, or is the damage already done.

    Maybe instead of Italy blocking shipments they should be talk to France and Germany and say if you dont want your stocks, we will have them.

    Surely Australia has a right to be upset, especially as they have been blocked in the name of the EU when stocks sit untouched in other EU countries because they dont want to use them.


    It will be interesting, they are now pushing a vaccine that previously they told their residents was in effect not for for purpose. 

  19. 7 hours ago, maxjam said:

    Didn't we get told in no uncertain terms that the squabbling and continued debate has to stop?  That, and agree with the moderators decisions or else.  That kinda nuked any further discussion as one mans debate is another mans squabble. 

    I'm just waiting to get my jab and for this season to end.  I've gotten more and more detached from football since lockdowns gone on - looking forwards to next season and the atmosphere of live matches again. 

    Peace ?️

    Some of the posters did contribute to other threads as well, just seemed strange that's all ?‍♂️

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