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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. That's one hell of a lot of personnel to lose, The Russian mentality especially in WW2 was/is soldiers are expendable, Life doesn't mean a great deal over there. From the snippets i've read this last week or 2 the Russian army are ready to revolt in some quarters, Surely there has to be a time where Russia/Putin says our objective is done, Ukraine is broken πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ and are no longer a threat. Ukraine claiming a few assassinations of Ukraine sympathisers/agents and more to come...you can run...but not hide we will find you...is the message.
  2. Burnley under Eddie Howe all those years ago, We couldn't get going and there was no added time for all those stoppages like there is today πŸ™„
  3. I said in a previous post that Welch had a clear sight, Looking at that still pic...she hasn't and too far away to be 100% sure...imo
  4. Yes I gathered that, Maybe this sort of viewing aint my cup of tea πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  5. Was it the Cheltenham that Welch refereed last season? if so she was very good, Let play flow and wasn't fussed or influenced by the players. I was monitoring the game yesterday on here and when the 5th booking happened I thought in circa 35th minute I had a sense the game was heading for either a sending off(DCFC player)and a 2nd half of players thinking twice on when and how to tackle a WW player, Posters for and against her handling of the game...again are subjective, I believe since Howard Webb has been involved with the PGMOL that refereeing has become very technical and by the book performance, Common sense in most games have fallen out of the window quicker than a Russian Oligarch. Games are becoming ludicrously long now, WW equalised in the 98th minute, I'd like to see football take up where both Rugby codes are concerned, Independent timer in Rugby League/Union...with time on/or off and HT/FT, Football referees are guessing with the "minimum added time on" PP yesterday 6 were added yet 8 were played...thoughts go back to when we played Birmingham I think a good few years back where we were winning 2-0 then 3mins went up and the whistle was blown after 7mins when Birmingham equalised πŸ™„
  6. I watched the 1st episode of Bodies on Netflix last night, Completely lost me, A naked man is found dead in a back alley in todays London, Then the same body is found in the 1940s, The 1890s and the 2050s, I get the drift about time travel...but πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ 2-10
  7. Ram-Alf


    It's what the BBC has become...rubbish...a channel that's pissing our licence fee on 4th rate programmes with another hike next year πŸ™„
  8. To quote PW...if we'd had managed the game in the last 2mins the penalty would never have happened...he did take it well tho πŸ‘
  9. I think you'll find Seaside that there's been a good few "new recruits" from the EFL to the EPL this season, Howard Webb who's head of the PGMOL is trying to freshen up or Box Tick πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ for reasons he only knows.
  10. Oooo good call...you decide πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/13032134/derby-1-1-wycombe-league-one-highlights
  11. There's refereeing by the book and there's refereeing by common sense, Just like all the different opinions on here goes to show that football is a sport that winds us all up
  12. Just an observation, PW has been here long enough to have learned what does and doesn't work, This team is misfiring and running on petrol with holes in it...init. I'm not to sure "Thommo" is in PWs plans in the starting line up, Having been forced to play him when the squad was paper-thin and playing well before his injury, Bird could be on his way as there's no sign of him signing a new contract, So PW will be looking to fill that role.
  13. Not forgetting the state of the art white elephant that is the Waste Treatment Plant in Sinfin where the Council/s have to pay Β£93m to a firm πŸ™„
  14. Derby City Council are skint, They're going for the top rate in Council Tax...more traps to be laid πŸ‘
  15. It's how they apply the laws of the game, All officials have passed their exams, All officials will go through refresher courses, And all officials will make mistakes. As a player you try to influence them asap, A gentle ooops when there's a bad call, A well done when they've made a good call...this goes along way in the decision making for your side. Strength of character will decide how far Rebecca Welch goes...her 1st PL game will be an education I bet πŸ˜‰
  16. 2 of my Sisters affected and passed away πŸ˜”
  17. I'm neither saying a pen or not a pen, My post in the games highlights suggests in todays game a penalty will be given...as Welch did...whether soft or not.
  18. Twitter is blocked by my server Roy 😑
  19. Right the penalty...imo the ref has a clear view but to far away to be sure...altho she was sure as she gave a pen, There's a flick on and the player is in front of Ward, Has Ward touched the player...hhmmm, Has the player been cute enough to get his foot to collide with Ward...hhmmm. This is a 2023 penalty where players now know what to do, We see it all the time, It's down to the ref to decide...a tough call as the angle looks and I say looks like a pen, But we've seen angles where the camara can deceive https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/13032134/derby-1-1-wycombe-league-one-highlights
  20. I'm probably glad those buses didn't turn up...98th min penalty I'd have sulked all the way to the pub and moaned into my beer, Well it looks like Rebecca Welch may not be as good as we 1st thought πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ We've been winning matches when not at our best...and I don't know what our best isπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ, This division is pants an absolute shower of rubbish and yet looking at the league table it's still in our hands with the games in hand we have. I'm not convinced we're that good...it's that the opposition are poor and we struggle at times, Following the game on here...again shows we've still a long way to go if we're to get in the top 2...it can be done...but something or someone...ie manager/players is stopping us
  21. Obviously not seen the penalty...but your comment "it's a penalty in todays game" is where we are unfortunately, Any semblance of a touch or near touch then the player goes down...a sad reflection on where football has gone...imo
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