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Posts posted by derby8

  1. 1 minute ago, JuanFloEvraTheCocu'sNesta said:

    Newcastle fans doing logical gymnastics to justify this one after calling Man City's trophies hollow is a sight to behold.

    Almost as annoying as the breed of Newcastle fan that thinks they are one of the biggest clubs in the country, despite their only post-war trophy being an FA Cup in the 50's.

    there was the fairs cup in 1969, to be fair?

  2. 13 minutes ago, Ted McMinn Football Genius said:

    Don’t know why, but something about Amanda Stavely has alarm bells ringing for me.

    Ive seen her interviewed on TV and heard her on Talksport, she comes across as quite arrogant, impolite and self serving.

    How as an English woman (with all the equal rights she has enjoyed throughout her life) can be associated with and be the spokeswoman of the people she represents simply astounds me. ???????

    I think NUFC may now be dancing with the devil in more ways than one.

    The financing seems a little odd. Main investor 80%, AS plus one other 10% each. Will she be able to maintain her 10% when they start pumping money in, or will it be diluted...

  3. 2 minutes ago, Rev said:

    They exist, not thrive, and have no ambition to compete.

    I know that sounds ok right now, but look at what his ownership has done to a wonderful club.

    I know people say Newcastle fans have a sense of entitlement, despite not having won anything in years, but look how his ownership has sucked any hope out of its supporters, and turned the entire fanbase against him.

    They exist in a purgatory, between the club they've become, and the club a little ambition would become, an irrelevance beyond their fanbase, and an embarrassment to their diminishing fanbase.



    That's Newcastle, would need to spend hugely to catch City, Chelsea, etc.

    At Derby he'd be aiming for one or maybe two promotions to get to the PL, stabilise there, then sell at a large profit. Different from the Newcastle situation.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Sparkle said:

    They are never happy - they are stable but obviously they can’t compete with the money from Man City United chelsea Liverpool etc 

    obviously if their potential new owners take over it will push the noses out of a few premiership clubs so the premiership may well want that not to happen.

    Ashley owning and investing in Derby county may well be the exact thing we need right now 

    He may see DC as a money making project, he likes gambles and getting into the PL would make him a tidy packet...

  5. 41 minutes ago, Gritstone Tup said:

    I presume this is a pipe dream,? as Mel owns the stadium and when/if he defaults on the approx £8million in interest repayments per year, it will fall into the hands of MSD to do what they fancy!

    No. Buyer asks administrator for one stop shop deal including all creditors, MSD, HMRC, etc, etc. Make them earn their money. If a deal struck including stadium freehold fine. If not buyer moves on to another project. Bad move to buy Derby County without stadium freehold, in my view.

  6. 1 minute ago, i-Ram said:

    This is not correct TuffLuff - the bit in bold.  MSD are going to get repaid if we are liquidated or not. Not only do they have a charge over the stadium but they have as I understand it personal guarantees from Morris. They will get their money back one way or another from the sale of the stadium, or taking possession and redeveloping it, with the fall back of going after Morris too if needs be. They are also directly secured by the club too, and the administrator has a duty to settle their claim as a secured creditor first in preference to HMRC. Morris might also expect (he may waive the right) for the club to settle MSD’s debt first as he might not want them coming after him personally under the guarantee.

    l think the HMRC position is interesting regarding whether they might try to evidence that Morris and Pearce were acting unlawfully by continuing to trade when the club was insolvent, so that they could make a claim against them personally for any shortfall. It does seem to me that COVID is a bit of a smokescreen, and that potential buyers dropping out of potential purchases is a very weak argument regarding going concern status.

    Wonder if a possible scenario is payment in full if reach PL, meanwhile an agreed percentage.

    If I was buying would want a full and final settlement now though.

  7. 12 minutes ago, jono said:

    That’s it isn’t it. If MSD have a debenture on the assets then HMRC stand to get little or nothing in a liquidation.

    Its MSD I fear .. they are the one owed the most, they are the ones with the most security on the debt .. As I read that earlier post, players are included as well. ? The administrators were appointed by them I think ? They own us in all but name already 

    We are in hock to them for 19 million .. they own (or control the proceeds from the sale of  ) the land, stadium and players

    In short .. they get all of the first 20 million with the dregs to be shared amongst the others including HMRC. *

    *all this assuming the debenture mentioned earlier means they are at the top of the list which I think they might be .. money lenders are not stupid 


    As to the stadium, I get the feeling that it’s like buying your offspring a car .. but did you ? you didn’t really buy it if you took out a 5 year finance deal in your kids name and kept up the interest only payments for 18 months

      it feels like those stories you read about credit card bills being hidden under the carpet


    Probably sums up why prospective buyers waited for administration. The buyer can ask the administrator to set out a true and fair view, discuss with all the creditors, come back with a one stop deal for the buyer to obtain the lot. The first price likely to be too high, the buyer will ask them to think again, and finally decide whether to do the deal or not. 

  8. Just now, kevinhectoring said:

    I think they have reported what the club owes. I think the stadium owning company might have a separate loan 

    That's why a buyer will probably explain to the administrator what they want, club debt free, stadium freehold, training ground freehold. Administrator comes back after discussions with relevant parties and proposes a cash settlement for the package, the all in sum the buyer needs to pay. The buyer considers. This may take several rounds to complete...

  9. New owner puts in cash to pay off agreed amount of debts and gets club, stadium and training ground freeholds.

    In short term will try and retain players we have. Significant additions unlikely. Stadium probably has maintenance arrears that need sorting. Holds 33,000 could be expanded to 41,000. Training ground probably needs a bit of backlog maintenance too.

    So club debt free, stadium and training ground should be tip top sometime next year. Owner then considers current budget, budget at ffp level, budget at break even. Decides way forward and explains to supporters.

    May go for budget at break even to start, partly depends on division we're in, then considers raising to nearer ffp level in due course.

    Derby County in good hands !

  10. 43 minutes ago, Coconut's Beard said:

    West Ham are having some seats moved closer to the pitch and getting their stewarding costs for 4 years paid for at a cost of around £35m, they're aren't paying for any of it themselves though, that's down to the taxpayer.

    How about a straight swap? Force West Ham to pay for their own damn running costs, boom, £35m in the HMRC coffers, write off our £25m debt, £10m profit. Great deal.

    Think the story is that had West Ham stayed at Upton Park the taxpayer would have an even higher bill for the OS white elephant !

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