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Everything posted by G STAR RAM

  1. Absolutely nothing other than an open goal and a one on one, where our strikers managed to miss the target on both occasions. Either of them go in and we are all happy with a comfortable win from a tricky away tie. Fine margins.
  2. I agree the ball should have been better but it was still an absolutely shocking miss.
  3. I wouldn't even say you need to be centre or leftist to enjoy reading it. I've spent years being called far right yet I still enjoyed the read. I dont particularly like JOB and don't agree with everything he says, I think it is clear that he has vendettas against certain people that he doesn't really back up with anything substantive, but it's definitely a thought provoking book and one that I'd definitely recommend to people.
  4. I've worked in accountancy and auditing for 27 years. I wasn't suggesting Charlton wouldn't file their accounts. Was just pointing out Derby have not filed their for over 6 years and nothing has become of it, the reason being they would not be struck off because their creditors would object to the striking off application m
  5. I could tell you hundreds of people that have set up limited companies, never filed any accounts, had the company struck off and never faced any criminal charges. DCFC were filing accounts right up until 2018, none filed since then.
  6. DCFC stopped filing their accounts after 2018 and are in breach. However, I assume not struck as there would be objections.
  7. Your understanding is wrong. Every limited company SHOULD file accounts at Companies House. You're correct that should they not file accounts that Companies House can apply to strike the company off the register, however, anyone can object to the striking off and, on the assumption that the business has creditors, they would almost most certainly object to the striking off. I think you are probably getting confused with a group company taking an exemption from audit if the group of accounts is audited.
  8. They SHOULD be filed. Derby County are living proof that they don't have to be filed. Likelihood is though if they aren't filed, sooner or later someone will pull the plug.
  9. But the parent company filing their accounts could tell you very little, hence why when Derby County Football Club Limited failed to file their accounts none of us knew the true scale of the problem
  10. Imagine there will be a few contacting ap04 to try and obtain the data from his 'lucky database'.
  11. There are valid reasons for not filing accounts on or before the deadline
  12. The crazy thing is, yes they can, The Derby County Football Club Limited accounts have never been filed!
  13. But don't forget they are on their 3rd management team this season.
  14. The EFL have been taken over by a mystery person going by the name ap04 and at an Extraordinary General Meeting it has been decided that the 2023/24 league table will now be decided on xG rather than points accumulated.
  15. Yes and one of them was O.G
  16. To me, this a sad indictment of what has happened to our game. How any football fan could see that incident and say it was worthy of a red card is beyond me. 40 years ago it would probably not have even got you a talking to from the ref.
  17. I'm up at around 85 clubs visited, although I'd guess 10 of these are no longer in the league. Probably done around 100 different grounds when taking into accounts teams that have moved grounds.
  18. Not really a criticism. I sit in an area where there is very little atmosphere but just a passing observation that I thought it seemed quite flat yesterday.
  19. But we aren't a contender despite reaching the semi final of the World Cup and final of the Euros 😂 You don't half come out with some crap
  20. I think 'Derby are massive everywhere they go' is way more tinpot.
  21. You don't have to join in with it. Celebrate a goal however you like. Me personally, didn't even realise music was played when we scored. Also, though the atmosphere was quite flat today.
  22. Croatia and Belgium are clearly the teams to try and emulate then. Although I thought we lost to the eventual champions in the Euros final, my mistake.
  23. Nor did beating Portugal and Brazil, for Croatia and Belgium.
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