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Everything posted by G STAR RAM

  1. Fair comment on the first point, I genuinely don't remember the last time I had really even heard him in public. I think even at the point in question we were not in much financial trouble which I could probably demonstrate if I went through the accounts. As an accountant and auditor for 25 years myself, I also see myself very well qualified to comment on the amortisation matter and I'm completely baffled why anyone in the field would describe the policy as crooked, and the experts on the Independent Disciplinary Commission certainly didn't seem to take that view either. Regarding the 3rd point, fair enough if you think an apology would go anywhere towards putting things right. I imagine if he did apologise you wouldn't accept it anyway given how you seem to view matters. Also perhaps he doesn't think he has anything to apologise for, after all it wasn't him that pulled the plug and stopped funding his business.
  2. Just a few counter arguments here:- When was the last time, pre administration, that he told everyone things were hunky dory? The last time I remember it was the Nunsfield House forum, at which point the ground sale had gone through and the amortisation policy agreed with The EFL. Even then from memory he said we were sailing close to the wind and were possibly be within hundred thousand of the limit. Seem to remember him saying it was why a good cup run would help. Happy to be corrected if I've got anything wrong here. The amortisation policy that you seem to state he made up is actually quite very standard policy. Not standard in the football world but certainly very common in the business world. It was actually a clever idea which helped reflect reality much more than the current system did. Of course if there was anything wrong with it, the EFL had plenty of opportunity to point this out. Not really sure what you want him to say about the MM era? Personally I'm happy to leave it in the past and also happy to trust Clowes' judgement if he thinks keeping him on is to the benefit of the club. Clowes is a Derby fan through and through and I'm sure if he thought Pearce was responsible for nearly destroying the club he loves, he would be long gone.
  3. Personally, think since the MM days, our recruitment has been OK, especially given the market we gave been shopping in.
  4. It's not really anything to do with cheating though is it? Its about creating a closed shop for the 'big' teams.
  5. Couldn't agree more, anyone who condones league positions being decided in boardrooms rather than on football pitches is encouraging the footballing bodies to carry on ruining the game.
  6. Wouldn't say Sturridge was a recognised quality player.
  7. The same guy that was telling their fans how great an owner he was and moaning that he had to keep putting money in every month.
  8. When you said take him on, I thought you meant employ him, was going to say don't give Forest ideas, let Clattenburg settle in first.
  9. None if they aren't up to the required standard. Up to him to go to Gateshead and prove he is. His game time so far would indicate they don't think he is even up to their standard yet.
  10. Wasn't on about QPR in particular. Sure he wouldn't post these figures up without evidence, it's just the ones where he throws a hand grenade into the mix and then disappears when challenged on them.
  11. Definitely your database, sounds like there has been so much hard work that has gone into it and basically I'm struggling to see any flaws with it.
  12. You honestly think that teams are still going to be using xG as a metric now the cat is out of the bag about your 'lucky' database?
  13. Doubt it, was probably a fluke or a set up that he just stumbled on. Likewise with the signing of Gayle, I'm guessing it was just a chance meeting outside Padel, that can be the only explanation with nobody wanting to play for him and him having no pulling power. Just hope our poster keeping tabs on such things has updated their database accordingly.
  14. Are these actual figures or something that he heard from someone in the pub or when out walking his dog? Still awaiting my response from him after calling his bs out...
  15. Oh come on @Eddie what was you expecting to find in the Warne Out thread? Oh wait, it's not, it's just another thread that will be hijacked for posting anti Warne comments...
  16. Like when Dean Sturridge went to Torquay? David Beckham to Preston maybe? The quality of a teams facilities should not really affect the quality of a player in my opinion.
  17. Are their careers nosediving though or is just proof that Derby are making the right decision to let them go? Struggling to think of many that we have let go that have gone on to higher levels.
  18. So promising that he can't even get in Gateshead team...
  19. When was he dumped right out of the squad?
  20. Because they are running out of things to say. After losing at Stevenage the complaint was we got bullied. Today we competed and then went for it in the last 20/30 minutes. Still not good enough for the haters though, they would have done it better.
  21. Worked extremely well today as we didn't concede. Bradley a very well deserved MOTM, didn't put a foot wrong all game and won every single header.
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