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  1. Clap
    Archied got a reaction from ramit in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yes the push to vaccinate children who are at next to no risk from covid with a vaccine that doesn’t stop them catching and spreading it and can cause them harm really should be a concern to any rational person , it’s just one area of many where people really should be questioning where we are going with all this 
  2. Clap
    Archied got a reaction from maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    It’s bizarre,,
    watched some of the doctor Malone podcast ,from what I can see he is very highly qualified, has loads of peer reviewed studies to his name and though it’s the first time I’ve seen joe rogan he certainly didn’t come across as some rabid right wing shock jock ,
    we really are in the midst of the sticky label era ??‍♂️
  3. Clap
    Archied reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Ok, you're clearly struggling to see that just because an opinion appears to be the majority/popular opinion, it does not mean it is, nor does it make it right. 
    What do you think was portrayed as the majority/popular opinion in 1930s Germany.
    I'll leave that one with you.
  4. Clap
    Archied reacted to Red_Dawn in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I’ve had both original covid jabs in May. Didn’t stop me getting Omicron and I won’t be getting anymore. 
    It’s neither justified or proportionate for me to get one basically every six months for a minor cold that has almost no chance of making me severely ill.
    Others are different, I think boosters are a great option for those who are vulnerable, but me personally I won’t be continuing with it. 
    Also - comments like those made my Trudeau, and in this country Blair and Javid, make me less likely to comply. People don’t react well to be coerced, threatened or scapegoated. 
  5. Clap
    Archied got a reaction from Red_Dawn in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Yes the push to vaccinate children who are at next to no risk from covid with a vaccine that doesn’t stop them catching and spreading it and can cause them harm really should be a concern to any rational person , it’s just one area of many where people really should be questioning where we are going with all this 
  6. Like
    Archied got a reaction from RadioactiveWaste in watches....to dream on for   
    Went for the 42 , nice size 

  7. Like
    Archied got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    ? we are not far off being on the same page as far as I can see
  8. Cheers
    Archied got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    ?, glad you are on the mend 
    for me from the start of this ,no matter what variant the true facts have been that you are extremely unlucky if you suffer very badly or lose your life to covid rather than lucky if you catch it and are ok ,
    I honestly don’t think enough focus has been put on why that is , why are some so badly affected and the best way to protect them without destroying the world as we know it , now some will call me far worse than just harsh for holding that view??‍♂️
  9. Clap
    Archied reacted to Anon in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    It is utterly laughable that you believe "fact checking" sites on a page 1 google hit are impartial.
  10. Clap
    Archied reacted to uttoxram75 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    The World Health Organisation should be completely free of any outside interference, corporate or governmental, but unfortunately their funding is heavily dependent on pharmaceutical corporations, either directly or through individuals and politicians with vested interests.
    The only way to stop conspiracy theories and genuine scepticism of the whole narrative would be complete transparency of funding from every organisation that advises governments, from politicians to fact checking companies, and yes, from antivaxxers themselves.
    Loads of people scoff when people say "follow the money",  but hedge funds, very wealthy individuals and corporations, do not fund research that may hurt their profits. 
    Full financial transparency is the only way we will ever get honest debate nowadays. 
    Years ago, a group calling themselves The Taxpayers Alliance were on TV and in all the papers talking about governments wasting tax money on all sorts of stuff. It turned out they were funded by tax dodging corporations to influence less spending on public services while  making tax evasion easier for themselves.
    Whatever your views on Covid, vaccines or anything else for that matter, just take a moment to ask yourself "who is funding the information I'm reading or listening to?".
    If that info is not easily available, then maybe you should be a tad sceptical until you know a bit more.
    Its horrible being old and cynical but unfortunately, thats how our world is. When you think about it, its a very small and powerful group who truly influence the big decisions.
  11. Clap
    Archied reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I have as much trust in the WHO as I do our Government.
  12. Clap
    Archied reacted to G STAR RAM in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    How can you decide what the majority of the experts say when many of the  experts are blocked?
    Basically youre saying that you agree with the majority of what you are allowed to read.
    Of course if you do steer away from MSM, and review a wide range of opinions, this may not be the case.
  13. Clap
    Archied reacted to cstand in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    The left wing cancel culture mob are giving Joe Rogan a hard time because he does shows with Peter Schiff who criticises socialism on a regular basis. 
    I for one will listen to what he has to say about covid then make my mind up.

  14. Cheers
    Archied got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Keep well mate
  15. Like
    Archied reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I know you weren't asked me but absolutely.
    Whatever your opinions of Joe Rogan are, listen to a guy that has probably done more than most to keep you alive should you have needed it over the past couple of years - and is continuing to work on new and improved treatments.
  16. Clap
    Archied reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    So right wing he endorsed Bernie Sanders ?
    You stick to what the media tells you, anyone that does listen to it will learn something.
  17. Clap
    Archied reacted to maxjam in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    I don't need to google Joe Rogan, I've watched plenty of his podcasts - some he treats more seriously than others.
    This one happened to be a very good one otherwise I wouldn't have mentioned it.  If you're not going to watch it due to some predefined opinion then fair enough, we have nothing to talk about. 
    For those that are interested Dr Robert Malone discusses his employment history, his work on mrna tech, his covid anti-virals that are currently undergoing FDA approval, his social media cancellation, why hospitals and Doctors aren't incentivized to administer early treatment, politicization of covid, media bias and more.
    The guy has a lifetime in not only virology but the Government and boards and organizations that govern various aspects of medicine.  If you want to broaden your knowledge, its well worth the 3hr time investment.
    EDIT: Furthermore what you are falling into a social media constructed echo chamber.  Dr Malone gets cancelled from twitter, limiting his options to get his message out so he appears on Joe Rogan - that the media have already told you is a shock jock.  Whatever your opinion of Joe Rogan you should be listening to his guests (Dr Malone in this instance) and forming an opinion/fact checking what it is they are saying.
  18. Clap
    Archied reacted to Kathcairns in Alan Nixon Breaks Silence on American Billionaire Bid   
    Agree, the european cup used to be for champions of each country with home and away games, so how can anyone win it now who is not even champion of their own league. To me you cant be champions of europe when you havnt even won your own league, just have you have said to much money,ruined the game.
  19. COYR
    Archied got a reaction from Comrade 86 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    As I’ve said before , this is about the only place I talk about politics, covid and emotive stuff , avoid it like the plague with mates and workmates so probably get into it a bit too lively at times , good thing is I’m not one to hold onto grudges or believe opinions on any one are define the whole person 
    happy new year?, good thing is Derby are giving us something to talk about in other topics?
  20. Cheers
    Archied reacted to Wolfie in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Maybe. You seem to think I’m a Boris fanboy. I’m not. 
    Try reading my post. 
    Happy new year. 
  21. Cheers
    Archied reacted to Comrade 86 in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    Wasn't singling out you mate, honestly! Was only a jokey post anyway, after the unofficial armistice of a week or so ago.
    In all seriousness though Archie, I know we've had our differences, but I do think sometimes you take stuff too much to heart and also assume you are the target when on occasions, it's not the case. 
    Anyway, not for me to give advice really so will just wish you and the curious collective who gather on this thread a pre-emptive happy new year. Hopefully 2022 allows us and our club to mend and move forwards once again.
  22. Like
    Archied got a reaction from Dean (hick) Saunders in The coronabrexit thread. I mean, coronavirus thread   
    As always the answer will lay somewhere in the middle??‍♂️
  23. Like
    Archied reacted to Patrick Rams in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Absolutely massive game now on Monday! I've always thought it would be nigh on impossible for us to defy the odds and stay up..but a win v Reading will have me thinking maybe just maybe.. Who's with me on this?
  24. Clap
    Archied reacted to kevinhectoring in Stoke City (A) Matchday Thread   
    Saw the covid answer. But for all the endless comments about having a thin squad, it’s becoming quite difficult to decide who to leave on the bench. And that’s before Bielik comes roaring back 
  25. Like
    Archied got a reaction from Cisse in watches....to dream on for   
    Just got a very good deal on a new Panerai submersible, a thing of beauty ?
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