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Posts posted by DCFC27

  1. 1 minute ago, Ramarena said:

    They won’t be able comment on the status of the stadium to Gibson, nor should they!

    Personally I feel they should answer each and every point. I have had a feeling that MM is still pulling the strings ever since we entered admin. 

    Answer the question Admins. 

    Fans more that Gibson welcome the transparency of the situation. 

    let’s step back a moment, is it possible that it’s not their spurious claims that are holding the process up, or is it the main villain MM wanting too much for the stadium. 

  2. Gibson’s statement is interesting… especially as it’s so openly calling out the admin… Gibson has said previously that he believes there are “People” still involved at Derby that he wants gone due to his belief we cheated.
    I think his point here is he still thinks Mel is pulling the strings, and he wants Mel out of the picture completely before he drops his vendetta. 
    IMO - It’s reported that Mel Morris wants 20million for the stadium. Why aren’t we making more of a fuss about this, I’d be quite happy to give Gibson £20m if it meant Mel got none. 
    My view on this is now Gibson might not necessarily want money out of this, more that he’s using this as leverage to get MM out of the picture completely. 


    I’m not supporting him but I do want the admin to respond to this. 

  3. Could we approach the club to get some Derby legends/past players/celebrities to put on a bit of an event at PP stadium? 
    charge everyone £30/40 entry and pass buckets around the ground to raise some money? 

    Get the like of Niall Horgan to play a song or two. Couple of tails from players that played under Brian Clough. Even recent players with a bit or personality in front of a crowd like of Savage, Bent, hey even Frank Lampard and Wazza! 

    30,000 at £40 1.2 million - plus donations, may also attract some national media to increase donations.

    When all is said and done the admin just have to put a proviso in that we as fans get a seat at the table with the next owners? Not to necessarily make decisions, just have transparency over the running of the club. 

    Not many institutions have this unique ability raise money in this way at short notice. 

  4. I know how this sounds but at this point it’s probably worth going nuclear. Admin release a statement saying no progress is being made, unless Wycombe and Bora drop their lawsuits or the EFL intervention the club goes into liquidation next week. 
    Either they back off, we fall into liquidation or someone actually takes on the lawsuits. Either way we get an answer. 
    IMO the admin have done their job, they have everyone around the table, the EFL and other clubs are stopping this so rather than death my a thousand cuts, lets just chop off the head or maybe escape last second. 
    In business you have to make things happen, at the moment we’re just pussyfooting around and nothing is being done. You have to say it and follow through. 

  5. 10 hours ago, IslandExile said:

    There's more to life than money.

    You may be too short sighted to understand that there's even more to life than Derby County.

    This is nothing to do with Newcastle United or the views of their entitled fans.

    This is to do with Mike Ashley, the unpleasant person and terrible employer.

    So swivel whatever you like.... And learn more about life, the world and everything in it.

    Yeah I forgot how well majored most other premier league clubs owners made their money. 
    Ashley is what he is, he puts people on seton hour contracts and minimum wage expecting you to work during that time you’re there. Shock.

  6. 4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    As good as your speech is, it is you that is wrong.

    They are not answerable to me in anyway shape or form.

    You may think they are answerable to you, but they are not.

    Nothing pedantic about it, administrators are appointed to serve the best interests of the creditors, not the customers. 

    They are not answerable to you or I. They are to a collective fan base. 
    As it happens, every ticket counts. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Gaspode said:

    Sorry but you really don't understand the role of the Administrators - of course there is no club without the fans, but that doesn't mean that the Administrators are required/need to speak to the fans. The are answerable to the creditors (only), not the fan base.

    Providing an update to us is a courtesy, which they do because they appreciate the links between the club and its supporters, but they are solely there to maximise the return to the creditors - preferably via a sale, but if not, by liquidating the club and selling off whatever has any value.....


    If the admin engage with Fan's, more fans turn up to games and make Derby look more saleable. 

    If they don’t, no relationship is built, lack of interest/encouragement, lower attendances. Valuation impacted. 

    Like I say, getting the best deal for the creditors includes keeping a healthy line of comms with the biggeststakeholders.


    I will repeat, I disagree with the demand letter for answers on all parts of our club, but fans asking is there any update, is a fair question and the administrators should be doing anything they can to keep fans on board. 

  8. 1 hour ago, gfs1ram said:

    The Administrators main responsibility is to maximise the return to the Creditors by what ever means that may take.

    (Hence possible 'fire sale' of players in January if no deal is agreed soon )


    So maximising the return… selling the club. 

    If the admin engage with Fan's, more fans turn up to games and make Derby look more saleable. 

    If they don’t, no relationship is built, lack of interest/encouragement, lower attendances. Valuation impacted. 

    Like I say, getting the best deal for the creditors includes keeping a healthy line of comms with the biggest stakeholders.


    I will repeat, I disagree with the demand letter for answers on all parts of our club, but fans asking is there any update, is a fair question and the administrators should be doing anything they can to keep fans on board. 


  9. 2 hours ago, Boycie said:

    Well, I’m not sweating over a sale, what will change?  Wayne wants to possibly get extra players in, that in my opinion could break the current team’s togetherness.

    Lets get this team going from strength to strength.

    yes we have Jags and our number 9 contracts expiring in two weeks.

    Can we not extend on same terms? 

    Think we need the deposit money in order to do so 

  10. 13 hours ago, Gee SCREAMER !! said:

    What if his knee goes though.  Will be another Thorne.  I can't see he'll be risked at all in the position where in.  As a club, they can't risk having a crocked player, we still owe money for, on a good wage.  I think he'll go if we get an offer  - maybe 3 million ro alub wir parachute payments or bottom of the prem- not to much of a gamble if they can get 10 games out of him .  Wouldn't be surprised to see him back at Arsenal in lieu of 3 million owed.  Get him fit and loan him out for a fee, with another fee on top if stays fit and double their money with more too come from us. Always found it strange they waived the instalment  they were owed  - first dibs maybe

    Can’t see him getting more than a million on that basis 

  11. 12 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    They are not providing a service to the fans and are not answerable to us in anyway.

    The service they are providing is for the creditors.

    I think this is what many are failing to see.

    You are  just taking a pedantic view here. 
    If you don’t think that an institution that is built upon fans paying to keep a club running isn’t answerable to its main income stream then I’d have to question your logic. 

    No fans, no income, no club. 

    The fans are the clubs customers, in fact its their whole customer base. And without the income from season tickets, match day tickets and hot dogs. They’d have nothing to rescue. 

    So, it’s not very often I would say this so plainly. You are wrong. They are answerable to the fan base as a whole, as we are their biggest stakeholders.

    I do disagree with making a list of demands though, just a line asking for a quick update would suffice and waste less time and hysteria. 



  12. 4 hours ago, Carl Sagan said:
    • Lawrence - huge wages and should get a reasonable fee
    • Bielik - ditto
    • Joz - similar
    • Marshall - as not playing
    • Buchanan - should get a fee and we have plenty of cover
    • Baldock - not good enough so we can save on wages

    Between them the money raised and the wages saved we should survive as a club for long enough to get a deal over the line and that's all that matters.

    Beliek would be bad business, we owe too much, we wouldn’t get enough to pay Arsenal back. 

  13. 4 hours ago, G STAR RAM said:

    Id rather people just left the administrators get on with their job to be honest.

    What difference is them providing answers to these questions going to make to the process?

    Any negatives answers will play into the hands of any vultures circling around our youngsters, any positive answers will be passed off as spin or lies.

    The only thing I want to hear from the administrators is when a deal is done, I dont even need to know who the preferred bidder is, its completely irrelevant to me and the whole process.

    Whilst I agree it doesn’t make the process move any faster, you can’t blame fans for asking the question. Ultimately the service they are (currently) providing is for the fans. Keeping the club going for the fans. 
    At the same time I don’t agree the demand for answers on x number of topics. That does waste time. 
    A letter along the lines of 

    Mr Admin,

    You told us you expected to be naming a preferred bidder imminently, have you got any further update you can share? 

    Now he’s going to get someone to spend a day drafting a reply, check it over, check with his legal team it’s not going to jeopardise anything, potentially have to run it buy the preferred bidders Legal team. By which time something might have changed and they’ll have to redraft. 

    Just asking is there any update, would have been much more useful. If we do get a reply to this, it can only mean nothing is happening in January IMO 


  14. Will be interesting how we go into the next league game, I like the set up we’ve been going with. As much as I love CKR and Ebosele they both seem to suit being impact players. Imagine after 60 minutes of keeping Plange/Knight/Joz/Lawrence quiet your suddenly introduced two fresh and physical players one that will rough you up and another that will run through you (quite literally). Sounds harsh on Kazim but 3/3 from the bench… Plange has the important role of running them ragged for 60 minutes first though. 

    I wouldn’t be surprised if we name a strong squad for Saturday either, FA cup runs would add some needed income. 

  15. I do find the supporters meetings all a bit strange. Somehow they’re picking a select few to speak to directly but not the whole fan base. I said this last time, to avoid all of this they should record the meeting or do it on Facebook live etc etc. They could still have selected fans in the room with them and even pick q&as from both live and virtual audiences. 
    The current method is out of day and seems to bring frustration to fans wanting information and unnecessary pressure/stress on those invited. 

  16. Personally I feel we should keep as many players as possible from our main squad at the moment for league one, some exceptions such as Jozwiak/CKR/Baldock. 
    But I do feel a season in league one would suit a lot of our youngsters and if we can keep Lawrence/Knight/Davies/Jags it will have a nice core. 

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