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Everything posted by DarkFruitsRam7

  1. I shouldn’t have to do that to avoid seeing four tweet notifications in the space of nine minutes from the same bloke. Particularly when it’s clear that said bloke cares about how many people see his tweets.
  2. The constant pushing of his tweets is very annoying.
  3. I'd probably prefer this, but I can't see Barkley getting called up after not making this squad. I imagine Southgate is hyper-cautious when it comes to risking squad cohesion.
  4. I think football would have a much healthier future if we put aside history and rivalry and supported any club in a desperate plight. Yeah there were Reading fans that took the piss, but there would have been plenty that were supportive. And I’d rather support them with their struggles, which are looking just as bad as ours were, so we don’t lose another football club. There are far too many rich elites running and ruining the game for us peasants to be fighting amongst ourselves.
  5. That wasn’t how I expected the story to end!
  6. "Criticising" is a bit strong, but it's not a particularly encouraging interview.
  7. The second time was with wacky baccy so maybe that helped!
  8. I definitely found more enjoyment on the second watch because I knew what was going to happen, and so was better able to observe the changes to the characters and their motivations throughout the film. I just think it's a really layered, complex story that rewards repeat viewing. This obviously owes a lot to the source material.
  9. Changed my mind on second watch. Brilliant film and story. Craig Bryson / 10.
  10. Yes, but I think Ebiowei is generally more highly regarded by Derby fans.
  11. I'll be telling my charity of choice to expect your donation!
  12. I would happily make a friendly bet of a fiver, loser donates to charity. You back Tyson, I back Paul, draw no bet. You down?
  13. No chance I'm afraid mate! I do think the most likely outcome is a glorified spar, however. I don't think Paul is thick enough to think he'll come out the hero for sparking out a 58 year old with health problems.
  14. Wouldn't be so confident gents. This is an old man who shouldn't be in the ring with someone of prime age, regardless of their backgrounds. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/boxing/article-13170313/mike-tyson-health-issues-jake-paul-fight-age-57.html
  15. Unlike a lot of the other "Youtube boxing" fights, this announcement has gone down like a lead balloon. As it should. Fighting a near-pensioner is embarrassing. They even used an old picture of Tyson for the poster to make it look more legitimate.
  16. If Britain was getting absolutely obliterated by another country's bombs, I'm sure the British flag would be used as a point of pride by those protesting.
  17. Loved him at Derby. Probably the most exciting on-the-ball player I've seen play for us. Never understood why people preferred Ebiowei when Ebosele was just electric.
  18. That Shogun is supposed to be really good. Anyone seen it?
  19. I really enjoyed it but don’t think it quite deserves the hype it’s getting. The director clearly values how it looks over the smaller details of a scene. It does look and sound amazing, but some of the key scenes just miss the mark for me. Still very fun though. Ebiowei / 10.
  20. The Premier League finally cottoning on to how much of an embarrassment Marinakis is. Let’s hope he doesn’t resort to any explosive antics.
  21. I think it's wrong to recline any more than a tiny bit at any point during the flight tbh. Does my head in, especially when you're trying to watch a film.
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