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Posts posted by DerbyRevolution

  1. 33 minutes ago, Caerphilly Ram said:

    Hasn’t the point always been that this isn’t a straightforward, linear process? I always thought it was dependent on appointing a preferred bidder, them agreeing whether they would pay the debts up front or over time (the whole 35p vs 25p in the £ thing), which league we were going to be in may have been a factor also, plus the stadium. I remember reading HMRC wouldn’t discuss a final plan until a PB was appointed or something along those lines. Lots of moving parts.

    I’m not necessarily defending Quantuma, as they’ve presumably mishandled elements of this, nor am I willing to condemn them completely as MM clearly left the club in a complete state, which is one of the only definite facts available to us fans.

    Without all the other facts available to me about what has gone on behind the scenes I’d rather focus on the potential positives of a solution to this whole mess being apparently close and the club finally being able to move on from admin and the whole MM era.

    could a multi million pound company like Quantuma not have a formula or system ready and in place, this is in fact their day job is it not? we use similar complex programs daily for customers and the business is worth pittance compared to the figures Quantuma are dealing with.

    it should be as simple as inputting the data and getting the results....

    for example

    PB has offered £20 million, he wants to pay 25% of the debt over 2 years, therefore creditor A gets X, creditor B gets Y, creditor C gets Z on this date, this date and that date. 

    or maybe 

    PB has offered £28 million, but he wants to pay 35% over 3 years, therefore creditor A gets X, creditor B gets Y, creditor C gets Z on this date, this date and that date. 


  2. 4 minutes ago, alexxxxx said:

    Doubt they'll move the away fans again.

    I think they need to be that side in order to be closer to the station.

    the away fans are as far away from the station as they can get? 

    i dont think moving them is the answer though, lots of people in the south and east sit where they do to be near them 

  3. that's fair enough, i knew it wouldnt be a popular idea for people in those areas, intentions really are only to create a better look and atmosphere, irrelevant in some parts but the north stand really does like quite poor on tv

    i dont have my own seat as you put it, its not feasible or practical as i have my kids on alternate weekends. but i do go to every game. with the kids we sit in the east or north stand and alone or with mates i'd go in the south stand.

    do you think the match day experience is as good as it can get, nothing you would change if you could?

  4. 1 minute ago, Tamworthram said:

    I don’t think attendances will fall of the cliff in the way you seem to be anticipating. I hope not anyway. 

    didn't say they will fall off the cliff, but we could fill the ground in a better way with 23-25k.

    do you not think there's room for improvement?

  5. 4 minutes ago, Kathcairns said:

    Not a good idea. Sit in the north east corner, have done since pp opened and so do a lot round us. When fans have sat in the same seat for years it becomes your football family.

    it's an idea you don't agree with, it doesn't mean it's not a good one. change can be good 

  6. 14 minutes ago, jimtastic56 said:

    I have been doing some basic Maths - And would I be correct that a club like DCFC would sell around £5 millions worth of season tickets and receive around the same in T V money in the Championship? However in Div 1 the T V money drops to around £500,000? If so that is a huge drop.

    i worked it out around £4 million for season tickets. 16,000 x 250 average. obviously depends what split that is of adults and concessions 

    not sure on the tv money side

  7. Not really administration related but there was some messages in here about what Kirchner said in improving the match day experience so I'll stick my thoughts in here. 

    I'm aware this suggestion is not going to please a lot of people that sit in these areas but I would close the corners of the ground now relegation is confirmed for next season. 

    With lower attendances expected I feel this would improve the look and feel of the stadium. People in the south west and north east corners will therefore sit in the south, east, north and west stands making the ground feel fuller and also improving the look of games on tv. I'm aware there wont be many games on tv next season but fans watching highlights and seeing an empty north stand aren't going to think they are missing out on much. If money allows it, maybe ST holders that were asked to relocate could get a £50 rebate on a 23/24 season ticket

    Long term if the club is once again stable the first thing I would do if I was Kirchner is knock down the north west corner and build another south west style corner, the north west is a horrible eye sore and the non symmetry of the west stand as a whole is ugly. Lastly the idea of a Pride Plaza stuck onto the side of the east stand is a huge no, just look at Coventrys casino and there in tells you the answer. By all means build things around the ground but please no do not attach any buildings to the ground.

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