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Everything posted by RadioactiveWaste

  1. Was out doing things, turned on, decided to go over to BTCC for the afternoon. I'll watch the highlights later but I'd take a wild guess on grid order +/- tyre undercuts and dnfs.
  2. Yeah, was pretty dramatic. I think that's the first time I've seen a trackhaus bike on the tv coverage!
  3. no motogp spoilers pls. There's also BTCC from Donington Park and for the fans of only truning slightly left there's the indi500. I think there's also british gt this weekend.
  4. You'd have thought by now he'd have made peace with being a manager not being his thing but it seems another harsh lesson in the realities of football will be needed. As for Plymouth, not sure whay they actually think he's going to bring, i doubt sponsorship or press attention is enough to compensate for having a good manager.
  5. It's the Monaco grand prix! I know a lot of folks don't like it, but for those that do, qualifying is at 3pm. The big question, is this the year that Charles Leclerc breaks his monaco luck? (no, because Ferrari is Ferrari......)
  6. Inspired by the derbys a poo hole thread, Town planning is in no small part responsible for the state of many of our towns and cities. Misguided, easily persuaded by promises of investment, trend following, lack of understanding, poor policy decisions etc etc. Most of it not intended malevolently but short sighted and missing the point a huge amount of the time. I'm no libertarian let the market decide guide and I actually think planning is needed, I just lament the quality it has had in the UK over the last 60 years.
  7. The decline of so many cities in the UK is heartbreaking to see. Derby isn't particularly worse than any city of a similar profile or heritage in the UK.
  8. Better check PW hasn't had his bobble hat turned.
  9. Sad for Mowbray. Wish him the best for the future.
  10. And it's back to normal service....or is it? Verstappen actually had to work for that, and a so close yet so far race for Lando. Behind them Leckerc, Piastri and Sainz then the mercedes, Perez was completely anonymous except for a trip to the gravel and a surprisingly competent baby stroll with Yuki picking up another point and I'm sure for home they're all nail shaped in the F1 coffin of his team mate, close but no cigar for Haas getting a point and a horrible day for both Williams and Fernando.
  11. I still remember the league 1 play off Leeds lost to Doncaster (I think it was) - entire pre match was basically "Leeds on the way back to the big time" from sky sports....it was awesome.
  12. XG is still much misused in arguments and it's whilst the reported xG is the reported xG, it's the output of the mystical XG model and how much you pay attention to it depends entirely on how much faith you have in the xG model. XG isn't a bad thing, but it is what it is, no more or less and it is certainly not a "was a team good or bad quantified in a single number" which is what it seems to be used as in discussions a lot.
  13. Paul warne to Brighton, 48 hours, been told by sources.
  14. Well, at least max had to kind of pull his finger out half a knuckle to get pole I suppose. Good result for McLaren, meh for Ferrari, oh hello 23 spec Perez, where you been hiding? Speaking of which, great news for the Danny Ricciardo fans, he out qualified Perez. Bad news for Danny Ricciardo fans, Tsnuoda out qualified him. Story of day though has to be Hulkenherg who really looked impressive in what it has to be said, is a Haas team improved none by the absence of Gunther....K-mag had his lap spoiled but would likely have posted a decent time.
  15. F1 returns at Imola this weekend. Has the downfall of max Verstappen been somewhat prematurely declared? Will McLaren continue to impress? Will Ferrari upgrades work? Are mercedes still rubbish? Will this be the last race for Logan sergeant? Will Magnusson get himself a race ban, they used to be fairly regular back in the 90s I seem to remember.
  16. "Never seriously looked like flirting with relegation" lower mid table solid enough ish mediocrity is fine by me for the season ahead. Be nice if we can get a few good results along the way, or even a decent cup run.
  17. I'm expecting 1 barker like fee for Adams and a couple of small fees. Similar to this season, the number is the number, less on fees can be more on wages.
  18. Is anyone else convinced VAR was pushed for by the gambling industry far more than clubs or fans? Just a thought.
  19. Throw it in the bin. It's a game, accept the referee's decision. Mistakes happen, live with them. Every player on your team will make a mistake......... Wrong decisions don't ruin football, whining about wrong decisions ruins football. For saying all that, it's going to be amusing watching forest vote to keep var.
  20. Apparently Wolves are bringing a proposal to scrap VAR. Be interesting to see if Forest vote for it. I'd 100% bin VAR, but I'm resigned to never being rid of it and only hoping for it to become less bad.
  21. The culpability of Sam Rush in the downfall of the Mel Morris project is not as appreciated as it should be. The "troubled times" that started afterwards were in no small part due to the spending rush had been advising Mel to make. NDAs relating to the Mel Morris era should be respected no matter how much we all want to know.
  22. Moderators out of contract and not offered new terms........
  23. I'm just all for incremental changes towards the better. I was genuinely shocked the other week when my better half pulled up photos of me from before I stopped running with my knee injury. For me, I got to where I was slowly but surely, just learning to eat a bit less, eat a bit of fruit instead of the sweeties, and doing the running that I wanted to do (the trick is making yourself want these things). Everyone is different and and what works for different people in different ways is all good as there's a will to just get yourself a little healthier than before. It took me a while of not running to realise how important it had become to me. I was never fast, I got under 30 minutes at parkrun once, but I enjoyed a few half marathons and I like long slow runs when I am fit enough to do them, to a lot of people that's probably the most boring and rubbish fitness thing you could be doing. Some movement and some better food choices. It all helps.
  24. Well I had my Garmin ages down to 29 at my fittest but previously the highest was 47. I'm in between those two in physical existence.
  25. Managed a small jog this evening. It ain't much but it's something. Although Mr Garmin said I had a fitness age of 51 which is quite depressing.
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