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Everything posted by Grimbeard

  1. Sadly all this is true. Be we can always live in hope of another ownership masterstroke.
  2. No, not much different at all. Quod erat demonstrandum
  3. I mean that there should be the possibility that the title winners will come from outside a small cabal of self appointed 'big clubs'.
  4. Welease: Wodger Woderwick Bwian
  5. I genuinely don't know what this means.
  6. Killjoy! Of course we should.
  7. A league having the 'best' players, managers and coaches, doesn't necessarily make it the best in the world. Genuine competition and excitment are also needed, two things that are conspicuously absent in the PL.
  8. Hmm... Does he exist? Or is this so-called leroy a ploy of the football deep state shadow government? If he's real, is he a Luton fan? We should be told. I'm considering my options.
  9. Also called Paul Warne to ask if it was ok for him to stop by at Moor Farm.
  10. With my ethical head on, Bolton. Finished 3rd, they deserve it. With my historical head on, Bolton. Proper football club, mostly decent fans, been through the mill like us. With my selfish head on, whoever has the smallest budget to compete against.
  11. Release Fozzy? You cold hearted gits.
  12. For the record, when I say that you're on of my favourite posters, I don't mean that I have a large picture of tou on my wall.
  13. You're one of my favourite posters Mucker, but on this I have to say that you really are quite, quite wrong.
  14. How on Earth is it possible that 3 people can dislike this?
  15. Or: Cattle die, Kinsmen die. You yourself must oneday die. But a noble name will never die If good reputation one gets. The Havamal
  16. Why has my screen gone all blurry?
  17. With apologies to JRR Tolkien. Sons of Derby, of Derbyshire, my brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of the Rams fails, When we forsake our dreams and break. But it is not this day! An hour of Gumps and shattered shields when the age of heroes comes crashing down. But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth; Rams of Derby: Hold your ground, stand firm and win!
  18. I think it might be because the EFL are.... (deep breath).... Short-sighted, useles, incompetent, buffoons who have no idea of fair play and who wouldn't recognise a good idea if it were gift-wrapped and accompanied with a large neon sign saying ' A GOOD IDEA'.
  19. I agree, chuck it out. And put up with the mistakes, isn't that what living with it means?
  20. If it's not an obvious howler, the original decision stands, and we live with it. Referee errors are just part of the game. Over the last 150 odd years there will have been thousands of wrong calls, but that's still better than the current system that's sucking all the joy from the game.
  21. The only opinion that would matter would be the ref's, just as it always used to be. But now he would have the opportunity to review his desicion to help eliminate glaring errors.
  22. Hence "seemingly sizable". You're right of course, probably a very vocal minority.
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